Minor updates to Maerlith, Edino, Gurian, and Gemela.
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Downloads From The Past
- RavinRavin lies at the center of a region crucial to Kanday'a security.
- HârnMaster Equipment RecordThe HârnMaster Equipment Record is a blank Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet with several tabs for players to record what their characters have with them.
- Spells of Kaelyn AlettaFour Odivshe spells created by Kaelyn Aletta (see FFF 15) for her advancement to shenava.
- Friends, Foes & Followers — Part 16 Standing Bear InnFriends, Foes & Followers is a GM resource that uses a common format for presenting 2 pages of information about a character. All characters in this edition are from the Standing Bear Inn in Olokand, or may be visitors at the inn during the Olokand tournament.
- Tashal: Haldana RowIn the city of Tashal, Haldana Row is home to a diverse group of people: wealthy, highborn, mysterious.
- Astaroc’s TownhouseAstaroc Cranelson, an accomplished Odivshe Viran and a royal bastard, has never been recognized by the monarchs of Kaldor as family, but that hasn’t really bothered him. But he could yet play a role in the Kaldoric succession.
- The Green Dragon InnThe Green Dragon is a busy, prosperous inn on the north side of Minarsas.