The Legion
The Thardic Republican Legion, or Legion for short, is the standing army for the country. These articles detail Jonathan M. Davidson's Alternate Army as oppose to the Columbia Games Cannon articles. Use this information instead of that provided by: The HârnMaster Core and the Thardic Republican Module. Information in this article applies to all articles in this series.
Making_a_Legionnaire_Character | Equipment| Recruitment | Naming | Organization | History | Duties_and_Obligations
Making a Legionnaire Character
Birth_Attributes | Family_Development | Appearance_Attribute | Personality_Attributes | Assignment_of_Skills | Occupation Points
Using the random birthplace generation tables in HârnWorld, 1 in 10 characters are born in Tharda. Of those, 1 out of every 90 households has someone serving in the Thardic Republican Army, more commonly called the Thardic Legion. Every free person in the Thardic Republic reports to their local legion outpost in their sixteenth year. Assuming the local Milities Primus deems them acceptable, they will become a legionnaire for the next four years of their lives. After the age of 21 they may opt to become reservists, serving 90 days each year, or full timers. Generate Legionnaires characters with the following modifications to the HârnMaster Core rules.
Birth_Attributes | Family_Development | Appearance_Attribute | Personality_Attributes | Assignment_of_Skills |Occupation Points
Birth Attributes
- Species:Any race, living free in the Thardic Republic may join the legion. The exception to the rule is Gargun.
- Sex, Birthdate, Sunsign: Use HârnMaster Core rules.
- Birthplace:Anywhere, but the person should be a resident of the Thardic Republic. The Urbani (Milities Urbani and Compartes Urbani) are drawn exclusively from the cities of Coranan and Shiran. Those living in manors or small towns are more likely to serve as Milities Auxilliari (yeomen).
Culture:Feudal-Imperial; their culture of birth may be
different depending on their birthplace.
Social Class: Any but slave. Use HârnMaster Core rules and add 25 to the roll. Use the Social Class table (sidebar) to translate the results.
Birth_Attributes | Family_Development | Appearance_Attribute | Personality_Attributes | Assignment_of_Skills |Occupation Points
Family Development
- Sibling Rank:Full-time legionnaires tend to come from large families. Add 1d6 to the number of siblings generated. Milities Tala tend to be from the equestrian class, who have no future of inheritance due to the situation of their birth (bastards), or their birth rank.
- Parent:Use HârnMaster Core rules.
Estrangement and Clanhead:Use HârnMaster Core
Birth_Attributes | Family_Development | Appearance_Attribute | Personality_Attributes | Assignment_of_Skills |Occupation Points
Appearance Attribute
- Height, Frame, Weight:Use HârnMaster Core rules.
- Comeliness:Use HârnMaster Core rules. Legionnaires go clean shaven and well groomed whenever possible. If the legionnaire is not groomed, shaven or clean subtract 2 from this stat when dealing with other Thardians.
Physical Attributes:Use HârnMaster Core
Birth_Attributes | Family_Development | Appearance_Attribute | Personality_Attributes | Assignment_of_Skills | Occupation Points
Personality Attributes
- Intelligence, Aura, and Will:Use HârnMaster Core rules.
- Psyche:Use HârnMaster Core rules, but with caution. Any extreme phobias may reduce the characters career in the legion. Cowardice, be it a phobia or relating from a phobia is a crime punishable by imprisonment and fines if not death.
- Morality:Use HârnMaster Core rules. An average morality is preferred as the legion life is disciplined, and fines for disobedience are high.
Deity: The character may worship any deity, although
followers of Morgath and Naveh are strongly discouraged.
Navehans discovered within the legion tend to be persecuted
by their fellow legionnaires. Morgathians fair only slightly
better. Peonians are accepted openly but watched carefully.
Any legionnaire refusing to fight will be punished for
Birth_Attributes | Family_Development | Appearance_Attribute | Personality_Attributes | Assignment_of_Skills | Occupation Points
Assignment of Skills
The final step in character generation is to assign skills. Please read Assignment of Skills in HârnMaster (Character 19) before proceeding.
[1] Automatic Skills
These are the skills that every character has regardless of background or training. They do not cost any option points to open. Calculate and record the SB for each automatic skill. In Tharda, Dagger is an automatic skill. Choose the ritual skill(s) that best match the character's religion(s).
