Table of Contents
- Daily Schedule
- Cryer’s News
- Pay Days & Skill Improvements
- Fobin Manor Events for Halane
- 1st
- 2nd
- 3rd
- 4th
- 5th
- 6th
- 7th
- 8th
- 9th
- 10th
- 13th
- 14th
- 15th
- 16th
- 17th
- 18th
- 21st
- 22nd
- 23rd
- 24th
- 25th
- 26th
- 27th
- 28th
- 29th
Martinmas (Halane 11) was the traditional day for slaughtering and salting old stock and swine to provide a supply of meat, however meagre, for the coming winter. Little of the pigs were wasted - flesh provided meat which preserved well by salting or smoking, skin could be cured into tough leather and even the blood was carefully saved to make black puddings. Ox-hide was also cured into leather.
By mid-November preparations for the hardships of winter were well underway. Firewood was collected from the woods; peasants were generally forbidden from taking anything but dead wood for their own personal use, and the amount they were allowed to take was often limited by local custom. Taking wood for sale generally resulted in a fine, but it did not stop people trying. In some areas turves and peat were cut and stacked to dry for the winter fire.
Reeds and sedges were cut to be dried for thatching, and bracken was gathered to use as winter bedding for cattle. Threshing and winnowing continued whenever the weather was too wet to do outside work.
Daily Schedule
Each of the three days has specific duties to be performed during specific watches. Free time may be spent within the fortress or in the town of Fobin. Permission to leave the fort is granted on an individual basis. So long as the legionnaire has no demerits currently unpaid, he or she is granted permission to leave. All legionnaires must be back by 20:00 (6th Watch), however, unless on patrol or given special dispensation. No leave of greater than 1 day will be granted during this period.
The contents of this document are public knowledge.
2nd Watch | 6:00 | Reveille |
6:15 | Exercise for 1 candle, led by the Primi. The group is led by its Mani. | |
7:15 | The legionnaires have until 3rd Watch (8:00) to themselves to get a bath, get dressed for whatever duties are next, and get breakfast. | |
3rd Watch | 8:00 | Day 1: Wall Duty, Day 2: Repair Duty, Day 3: Break, Day 4: Practice |
4th Watch |
12:00 | Day 1: Repair Duty, Day 2: Break, Day 3: Practice, Day 4: Wall Duty |
5th Watch | 16:00 | Day 1: Break, Day 2: Practice, Day 3: Wall Duty, Day 4: Repair Duty |
19:00 | Dinner (if inside the fort.) | |
6th Watch | 20:00 | Day 1: Practice, Day 2: Wall Duty, Day 3: Repair Duty, Day 4: Break |
22:00 | Bed/Lights out if not on duty. |
The duties are as follows:
- Wall Duty : Standing on guard. This could be at the Wall (85%), the Doors (10%) or patrolling the town (15%). Legionnaires should be in full armor and weapons, kit is carried with one days rations only when on patrol in the town.
- Repair Duty: Dressed in light clothes, the legionnaires head out to work on the paving of the road (40%) north (50%) or south (50%) of the town, fixing one of the many bridges in the region (10%) or working on the keep or one of the villas (10%), or helping harvest the crops (40%) in a nearby field.
- Break: This watch is free for the legionnaire to use as he/she wills. Aside from keeping their barracks, arms and armor clean, there are non-fighting skills to practice, and other lesser (religious) duties to perform. Any time left afterwards is up to the legionnaire to fill. Games are regularly held in the court yard. It is dangerous to not look busy as officers often have many chores that need doing.
- Practice: Weapons practice with sword (75%), pike/spear/javelin (15%) or other weapons (10%)
Cryer’s News
As the time for the opening of the senate draws nearer, there is much speculation, even so far west as Fobin, as to who will be appointed as Warden of Coranan. The legion is eagerly placing bets. To date the ratio is 24% Both Harmon of Kainel, 26% Grazikain of Soria and the remainder is placed on the Senate not choosing a Warden this year.
Fobin had a good harvest, and there is much hay to be dried and roofs to be patched before the wet winter settles in. Fence mending is the big chore of the month and most landowners (including the legion) will pay anyone willing to help out 1f/day of labor. (Note: If this and other duties are done in the spare watches, a legionnaire is then earning a full 1d, 1f per day).
From the 1st to the 7th – the southern commons is filled with wagons with a lot of goods for sale. Any legionnaire, in their off time, is welcome to shop and spend to their purse’s demise.
