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Downloads From The Past
- LosenorWhat would happen to characters who travelled via Godstone to Losenor, the destroyed home of the Earthmasters?
- Fate of HârnFate of Harn (FINAL) has been released; this version contains a Cheat Sheet for players and an updated character sheet.
- EdinoEdino guards a crossing of the Eryn River near Kuseme.
- Royal Court of KandayWho pulls the strings in Kanday's government? This 24-page article gives details on the holders of office, a day in the life of the king, and hopeful brides-to-be he might meet when his court travels.
- AstrologyA detailed astrology article with historical information and context, as well as an explanation of Astrology specific to Harn and to general astrology.
- TonotTonot in the far north of Kaldor is the last major settlement before the wilderness of Noron's Way.
- Tales of the Misty IslesA collection of stories about a group of companions.