[2] Occupation Skills
The occupations available are listed in the sidebar of of this article. Generate (or choose) an occupation and open the skills listed at the SB indicated in the article dealing with the occupation.
Note:any reservist has the same skills as a full-timer. The following list of skills assumes a beginning character.
Combat Skills |
Craft/Lore Skills |
Communications Skills |
Rank |
I n i t i a t i v e |
L a n c e |
S w o r d |
D a g g e r |
S h i e l d |
J a v e l i n |
S i c k l e |
B o w |
A x e |
S l i n g |
P i k e |
R i d i n g |
U n a r m e d |
F o r a g i n g |
S u r v i v a l |
H e r a l d r y |
P h y s i c i a n |
M a s o n r y |
W o o d w o r k i n g |
C r a f t |
E n g i n e e r i n g |
M a t h e m a t i c s |
T a c t i c s |
L a w |
M i l i t a r y O r g |
A w a r e n e s s |
I n t r i g u e |
S c r i p t |
Milities Linari |
6 |
4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 |
4 |
3 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 1 |
1 |
Milities Fabrica | 5 |
4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 |
4 |
2 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 3 | 3 | 1 |
1 |
Milities Primus | 7 |
5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 |
5 |
4 |
4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 2 |
1 |
2 | 5 |
1 |
Milities Auxiliari Skirmisher |
4 |
4 |
4 |
4 | 4 |
1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
1 | 3 |
Milities Auxiliari Archer | 4 |
4 | 4 |
4 | 4 | 4 |
1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
1 | 4 |
Compartes Skirmisher |
4 |
5 | 5 | 5 | 5 |
5 | 4 | 4 |
4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 2 |
2 |
3 | 4 |
Compartes Archers | 4 |
5 | 5 | 5 | 5 |
5 |
4 |
4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 2 |
2 |
3 | 4 |
Milities Tala Sagitorium |
5 |
4 | 4 | 4 |
4 |
4 |
2 | 1 | 3 | 2 |
1 |
2 | 3 | 4 | 1 |
Milities Tala Gravis |
5 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 |
4 |
4 |
2 | 1 | 3 | 2 |
1 |
2 | 3 | 4 | 1 |
Manus | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 |
4 |
4 |
2 | 1 | 3 | 2 |
2 |
3 | 4 | 4 | 1 |
Sexton Tala Sagitorium |
6 |
5 | 5 | 5 |
5 | 5 |
5 |
2 | 2 | 4 | 3 |
2 |
3 | 4 | 5 | 1 |
Sexton Tala Gravis |
6 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 |
5 |
5 |
2 | 2 | 4 | 3 |
2 |
3 | 4 | 5 | 1 |
Manus Primus | 7 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 |
5 |
5 | 2 | 1 | 3 | 2 |
1 | 3 | 1 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 1 |
Manus Legati |
7 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 |
4 | 5 | 2 | 1 | 3 | 2 |
1 | 3 | 1 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 1 |
Triberties | 6 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 |
5 |
5 |
2 | 1 | 4 | 2 |
1 | 4 | 2 | 5 | 4 | 5 | 1 |
Triberties Primus | 7 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 |
5 |
6 |
2 | 2 | 5 | 2 |
2 | 5 | 3 | 6 | 5 | 6 | 1 |
Triberties Legati | 8 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 |
5 |
6 |
2 | 1 | 6 | 2 |
2 | 5 | 3 | 6 | 4 | 6 | 1 |
1The Milities Fabrica has a
random craft skill at OML+3. They also have either Masonry
or Woodworking, but not both. 2The Milities Auxiliari Skirmisher may have either a Javelin or sling and either a Shortsword or hatchet. 3The Compartes (Skirmisher) may have either a a Javelin or sling and either a Shortsword or hatchet. |
[3] Optional Skills
Legionnaire characters have five (5) Option Points (OPs) to open new skills and/or improve open skills. Each OP may be used to open one (1) new skill on the Legionnaire Optional Skills table (sidebar) at its noted OML. OPs can also be expended to improve an open skill by SB1, including any just opened. Skills can only be improved in this manner once.
