The Double-Knight's Fife of Ernoll
Established: 658 TR Location: Themesonshire, Kingdom of Rethem Holder: Cohorts of Gashang
(Meketa Warian of Ajesh)Liege: Church of Agrik Population: - This article is in the works. I've already finished the Scarlet Spear - and the maps are also available - all that's lacking are the details.
Themeson Keep
Established: Location: Themesonshire, Kingdom of Rethem Holder: Cohorts of Gashang Liege: Church of Agrik Population: - I need to finish this article quickly. It too is in the works.
The Town of Cinar
Gerdel Hundred, Themesonshire, Kingdom of Rethem
Cohorts of Gashang
Meketa Warian of AjeshLiege:
Church of Agrik,
Cinar: Introduction | Fort | Map Key | Village | MBF | VCF | Details
Finished during the "dry spell" it even includes a black and white map. While the town may not be "standard", it is an intersting place to visit.This page was last updated on
June 17, 2002
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All works are Copyright their respective
authors, 2002.