Pay Days & Skill Improvements
The 10th, 20th and 30th are pay days for Fobin.
On those days, the PCs gain the following chances to improve their skills:
- PCs choice 1
- Foraging 1
- Survival 1
- Heraldry 1
- Physician 1
- Short Sword 3
- Dagger 1
- Towershield 1
- Javelin 2
- Sickle 1
- Masonry or Woodworking 1
- Unarmed 1
- Weapon of Choice 1
Fobin Manor Events for Halane
16:32 A group of local poachers come into town displaying their wares…
The poachers have several untanned skins (rabbits, small animals) and about 15lbs of uncured meat for sale. They will probably sell most of it to the inns or the legion, whoever offers a good price. The various cooks will gather in the town square (where no one has a “home” advantage) to barter. The poachers hope for a good price, but don’t realize they are dealing with three master barterers. Whoever wins … it will mean a good meal for someone…
13:40 A group of 12 tribesmen come into town with goods to trade…
The tribesmen are a regular site in town, and their arrival during the feast of Halane is fortuitous at best. They have numerous hides and trinkets for sale. In return they are looking for fine clothes, blades and cutlery. They take a special interest in the silver, but believe it to be beyond their price. They have stories to tell and trade as well. They will stay the day, departing at dusk towards Geishtei.
7:07 A small group of six farmers take their breakfast in the Caer's doorway, out of the wind and rain
The storm wasn’t so bad, but one of their members has turned his foot. He’ll seek out Jamus’s assistance in the morning. Until then they’ll gladly share their food and ale and stories with anyone on duty.
14:45 8 huntsmen bring 2 stags into the Caer for sale
The huntsmen are regular providers for the legion, and the old timers herald their appearance with great joy. They want more money for their catch then the legion will pay – but this soon devolves into a bartering session only slightly less heated than the one on the 1st. Regardless, it makes for good amusement if you’re near the mess.
13:38 Three Charcoalers come into Fobin seeking work. The charcoalers are from Rethem and they willingly speak of unrest and bad times for the peasants in their country. They have no real understanding of how Tharda works, and do no care. They are given directions north, where they are more likely to find work, and depart.
0:26 A small group of foresters come into Caer Fobin to sleep in the stables. The foresters are locals who travel the area for the legion. They say that the summer has been a cold and wet one, and worry about the legion lands and the amount of forest they can harvest next year. If they were literate, you’d expect them to be calcualating sums from the way they talk.
7:39 The supply wagon's horses arrive at the Caer from Geishtei, but not the wagon… The horse stumbles into the courtyard and is covered in sweat. It’s a bit nervous around the various legionnaires. It can be calmed, and appears undamaged. The horse was pulling a wagon and it still has the wagon traces attached, but the poles are gone. He’s also managed to throw a shoe.
8:02 3 cows are wandering along the road, rather aimlessly. The cows should be from a northern Geishtei field, about 4 hours away. That’s a lot of wandering. The field probably had 2 dozen head, and if so these could be the few that got away from some rustlers. Fobin 3:1 and 3:3 head out in full kit to find out what’s going on (and drive the cows home). Of course where they came from (a legion stockhold north of Geishtei) is just a guess …
15:15 Highwaymen hold up a wagon just at the edge of town… 4:1 is sent out to deal with the ruckus (which is visible from the walls). They bring back two of the six brigands. They are all dressed in surprisingly good armour.
9:00 2 white-tailed deer come down to the river to drink (seen from the walls)
16:00 – 00:00 Storm Rating: 4 – a few houses with thatched rooves are damaged by the storm. A few familes seek shelter in the keep.
2:38 A wild boar chases the legion's dogs back to their kennels.
8:00 Today anyone with a repair watch spends time in town helping to repair houses. Friendly villagers offer free food to those working on the house. Fortunately, with the harvest still fresh – there is lots of food to go around. The local Fabrica gang up on the wild boar and try to hunt him down. Unfortunately for the hungry legionnaires at the caer, the boar escapes his persuers.
20:34 A lone farmer races in claiming a Hru is destroying his house. The man is crazed with fear and jabbering at anyone who will listen. He is certain! He saw it – a shambling grey mound of rock and dust.
20:58 Turns out to be a rather large and angry bear. No one is certain what the man did to the bear to get him so angry – but the beast is killed when it attacks a group of legionnaires. Bear stew for dinner guys.