[4] Psionic Talents
Generate psionic talents normally, using the HârnMaster Core rules. The Legion ignores psionic talents, instead relying on the individual soldiers to convey the results of such things as clairvoyance, sensitivity or medium to their commanding officers.
Birth_Attributes | Family_Development | Appearance_Attribute | Personality_Attributes | Assignment_of_Skills | Occupation Points
Occupation Points
Different ranks in the legion assume a differing amount of experience and time spent in previous ranks. For example, to be a Triberties Primus, it is assumed that the character spent at least 1 year in training, 4 years as a Manus Primus and 4 years as a Triberties for a total of 9 years.
A tour of duty is four years. Each soldier and officer may serve as many full time tours as they wish. If they decide to become a reservist, they must still serve a certain number of ten-days a year, each year until they reach the age of 40. If the soldier or officer decides not to serve that year, they must pay scuttage.
Making_a_Legionnaire_Character | Equipment| Recruitment | Naming | Organization | History | Duties_and_Obligations
Standard_Arms | Standard_Armour | The_KneeBoots | The_Cloak | Other_Equipment | Colors and Clothing
Each type of legionnaire begins with a different type of equipment. For more information, refer to the article on the specific occupation. The legion does not, itself make or provide equipment. Instead there is a standard pattern book (Lex Equimenta) that has patterns and a list of minimum requirements for each item a legionnaire carries. The specification is very general for reservists, but exacting for full-time soldiers. One quartermaster owns a copy of the Lex Equimenta at each fortification.
If an item fails to meet the minimum requirements, due to either an error in its creation or poor maintenance the legionnaire owning the item will be fined and may even be charged with its replacement. Soldiers are charged at a rate of 1/36th of the cost of the equipment tenday in service. This allows full-time soldiers to pay off their debt within their four-year tour of duty. The debt is paid down each ten-day. If the debt is greater than the soldier's pay, they are expected to make up the difference out of private funds.
Standard_Arms | Standard_Armour | The_KneeBoots | The_Cloak | Other_Equipment | Colors and Clothing
Standard Arms
All soldiers can purchase only the arms of their rank and position from the Legion quartermaster at a standard price.
Standard_Arms | Standard_Armour | The_KneeBoots | The_Cloak | Other_Equipment | Colors and Clothing
Standard Armour
All soldiers and officers receive a hooded cloak and knee-high boots each year.
The cloak is made from a worsted cloth and colored appropriate to the rank and legion of the owner. The cloak's colors are also visible on the saddle cloths and the color of the helmet plumes of the officers. Soldiers tend to accessories in their legion's colors whenever possible. The knee-high boots are made of thick leather and lace up the front. Each legion has their own unique lacing pattern on their boots. To wear either the cloak or the boots, if one is not a legionnaire, is a capital offence.
Standard_Arms | Standard_Armour | The_KneeBoots | The_Cloak | Other_Equipment | Colors and Clothing
The KneeBoots
Legionnaires wear a special type of Kneeboots - it laces up the front with a thin leather strap, usually in trim color. Each legion has their own unique lacing pattern, and the number of knots at a certain height on the lacings identifies different tenacus members. In Ramala and Taztos many legionnaires risk their lives to mis-lace their boots; elsewhere they're just libel to get jumped by their fellows as an intruder.
The kneeboots have a leather flap that falls down over the lacings and is suppose to help keep rain out. Many legionnaires have an extra flap of leather sewn into the inside of the boot to help keep their feet dry.
While the legion offers new boots yearly, most legionnaires prefer to pocket the bootmoney (80d) and have their old boots repaired if possible.
Standard_Arms | Standard_Armour | The_KneeBoots | The_Cloak | Other_Equipment | Colors and Clothing
The Cloak
The legion cloak is a waxed, worsted hooded cloak with a thin linen lining. Like the KneeBoots, the legion offers a new cloak yearly to each full time legionnaire. The cloak is darkly colored, with a special color depending on one's rank. The cloak price (50d) can also be pocketed, but usually the legionnaire needs the new cloak. Old cloaks are recycled into blankets and bandages.
