In the fall of 2000 I got a wonderful early Christmas gift from Mark Abbott. He sent me his works on Azerya, and parts of Hepekeria. As loath as I am to modify them, I've made a few adjustments - making the indexes similar to my own, formatting the pages and correcting broken links. Marks work is quite extensive and uses the odd scanned images from Columbia Games Lythia module/HarnWorld module to show where exactly these places are on the world of Harn. His works on Hepekeria should be up here in the near future. First off I wanted to concentrate on Azerya.
Azerya has a special place in my heart because it is the very rough equivalent of Rome on this world. Actually it's more a Bizantian city state that survived tribal incursion and is only now begining to shrink due to economic and social pressure; but that's another editorial.
Azeryani PCs
This article details how to make a PC from Azeryani. It was originally written by Mark Abbott, I just updated the information to work with HMC.Cult of Azer
Details the social and historical aspects of the primary god in Azerya. Written by Mark Abbott.
Cultural Overview
Cultural impressions from within Azerya and from visitors. By Mark AbbottGovernment & Law
The government and law structure in Azerya from a layman's point of view. By Mark AbbottHeruli
The semi-nomadic tribes that were civilized by the Azeryani. Includes general historical details of their interaction. By Mark AbbottLanguage
Brief discussion on the two official languages of Azerya. By Mark AbbottLankorium
The semi-nomadic tribes that were civilized by the Azeryani. Includes general historical details of their interaction. By Mark AbbottLeisure Time
How the Azeryani life makes room for leisure activities. By Mark AbbottMilitary
A discussion on the importance of the role of the Military in Azeryani culture and society. By Mark AbbottReligion
A brief description of the gods and religions of Azeryani Society. By Mark Abbott.Order of the Salamander
A political order associated with Peleahn magic and the church of Agrik. They have their own social agenda. By Mark AbbottSocial Classes
The six major social classes of Azeryani Society defined. By Mark Abbott.Social Organization
The ties which act to creat social groups - primarily patronage and family. By Mark Abbott.
A time line from BT 250 to 719TR. References a few Azeryan articles. By Mark Abbott.Warriors of Beyrone
A sorcerous order, founded in Hepenolis in 338TR. Became an order opposing Navehian worship. By Mark Abbott.Xerchrensitic Sorcery
The predominant local magical system is distince and a different philosophical underpinnings. By Mark Abbott.
This page was last updated on
January 23, 2002
Questions/Comments should be directed to the Webmaster.
All works are Copyright their respective
authors, 2002.