To District Legar Wytel
28st of Nuzyael, 718


This letter is to inform you that we can, this season, send you two Tenaci of full-time recruits. Our total muster of 34 men and women was met bringing the total mustered from Coranan Province back up to 77.  Unfortunately all of them are green. I've chosen full-timers to act as their Milities Primi, but we do not have sufficient Equestrians to send you a Mani this season. At least one Tenaci should be held on reserve if possible.

. . .

The training of your Tenaci goes well. The new recruits entered the encampment about a month ago and have already learned the basics of sword play, shield usage, sickle, and javelin. Once a week we teach them survival tactics and legion burocracy basics. Foraging, legion heraldry and physicianry begins in the next few days. Of the masses who applied for membership on their 16th birthday, more than a 1/4 have dropped out due to health, fitness or cowardice. Of the few we have remaining, I recommend four to your attention.

Fennelisa of Husnar is an active young woman who comes to us with woodcraft and a sense of adventure. She is reasonably skilled with what we taught her already. In addition she is patient and self-reliant, often finding solutions to problems as they present themselves. In her first few days here she had to help her Milities Primus (Caius - son of Thor; the Wytel bodyguard in Coranan if I remember correctly) reclaim the footlockers that had been mysteriously removed from the green barracks. She managed to gather Willom, a cart and a donkey with little or no supervision. A rare trait among the current batch of legionnaire recruits, I am sorry to say. As I watched she organized the loading, and moving of the cart without supervision, and acted like it was well within her right to take the footlockers out of red barracks and move them into green. I believe the veterans stole the lockers as a practical joke.

Antonius of Amysn is a young lad with an interesting history. Sister Anna (the leader of the local Peonian Church) has often enquired after this lost soul. It seems Antonius spent his last three years as a squire to the Laranian Knights that serve in the Peonian Church. An odd carreer choice for a Tanner's son; but then he appears studious and hard working. He tries hard to fade into the background and acts as a strong pair of hands where needed. He was one of the first to break his thumb in sword training. The break, according to the physician, was so slight that a few days in bandages was all that was required. He is a perfect example of the use of the religious inside the cohort. Perhaps he should be our representative in such matters? After he gains in experteese of course. I will not send a recruit into a sitation I do not believe he is ready for and nor should you sir.

Corneilius comes to us with recomendations from Vurnt of Masane (an up-and-comming litigant in Coranan.) Citizen Masane hired a watcher for young Corneilius, but the lad is too smart to so casually get into trouble. He's a fellow easily roused to the cause. He appears lazy, but he moves quick enough when you tell him what to do, or how to do it. He's got a keen sense of the finer things in life but was born a citizen.

Caius of Wytel is the Milities Primus for this odd group of Corananians. He's a short giant (whereas his father, Thor, is a tall giant) of remarkable strength and mental reserves. His brother, Willom, is still with him - but I think Willom will be going home after Caius finishes training his Tenaci. Perhaps he could be the head of the "garrison guard" you recommended in your previous letter. I would ask that you assign Caius and his Tenaci the tasks of the "garrison guard" to see if such an organization could be possible. Perhaps Caius's new tenaci could be paried with a veteran tenaci - and a full Maniple (with a Manius of your recommendation) be used as this "patrolling force" within the legion to help fight the corruption. I realize such a force has not yet been approved by the Senate, but I do not see why 1 maniple requires such approval. General Kronos's initial idea is still sound, although I wonder as to your intentions, with all due respect, in supporting such an unpopular idea.

There's a new one yet to be introduced to the group: Gainas. He's being trained as a Milities Fabrica, having book knowledge acquired from before his date of entry into the legion. Gainas should be joining us this coming week. I'd like to keep him with Caius's group because they are 1 man short, and because a garrison guard requires a Fabrica more than most.

. . .

In other news, the veterans are becoming upset because the Senate is balking at the idea of preparing lands for their mustering out over the next four years. veterans do not believe being sent to Taztos is any kind of reward. Senator Shomeh of Elernin, whom everyone knows is Triberties Linari Kronos's puppet, has argued against this tact vehimently but to no effect. Short of a war, the veterans will be hard pressed to prove they have earned much more than their citizenship. Rumor has it that some Senators are suggesting raising the retirement age within the legion to buy them more time. But we both know that is a ruse. The land will be found and given to the worthy if only from legion stores with or without the Senate's approval. You, sir, would better understand than I why such games are played in the Senate.

. . .

Verus rings with the sound of training and practice. A glorious sound sir, one I wish you were here to hear. With the godesses good graces this training period will go smoothly. So long as nothing goes amiss, my next dispach should travel with the tenaci to Fobin.

Your humble servant,
Hordal Cosele, Triberties Linari, Coranani Legion, Coranan district.

This page was last updated on January 23, 2002
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