Standard_Arms | Standard_Armour | The_KneeBoots | The_Cloak | Other_Equipment | Colors and Clothing
Other Equipment
All other equipment, weapons and armour must be supplied by the soldier or the officer. Those serving due to a land obligation traditionally receive their arms, equipment and armour from the land owner. Full timers may inherit their arms and armour from their parents, but most recommend new equipment be purchased for each legionnaire to assure it meets with the Lex Equipmenta.
Standard_Arms | Standard_Armour | The_KneeBoots | The_Cloak | Other_Equipment | Colors and Clothing
Colors and Clothing
The cloth, quilt and even sometimes bits of leather or Kurbol are dyed the colors of the legion in which the Milities Linari serve. Trim may be added to cloak edges, used as patches, belt and boot colors as the individual Milities Linari wishes and can afford. Occasionally, officers will have their metalwork painted the trim color of their legion. Trim colors along with legion heraldry appear on the tower shields, horse and legion issued blankets.
Individual units within a legion usually share the same coloring. If a commander orders his units to wear special coloration, often it is he or she that must pay for the modification.
Making_a_Legionnaire_Character | Equipment| Recruitment | Naming | Organization | History | Duties_and_Obligations
Limitations | Entry_Points | Soldiers_&_Officers | Soldiers_Benefits | Officers_Benefits
Every freedman or citizen in the republic must, in their 16th year, report to the nearest legion outpost on the last Lesser Sapelah of the month of winter. Each candidate is tested for skill, intelligence and physical fitness.
The legion requires 200, 232 draftees each year. It has just under 21,000 households to draw upon. Consequently, only about one person out of every 90 households per year is required. The legion thus has the pick of the most physically fit and the brightest of the youth of the nation.
There are only three reasons for not choosing someone for military service.
- By Faith:If the candidate is a cleric, he must show that his devotion to his gods is greater than to the state. Proving that your devotion to your god(s) is greater than to the state usually involves having a senior priest speak for you. Clerics are not welcomed among the rank and file, but may petition to join as physician-assistants, cooks, or even servants.
- Scuttage: If the candidate fails the tests of skill, brains and brawn. These tests are dependent upon the tester. Guild members may be excused service because their guilds pay the legion a fee. This fee is called Scuttage. It is suppose to be used to pay for the guildsman's replacement in the legion. Scuttage must be paid for each year the candidate wishes to avoid legion service between the ages of 16 and 20.
Failure:If the candidate, or his guild, pays scuttage
to the legion. This scuttage must be paid for each year the
candidate wishes to avoid military service from ages 16 to
20. Each tester knows he must find a certain number of
potential legionnaires. Some may be turned down just because
the tester doesn't like the way the candidate looks.
If the candidate fails the tests he must reapply each year from ages 17 to 19. At the age of 20 the candidate is permanently exempt from military service. If the republic goes to war those candidates that initially failed applicancy must apply again. The republic lowers its standards to assure they receive the number of soldiers they require for their new campaigns.
Limitations | Entry_Points | Soldiers_&_Officers | Soldiers_Benefits | Officers_Benefits
Other than the serious possibility that one could get killed, there are three reasons not to join the legion:
- Guild Membership:for those lucky enough to be a member of a guild, joining the legion means taking four years out of your apprenticeship to serve. Even though guild apprenticeship starts at 14, and in some cases 12, few serious future-guildsmen are willing to delay the end of their apprenticeship by 4 years or more. The guilds therefore offer to pay scuttage to any member not wanting to perform their civic duty and risk returning unable to perform one's craft due to injuries.
- Faith:If you're a religious pacifist, or a cleric of any religion, it is unlikely the legion would want you in their numbers.
- Organized, disciplined lifestyle:The legion forces you to do things their way. If you're not appreciative of such an overbearing, organized and disciplined lifestyle - this can be a serious limitation.
Politics:While the reasons for not joining the legion
are the same for officers as they are for the soldiers, there
is one other factor to consider: politics. Officially the
politics between the clans is not suppose to interfere with
those of the legion. Unofficially it happens all the time.
