Legion Dispatch Nuzyael 719

Nuzyael 719
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Legion Dispatch: -01
Real Date: December 15th, 2001

Nuzyael 1, 719 Sunrise 7:00 Sunset 17:00 High: 57 Low: 47
0:00 52'(Chilly) Cloudy Showers 0 (Calm) S -> N
4:00 49'(Chilly) Cloudy Showers 0 (Calm) S -> N
8:00 49'(Chilly) Clear Fog 2 (Steady) SE->NW
12:00 55'(Cool) Cloudy Showers 2 (Steady) S -> N
16:00 56'(Cool) Cloudy Showers 1 (Light)S -> N
20:00 52'(Chilly) Clear Fog 1 (Light)SE->NW

The war begins: On the first of the new year, the legions of Tharda pour over the border and begin the conquest of Themeson.


Legion dispatch 719 - 2:
Real Date: January 12th, 2002

Nuzyael 2, 719 Sunrise 6:59 Sunset 17:01 High: 48 Low: 35
0:00 46'(Chilly) Clear Fog 2 (Steady) SE->NW
4:00 47'(Chilly) Cloudy Showers 0 (Calm) S -> N
8:00 36'(Very Cold) Overcast Hail 10% 2 (Steady) NW->SE
12:00 38'(Very Cold) Cloudy Showers Snow 60% 3 (Gale) SW->NE
16:00 41'(Cold) Overcast Hail 10% 3 (Gale) NW->SE
20:00 39'(Very Cold) Cloudy Showers Snow 60% 1 (Light)SW->NE

Hold until Relieved: forced to guard the only available road against the possibility of counter-attack, the party is left with few choices.


Legion dispatch 719 - 3:
Real Date: January 26th, 2002

Nuzyael 3, 719 Sunrise 6:58 Sunset 17:02 High: 39 Low: 29
0:00 32'(Freezing) Cloudy Showers Snow 75% 3 (Gale) SW->NE
4:00 30'(Freezing) Cloudy Showers Snow 75% 1 (Light)SW->NE
8:00 33'(Very Cold) Cloudy Showers Snow 60% 2 (Steady) SW->NE
12:00 37'(Very Cold) Cloudy Showers Snow 60% 3 (Gale) SW->NE
16:00 38'(Very Cold) Cloudy Showers Snow 60% 1 (Light)SW->NE
20:00 36'(Very Cold) Cloudy Showers Snow 60 %1 (Light)SW->NE

They held the road and were, at last relieved. There was no third rush and thus much of the last minute defenses were not used. With Themeson fallen at long last, the legion marched through the night and now camps at the party's outpost.

The dead were gathered in their absence and hastily buried among the trees. The gravesite was blessed by Peonians, Laranians and Haleans in hopes of stilling the wandering dead or their spirits who may linger too long. Among the charred were numbered some 30 squires, 17 agrikan knights and 10 priests in armour. There were also 83 militia men and 17 men at arms This totaled 50 horsemen and 100 men on foot that attacked them in the first wave.

They gave their report to Horrik Barral and shared his dinner/breakfast sometime in the twilight hours. What they saw, what they went through was shocking or awakening to each of the party - for no two saw the same thing; and if it did happen - only they five remember it.


Legion Dispatch 719 - 4:
Real Date: Feburary 9th, 2002

Nuzyael 4, 719 Sunrise 6:57 Sunset 17:03 High: 44 Low: 34
0:00 38'(Very Cold) Cloudy   1 (Light)SW->NE
4:00 34'(Very Cold) Cloudy   3 (Gale) NW->SE
8:00 42'(Cold) Cloudy   1 (Light)SW->NE
12:00 42'(Cold) Cloudy   2 (Steady) NW->SE
16:00 42'(Cold) Cloudy   3 (Gale) NW->SE
20:00 39'(Very Cold) Clear   2 (Steady) N -> S


The legion finally arrived at the border town of Cinar to find the village deserted. While the various units struggle to build an officer town just outside the village, Fobin I:I was sent in to explore the town. They returned with confirmation of the scout's initial report. The officer town had to be moved after several unconsecrated grave sites were found.

After meeting briefly with an old friend of Thor's and learning that at least one senator was going to visit Cinar before the closing of hostilities, the party went one watch for the night. Walking by the initial site of the officer's town gave both Antonius and Fennelisa the creeps.



Nuzyael 5, 719 Sunrise 6:56 Sunset 17:04 High: 58 Low: 37
0:00 37'(Very Cold) Cloudy   2 (Steady) NE->SW
4:00 43'(Cold) Clear Fog 2 (Steady) S -> N
8:00 47'(Chilly) Clear Fog 0 (Calm) SE->NW
12:00 46'(Chilly) Cloudy   1 (Light)NE->SW
16:00 57'(Cool) Clear Fog 0 (Calm) S -> N
20:00 56'(Cool) Clear Fog 1 (Light)S -> N

The next day the party went forth bravely into Cinar once more - this time to explore a set of sewers that were not recorded on the fortification's plans. After descending 50 feet, the party found a stone corridor running north-south. They traveled north to a cave in and then turned around and traveled south.