9:04 A wildcat attacks a chicken coup. By the time the human owners notice, nine chickens are dead and a very full wildcat is getting away. They raise the alarm, but it’s too late to do anything about the chickens.
Remis looses the right to the chandlery with his death. He has no children of inheritable age and his wife does not want the dauty. After careful consideration, the Legate grants the contract to Illard of Horale. Remis’s family departs the same day Illard arrives from Coranan to take up the duty.
George’s Horse’s Hide Tavern is now under the management of Sonard of Feresin, a retired legionnaire from Sitarny. He promises better drinks if not better prices. He brought along his wife (Agera) and eldest son (Gotarel, M:13 who claims to be an excellent cook).
The judgement of Lordai is also passed at the moot.
20:52 A thief stole a pie of Jarrel's window…otherwise the day is quiet. Jarrel willingly retells the amusing tale of seeing a pair of hands pulling the still-hot pie from his window-sill, but he has no interest in reclaiming the goods or being repaid for the pie. He just wants to know the thief’s oppinion of the recipe – it was new you see…
11:27 Provisions from Geishteil arrive. Those with repair watches are put to work moving barrels, crates and bags of goods into the larder (beneath the Mash House) and the cells (beneath the Villa Equestria). Nevell was expecting a letter (perhaps permission to begin building, or at least some money), but nothing came – and it puts him in a grumpy mood for the day.
15:02 A mercantiler arrives with an empty wagon and complains of brigands on the road. He insists a patrol be sent off. Fobin IV:I goes out with the calvary to see what can be found. They return empty handed claiming to have neither been able to find the place of the attack or any sign of the merchants goods. The merchant, now irate, fumes and argues furriously with his hosts (the Weijiks) until it is recommended that he stay the night at the Green Gate Inn.
10:59 A spice merchant passes through Fobin, he's willing to stop for customers…
17:53 Two foresters take refuge in the Caer
12:00- 16:00 A storm hits Fobin. While not as harsh as the last one, it has farmers running to bring the grain in and herders rushing to collect their flocks. It is suggested that legionnaires with spare time help the locals as much as they can.
7:11 Brigands attack a passing local merchant. It’s seen from the walls. Fobin IV:I is sent out to deal with the brigands. At last sighting – Fobin IV:I chases off after the bandits, leaving several bodies for those on watch to collect, and a few wounded prisoners. They return a few hours later and report the brigand group destroyed. They have four prisoners which will be held until the next moot.
6:31 A new chandler moves into Remis's house. Remis’s family left for OnRein at the same time.
7:11 A slightly crazed farmer arrives with tales of Umbathri in his barn. It’s a different farmer than the one who saw Hru. Many legionnaires are beginning to wonder just what these farmers are smoking – but it’s not something the legion can ignore. Fobin IV:I is sent out to see what’s going on. Much later in the day Fobin IV:I returns, they report the Umbathri caputred and killed – and show four owls as their prize. There is now much speculation on what drugs the farmers have, and how various legionnaires can get/buy some.
6:28 There's about 20 sheep roaming the streets of Fobin
22:21 The shepard is found drunk at the Green Gate, his sheep are impounded by the legion
7:35 A group of Haleans are looking for willing sacrifices…legionnaires off duty jump at the chance.
10:49 Fobin II:I goes looking to see if the Haleans are still looking…
12:08 The Halean sacrifices return…blissful
15:48 3 foresters pass through with their heard of goats.
9:11 A small cliffslide means S has lost a corner of her garden. She welcomes any help in repairs.
12:07 Small caravan (2 wagons, furriers) stop for lunch at the Green Gate Inn.
12:00-16:00 Another storm, more rushing about.
2:35 A small group of tribesmen pass through the town, scaring the dogs.
0:55 Pedlar comes into town, sleeps on the Caer's doorstep. Will barter at dawn.
7:03 Gargun tracks found at the river's edge
19:22 Fobin IV:I finds lots of blood in the forest north of town. Pig slaughtered?
16:35 Fobin III:I escortes a caravan to Sitarny, returns with a gargun head.
10:02 Slave caravan goes through Fobin with 28 slaves in wagons. None are walking therefore most speculate the slaves must be either very skilled or very beautiful.
This page was last updated on
January 23, 2002
Questions/Comments should be directed to the Webmaster.
All works are Copyright their respective
authors, 2002.