Equestrians may have a family history of avoiding legion
service in their province, either because clan enemies would
be their immediate officers, or because of some strange
belief that their time would be better spent in political
Limitations | Entry_Points | Soldiers_&_Officers | Soldiers_Benefits | Officers_Benefits
Entry Points
An aspiring legionnaire may join the legion in one of three ways:
- Land Draft:The senate considers that, in principle, it owns the rights to all land within the Thardic republic. In return for letting the clans and others hold the land from the Senate, the Senate imposes an estate draft. This take the form of a number of troops that must serve for nine tendays a year, these are the republic's reservists. The sorts of troops and their number are determined by the size of the estate. This draft is applied to the land on an estate by estate basis, but in practice it is the landholders that are responsible for ensuring that the correct draft is returned. The penalties for failing to provide the draft are severe and, amongst other things, will lead to the land being confiscated.
Volunteer:Volunteers are freemen who are not part of
the land draft, but rather choose to serve in the legion of
their own volition either with an eye on retiring as a
citizen, or just as a means to make some money and increase
their chances of getting a job at the age of twenty. Once a
soldier reaches the age of twenty they may retire from the
legions. Most do, though they my then become part of the
reserve forces. However, some of the soldier will choose to
re-enlist and the majority that do will be promoted to the
rank of Milites Primus. Re-enlistment is for a term of four
Support Personnel:Willing craftsmen may bond with the Legion. The bondage is a contract between the craftsman and the legion, providing the craftsman with a shop, tools, supplies and a wage. In return it gives the legion goods at a reduced price. These people may be reservists, or full-time solders seeking a simpler life; but they can also be people who have never served a day in the legion before.
Limitations | Entry_Points | Soldiers_&_Officers | Soldiers_Benefits | Officers_Benefits
Soldiers & Officers
In the legion there is suppose to be very little difference between recruiting a soldier and recruiting an officer. In truth, however the soldier has far more to gain than any officer.
Limitations | Entry_Points | Soldiers_&_Officers | Soldiers_Benefits | Officers_Benefits
Soldier's Benefits
There are several reasons for freemen or citizens to join the legion:
- Free Apprenticeship:The legion provides a career for any able-bodied freeman. To apprentice in most guild-related professions would require the family to pay a fee. The legion allows its bonded craftsmen to take apprentices from the rank and file of the legion; but the bonded craftsman can neither charge the legionnaire for his apprenticeship nor pay the apprentice for his work. The legionnaires lessons in the craft occur daily while serving in a fort or outpost. While the apprenticeship is longer than one served outside the legion, it is often enough to assure the legionnaire a job when he returns to civilian life.
- More Money:Non-guild-related professions pay far less than what a legionnaire could make if he obtains rank. Even without rank, the republican army pays its legionnaires every 10day; offering to either keep the legionnaire's money safe (in a form of banking service), barter it directly into goods or pay it out in coin.
- Land Grants and Citizenship:As a freeman, there are only three ways to become a citizen and own land: (a) marriage to someone of higher status, (b) striking it rich and (c) serving in the legion for 20 years. Of all these, the later is considered the most likely, if also the most dangerous. In addition, receiving land and citizenship in this manner is the most socially acceptable.
- Two Square Meals a Day:Legionnaires are well fed and housed for a pittance. Most large freeman families see sending their children off to the Legion as a way of saving money while giving the child a free apprenticeship.
- Traditional Pride:Those who serve in the legion find getting a job one they've served their four years far easier than those who do not serve. It may be perfectly correct for an equestrian not to serve, but for the lower classes it insinuates there is something wrong with the person who avoids duty.
Social Standing:As with armies everywhere, the legion
is a perfect career opportunity for the sons and daughters
who will not inherit and who do not like the idea of marrying
wealth. The social status as a soldier is considered to be
higher than that of a civilian with the exception of
political ranking. In addition the social standing of a
soldier can rise far more easily than that of a civilian.
Limitations | Entry_Points | Soldiers_&_Officers | Soldiers_Benefits | Officers_Benefits
Officers Benefits
Note:In this article, while a Milities Tala is an
equestrian by birth, he or she is not considered an officer.
There are several benefits for equestrians who wish to join the legion.
- Social Status:As with armies everywhere, the legion is a perfect career opportunity for the sons and daughters who will not inherit and who do not like the idea of marrying wealth. The social status of an officer is considered to be higher than that of an average equestrian with the exception of political ranking. In addition the social standing of an officer can rise far more easily than that of a civilian.
