House Rules
Run any game long enough and you'll end up modifing it to suite your fancy. Here are our house rules.
For HârnMaster I
A Linear Approach [HTML 23kb]A modification to strength damage with the character's strength, and weight in mind. Written by A.H. Nicoletti.
Falling Damage [HTML 6kb] How much damage should you take when you fall?. Written by Bill Gant.
Psionics [HTML 43KB] Gary Ashburn's Alternate Psionics and Etherial rules.
Stat Improvement Rules [HTML 16KB] Eric J. Anderson's post to the HarnList from long ago details one method for improving a stat.
For HârnMaster Core
Unarmed Combat [HTML 22kb] How to add Martial Arts to your HârnMaster I or HarnMaster II game. Written by A.H. Nicoletti.
HerbLore[HTML 16kb] How many herbs an N/PC knows, and how to determine it.
A Linear Approach [HTML 23kb]A modification to strength damage with the character's strength, and weight in mind. Written by A.H. Nicoletti.
The house rules [HTML 18KB] Heres the miscellaneous rules I've added to HMC. These should be taken along with the others listed under the tile of "For HârnMaster Core".
System Generic House Rules
Character Worksheet [Word97 ZIP 13kb] This is used to flesh out the character, record the inital stats and background information when generating a character. Based on a RoleMaster Character Worksheet by Gerry Beaudoin.
Stat Improvement [HTML 13KB | PDF 81KB] Rules for HM1/HMC/HM3 on how to improve a character's stats.
Written Works [HTML 15KB | PDF 106KB] Rules for HM1/HMC/HM3 on how to gain skill improvement rolls from reading books.
This page was last updated on
April 10, 2005
Questions/Comments should be directed to the Webmaster.
All works are Copyright their respective
authors, 2002.