At the point below the center of the gate between the broken wall and the existing fortification, there was an iron grate. Nevil figured out how to open it and the search for traps began. As the group pressed forward, more and more traps were found. At one point two alcoves were found - one containing a black stone, another a green. The black stone seemed to make undead (if provided a corpse). It is uncertain what the green stone did, although it seemed to be a connection to the very earth itself. Both were guarded by an undead, and both were in mausoleums dating back to 500TR. The group copied down names and dates in the hopes of selling the information later

Under 100 feet past the gate, the party found a cave-in. They used the Greek fire found in a nearby trap to blow it up. Just beyond they found a spiral-staircase going up. There they left Toribir to guard their rear and continued on to a grand staircase that led downwards. On the bottom of this stairwell they were attacked by a Gargun-archer. Having slain him and recalled Toribir to rejoin them, the party is perched on the stairs, wondering what to do next.
The tunnel at the bottom of the stairs seems to be equal in size and length as the one on the previous level. To either side a the base of the grand staircase, the walls have holes in them and the presence of water is very strong, less than 10' away at times from the tunnel walls.


Legion Dispatch 719 - 6:
Real Date: Feburary 23rd, 2002

Nuzyael 6, 719 Sunrise 6:54 Sunset 17:06 High: 57 Low: 47
0:00 50'(Chilly) Cloudy T-Storm 2 (Steady) SW->NE
4:00 48'(Chilly) Cloudy T-Storm 2 (Steady) SW->NE
8:00 51'(Chilly) Cloudy T-Storm 1 (Light)SW->NE
12:00 55'(Cool) Cloudy T-Storm 0 (Calm) SW->NE
16:00 56'(Cool) Cloudy T-Storm 1 (Light)SW->NE
20:00 54'(Cool) Cloudy T-Storm 0 (Calm) SW->NE

The party of gargun lurking at the end of the tunnel appeared to be an illusion or a trick of the light, for they faded from existence well before the party was within striking distance.

They found three doors along the passageway. During their explorations, the group set off a trap and a large boulder that filled the tunnel began rolling slowly towards them, destroying the walls as it passed.

They retreated up one level and returned to the hole from which they entered. Using spliced ropes, the group decended into the flooded tunnel with as little armour and arms as they dared. Using magic, they managed to breath water and finish their explorations.

In the rooms they found more crypts and two books. The books were chained to the walls and sealed in metal. One was moving slightly but Fennelisa could not detect anything from either book. The party took the book that was not moving up into the air and opened it. It contained an explanation of the purpose and building of the tunnels as well as the various stones.

Using this knowledge the party was able to assure the stones were placed in the correct order. After much discussion, it was agreed the party would not open the balrog in a box...er...second book.

With the lower level now completely flooded, the party retrieted up the staircase on the first level into the wall. There they fought numerous Agrikans and encountered a mage with the ability to throw a cutting light that burned everything it touched. With great determination, they managed to defeat their enemies and meet up with the rest of the legion. The party was able to get to the top of the wall and kill or take prisoner the archers that had been hindering the troops from approaching.

They were releieved of duty soon after - and were greatly surprised to learn they had been in the tunnels for 2 days.


Legion Dispatch 719 - 7:
Real Date: March 9th, 2002

Nuzyael 7, 719 Sunrise 6:53 Sunset 17:07 High: 48 Low: 38
0:00 42'(Cold) Clear   1 (Light)NW->SE
4:00 39'(Very Cold) Clear   2 (Steady) NW->SE
8:00 42'(Cold) Clear   1 (Light)NW->SE
12:00 46'(Chilly) Clear   1 (Light)NW->SE
16:00 47'(Chilly) Clear   1 (Light)NW->SE
20:00 45'(Cold) Clear   1 (Light)NW->SE

The party awoke late in the day and once more joined Horrik Barral for a brunch. There was a party atmosphere among the legionnaires, who were eating and drinking well and tosting the fort on the other side of the Themeson river.

After performing the gruesome job of laying out the dead, two cadavers could not be identified--one of which wore a Peonian symbol. The party was then sent off in search of the wandering Laranian knights. They were last seen near officer city, wandering north.

(Caius met up with his father, who gave him a box from his mother and invited him for a drink later).

As they followed the Laranian Knights trail on horseback, they came across a family with a slow wagon. The party answered their questions as Antonius sped south to get them a mule from the legion supply.

After a brief lunch (packed by Caius' Mom) they encountered 9 bandits surrounding 12 peasants. They were easily scared off, and they took the survivors to the town further north. The townsfolk greeted them warily at first, but warmed quickly. Unfortunately the Laranian Knights were further north still.

Vlasta inhabit the woods. The locals are aware of them, but seem unperturbed.

