We’ve been waiting since 1989 for an official release of the Trierzon Regional Module. Since the split between CGI and NRC in 2003, this has looked even more unlikely than it was in the 1990’s, but one shouldn’t underestimate the power of the dedicated Hârniac! Conal Smith has poured an amazing amount of time into this stunning document.
Tag: Tarkain
Downloads From The Past
- Cynswyr AriensynA mysterious ring of ancient standing stones.
- Leriel MapsAutoCAD maps of the castle, saved as PDF files; high quality.
- Orbaal – Legacy of the ClansmenRugged Orbaal – a mountainous, inhospitable region which is possibly the most dangerous region of Harn. Includes Chapter 4 of The Saga of Gundar Green-Eye.
- Eliten ManorOne of Patrick Nilsson's earliest modules, Eliten Manor is still well worth downloading.
- The Wool MerchantA generic townhouse that can be used in any medieval setting.
- Vil AbbeySituated on a remote coast of Melderyn, this Save-K'norran abbey houses an extensive library of rare tomes.
- HenewesA small hamlet in Kaldor's Nelafayn Hundred.