A “whodunnit” style murder mystery set in northern Melderyn.
Tag: Ukult
Downloads From The Past
- Knights of Lynnfana HundredTwenty heraldic achievements of minor knights inhabiting Lynnfana Hundred
- Sail Ho!An adventure to accompany FFF6, the Hârn-Firefly cross-over.
- Harn AstrologyThe Harnic Astrology program takes a fully functional and richly detailed Earth-based Astrology Program ("SymSolon") (GNU) and changes the parameters to produce output appropriate for the Harnic Isles and the planet (solar system) of Kethira.
- Zerhun ExpansionThis eight page article expands on the updated release of Zerhun by Columbia Games Inc., adding detail to "one of Hârn’s most impressive engineering achievements.”
- Peleahn Spells62 unofficial Peleahn spells.
- Menema Regional MapA map of Menema in Hepekeria. The bundle also includes an index, although incomplete.
- Cyre ManorA small manor in Kaldor's Nelafayn Hundred.