Falconry, or hawking, is the sport of training birds of prey to hunt small animals.
Tag: skills
Downloads From The Past
- BalhafenBalhafen, on Keron Island, is an excellent natural harbour that hosted the doomed Ivinan fleet that set out to sack Thay.
- Bifyrd-FeronTwo convention-style adventures. You will need the Bifyrd-Feron article as well.
- Thonahexus 15Make way and give attention! Thonahexus 15 has arrived!
- Anrist PointRemote and mysterious Anrist Point, a fog-enshrouded limestone promontory jutting into the Sea of Ivae.
- Troop Combat with GACHouse rules for simplifying large battles by using General Armor Class (GAC) from CGI's Battlelust rules.
- RidowA number of possible descriptions of the underwater Earthmaster city.
- HundholtLocated on the Silver Way, Hundholt is the Moot of Fethael Hundred.