They found the Laranian Knights just at sunset, looking after a camp of some 50+ villagers, mostly from Cinar who fled as far north as they dared. The Laranian knights have convinced them to travel back south; but the group will rest tonight in the clearing.

One legionnaire, one Laranian Knight and one Villager stand a watch together. Caius's watch is quiet. Corneilus's watch - he hears wolves. Fennelisa's watch - the wolves are greedily hunting vlasta. The alpha female wants Fennelisa to intervene so that she at least gets a bit before the rest of the pack. A child goes missing. The wolves admit there are 2 in the forest that are not wolves. Fennelisa awakes Johnson and together they head out into the forest in the dark.


Legion Dispatch 719 -8:
Real Date: March 23rd, 2002

Nuzyael 8, 719 Sunrise 6:52 Sunset 17:08 High: 51 Low: 36
0:00 39'(Very Cold) Clear   1 (Light)NW->SE
4:00 38'(Very Cold)   Clear 1 (Light)NW->SE
8:00 44'(Cold) Cloudy Showers 3 (Gale) SW->NE
12:00 49'(Chilly) Cloudy Showers 4 (Storm)SW->NE
16:00 50'(Chilly) Overcast Rain 3 (Gale) SW->NE
20:00 48'(Chilly) Overcast Rain 2 (Steady) SW->NE

The night of the 7th was a long one spent looking for the lost and trying to stop others from wandering off as well. The beasts seem to be able to charm the innocent from their slumber to get up and walk out of camp. While Corneilus did get close enough to see one, none of the party seemed able to hurt it.

At dawn on the 8th the whole troup marched south to the village. It was a few hour's walk, but everyone arrived safely.

Fobin I:I trapped the various entrances to the town, in the hopes of catching the creature of nightmare.

That night, Mitch managed to hit it squarely with both his magical device of green light and his crossbow, but was uncertain which did more damage. The beast fled north without harming anyone. Kalinde managed to chase it away from some villagers and Johnson's fires kept it from entering the village but through the trapped gateways. But it was so very fast. Caius managed to hit it at least once, but what damage was done was hard to determine. Fennelisa was sure, whatever malevolence it held- it was natural.



Nuzyael 9, 719 Sunrise 6:51 Sunset 17:09 High: 48 Low: 38
0:00 43'(Cold) Overcast Rain 3 (Gale) SW->NE
4:00 42'(Cold) Overcast Rain 2 (Steady) SW->NE
8:00 38'(Very Cold) Overcast   1 (Light)NW->SE
12:00 48'(Chilly) Cloudy   3 (Gale) NE->SW
16:00 44'(Cold) Overcast Showers Sleet 40% 1 (Light)N -> S
20:00 42'(Cold) Overcast   1 (Light)NW->SE

As dawn came upon the village, no one was injured.

Fobin I:I struck north with Mitch and Fennelisa trying to track the beast as it ran along the dirt track that passed for a road this far north. Eventually the track led into the foothills where their lair was found. The surviving creature was becalmed by Fennelisa who, it thought, was one of them. Caius snuck into its lair and tried to kill it, but it fled so fast that few could see it. Its surprise in turning the corner to find a human there allowed it to be attacked and driven in to the daylight by the others. Whether it died of its wounds sustained while trying to dodge weapons in a confined space, or sunlight is anyone's guess. Once killed however, the party turned to destroying the eggs. They were each broken and their shells dragged out into the sunlight.
At the back of the cave a white room was found. The door was open and the inside walls were scratched, but unbroken. A panel on the outside of the room, to the left of the door had several large buttons in a circle. The door's latch (located within the door itself) was open and the door swung freely with neither weight nor noise. The party surmised that the creatures had been held within until someone or something let them out. Various clothing and small personal items were found in the cave. They could belong to a morgathian priest (the robe was similar...) but there was no proof.
The only other cave in the area held a Harnic Blond Bear who wanted to go back to sleep. The party tip-toed away to safety, but it was the bear who led them to the neighboring cave with "noisy neighbors". This other cave held another batch of the creatures - this time with wings. They were killed quickly as they slept. Their eggs were destroyed.

By the time this was done, it was very late in the day and getting dark.


Legion Dispatch 719 -10:
Real Date: April 6th, 2002

Pay Day, Skill Updates

Nuzyael 10, 719 Sunrise 6:49 Sunset 17:11 High: 51 Low: 33
0:00 36'(Very Cold) Overcast   1 (Light)NW->SE
4:00 35'(Very Cold) Overcast   1 (Light)NW->SE
8:00 38'(Very Cold) Cloudy Showers Snow 60% 2 (Steady) NW->SE
12:00 48'(Chilly) Overcast Rain 2 (Steady) SW->NE
16:00 50'(Chilly) Overcast Rain 4 (Storm)SW->NE
20:00 45'(Cold) Overcast   1 (Light)NW->SE

This page was last updated on June 8, 2002
Questions/Comments should be directed to the Webmaster.
All works are Copyright their respective authors, 2002.