HRT : Peoni
This site is the archive of the Peoni section of the Hârn Religion Team.
The main
HRT page provides links to all the individual sections,
which are currently sited severally around the world.
Note that some of the documents use the Peonian
Calendar rather than Tuzyn Reckoning. To convert years from the former
to the latter, simply subtract 600. That is, 1300 SA is 700 TR.
The Church
Peonian Calendar
An alternative to Tuzyn Reckoning, listing religious rituals and saints'
days. Author: David Millians
Peonian Saints Days
More on the religious festivals of the Peonian year.
Church History
A history of the church from both a Hârnic and objective viewpoint,
with some information on earlier Jarind gods. Uses tables. Author: David
A radically different belief-system based on Peoni's omnipotence. Author:
Rachel Kronick
Ceremonies, Myths, and Rituals
Angyla : a Peonian peasant festival
A general description of a Hârnic custom, with two particular examples.
Author: Jamie Norrish
The Death of Maermal
The myth of Maermal's death at the hands of Agrik and his subsequent
resurrection. Author: Jamie Norrish
Orsha the Giant and the Rescue of Peoni
A Peonian myth of the coming of winter. Author: Jamie Norrish
Life Stages and their Baptisms
A description of Peonian rites of passage, from birth to burial.
The Meadows of Valon: Peonian Saints
Information on the Peonian heaven, including the the goddess's divine servants and saints.
- A Peonian Funeral
- Description of Peonian funeral rituals.
Prayers, Sermons, and other texts
A Peonian Bishop's Diary
A number of entries taken from the diary of Sulaplyn Atan of Eslon from Shorkyne
during his visit to the Peonian temple at Tashal in the Kingdom of Kaldor.
Author: Jamie Norrish
Adventure of St. Mykkel the Pig
The incomplete script of a play, telling the story of the evil Harrack's
defeat at the hands of Peoni and St. Mykkel, patron saint of Tonot, Kaldor.
Author: Jamie Norrish
Oh Peoni
The text of the most prevalent general prayer to Peoni. Author: Magnus
Sermon on the Symbols
The text of a sermon on the nature of certain Peonian symbols. Author: Magnus
A Letter from Sister Anna
An account of the Peonian Church in the west of Hârn. Author: Rebecca Downey.
HRT Archive: Peoni
Document created: 7 April 1998
Last updated: 3 April 2001 by James Chokey