Money:The life of an officer is expensive, but there
are more chances for an officer to get rich in times of war
and border disputes than there are business opportunities for
inexperienced equestrians in day-to-day life. In addition to
the officer's share in captured spoils, there are dozens
of mini-contracts that can be made to protect caravans, have
soldiers work fields and so on and so forth.
Making_a_Legionnaire_Character | Equipment| Recruitment | Naming | Organization | History | Duties_and_Obligations
A Legion comprises all the military forces of a province. Each legion bares the name of the province in which it resides. There is only one legion per province, but there are eight legions in the Republic.
The legions of the Republic are:
- Coranan Legion:This is the second largest legion within the republic and still some of its excess is transferred to the Eidel legion. The Coranan Legion consists of twenty-three cohorts in six districts. It is based in Caer Telen, the castle attached to the provincial capital, and is commanded by Cobart of Nordaka.
- Eidel Legion:This province was annex in 712TR following the Kuseme Wars. The province is under populated and the legion is still consolidating its hold on the land and rebuilding the fort from the Coranan Republic and Thardic League. Though the legion is young the cohorts that form it, and them men that form them are veterans. They where transferred to Kronas' command when he under took the conquest of the province. Currently the legion is boosted by the resources of the Coranan province but as the province becomes more settled and the population grows it should become self sufficient. The Eidel Legion consists of twenty cohorts in two districts. It is based in Caer Kuseme which is on the opposite back of the River Thard to Coranan, and is commanded by Kronas of Clan Elernin.
- Gerium Legion:This is the largest within the republic, consisting of twenty five cohorts in four districts. It is based in Fobin keep, and is commanded by Legatus Jithias Mariam (who is based in Caer Geshtei)
- Kom Legion:This is the second smallest within the republic, consisting of fourteen cohorts in three districts. It is based in Caer Parnan, and is commanded by Legatus and Senator Xeldon Pesed. The province is very much a border district and militarily it is dependant on neighboring Shiran province for support.
- Ramala Legion:The smallest within the republic, it consists of only eight cohorts. It is based in Caer Moleryn, and is commanded by Legatus Parga Ostardes. The province is very much a border district and militarily it is dependant on neighboring Coranan and to a lesser extent Shiran provinces for support. It is said that the posting to Fort Taztos is the worst in the army.
- Shiran Legion:The Shiran Legion is the equal third largest within the republic, consisting of twenty cohorts and three Compari Urbani, divided in to five districts. It is based in Caer Shiran, and is commanded by Legatus Quarlid Jeredosta. The province is the second of the wealthiest and populous within the republic. It excess resources are used to support the border legions based in Kom and Ramala.
The Red Guard:The exception to this rule is the Red
Guard. Considered a legion unto itself, it would be better
called a cohort than a Legion. The Red Guard is formed from
six Cohorts and seven Compari Urbani. A Legatus who is
assisted by no less than nine Mani Legati commands them. The
Mani are all appointed by the most important senators to
protect their interests. The Red Guard is charged with
maintaining law and order within the city of Coranan, and the
defence of the city in times of trouble. In fact, they mainly
concern themselves with the security of the senate and the
senatorial families.
Making_a_Legionnaire_Character | Equipment| Recruitment | Naming | Organization | History | Duties_and_Obligations
The senior-most Triberties in the Province commands the provincial legion. The provincial marshal (the legatus) works with the Triberties Primus to give both military and legal reports to the senate on a yearly basis. The Triberties Primus can loose his appointment only on senatorial decree. If this should happen the next most senior Triberties in that province should take over as the Triberties Primus. Unfortunately politics tends to corrupt this somewhat and senatorial-favored Triberties are often transferred as unfavorable-Triberties are removed.
The republic is organized into both provinces and districts. There is no military structure at the district level, though sometimes all the troops within a district are referred to (confusingly) as a "Cohort". However, each district does have a central fortification, normally a keep, where more than one cohort is based. This keep is located at, or near, the district capital. The most senior Triberties within the district will be assigned to the first cohort based in the district's keep. He is responsible with liasing with the district Legar.
The Senate can, upon reaching a consensus, call out all the reserves to contend with a major incident. To oversee the call out, they elect an Imperitor. This personage has enormous civil and military powers. He acts as the commander-in-chief of all the legions (except the Red Guard), and may give orders to any Legatus. He also acts with the full power of the Senate and may issue any decree, even enacting civil law or raising taxation, which they can. However, his power is limited in two ways, firstly his period in office is limited to a set time period, and secondly his actions must be justifiable in terms of his military objective. When the period of "Imperitor" is over the commander must surrender himself to the senate who will then hold a trial where he is assumed guilty of treason unless he can prove he acted properly. As yet, no Imperitor has tried to seize ultimate power; it is likely that he would be abandoned by his troop if he so tried. So ingrained in the patriarchal patronage system within the army that it would be unthinkable to owe allegiance to one man rather to one's sponsoring clan and the Senate. The last Imperitor was Kronas Elernin, Legatus of Ramala, in 712TR.
Making_a_Legionnaire_Character | Equipment| Recruitment | Naming | Organization | History | Duties_and_Obligations
From whence the legions come is a much-debated topic. A few scholars believe they are a combination of the ancient Corani Empire's military logic and the tales and lore brought back from Azeryani by travellers and delegates. The Senate and most of the Triberties, however, consider the legion to be their own invention. The relation between it and the ancient Corani Empire is one of language more than structure or logic. In an attempt to give the legion credibility with its members, its creators used older words for the various ranks, groupings and titles.
The legion was formed originally from the Autarch's Guard in 673 with the creation of the Republic. It borrowed the Autarch Guard's ranking system and renaming a few of its levels of organization. The Autarch's Guard, intended in its founding to be a militia system, was quickly converted to a standing army that could provide the same level of protection to all of the Republic, instead of just a few senatorial holdings and border positions.
The land grant provides the minimum number of soldiers required each year, allowing for a healthy margin of corruption in regards to the census upon which the land grant is devised. Still, in order to entice volunteers a few benefits were worked out at the legion's founding. The largest, and most controversial, of these benefits is the land grant. Each soldier or officer, having served a lifetime in the legion (from ages 21 through 40) is eligible for a grant of land, and the necessary rise in social standing to own land.
Unfortunately, the benefit does not specify the exact amount of land to be given. The current opinion is that the land should be approximately 20 acres of borderland or 10 acres of cleared land. But everyone of importance seems to have a differing opinion on this. Kronas declared that all of his soldiers would receive parcels of 20 acres each in Eidel region, or an equivalent amount of coinage - should they retire from the legion at age 40. He offered his officers 40 acres, upon the same condition. This infuriated the Senate, for only they can parcel out land. But if the Senate does not act on this before these legionnaires retire, chances are the decision will be taken out of their hands.
The history of the Corani Empire exists only in tales, songs and legends as well as the occasional bill of lading. It is not surprising, therefore, that the legion can claim it as its ancestry without worrying about being contradicted. Comparing the legion to the forces of Azeryani, however, is ludicrous. Other than both having standing armies, and both calling them legions - there are few similarities. The Thardic Republics Legions are pale and simple when compared to the Heavily armed and armored forces of Azeryani.
Making_a_Legionnaire_Character | Equipment| Recruitment | Naming | Organization | History | Duties_and_Obligations
Duties and Obligations
The legion protects the Republic. While Legionnaires take no oath promising obedience, they are made aware of the punishments for failure early in their training.
The social contract between the legion and society promises social acceptance and improvement in return for obedience and sacrifice. The legion can be thought of as the military class of the Republic with its own rights and rituals. This is often cause for confusion among feudal societies because it separates the knights from the nobility/equestrians. And, unlike other social classes, it cares almost nothing for one's birth social class, only wealth and skill.
To the Republic
The legion's fortifications act as a center for law and imprisonment. The legion's duty, in terms of peace, is to keep it. In times of war they must restore the peace. This duty is colloquially known as Pax Tharda.
Each member of the Republic is taught to see the legion as the police force while the legatus and his staff act as the law. It is the legion's duty to protect the populace and keep the peace. This includes patrolling settlements (towns, manors, villages), taking charge of prisoners and offering emergency help as needed.
The legion also provides mass labourers and monies for large projects that would, otherwise, never be started, such as: paving roads, building bridges, building new fortifications and repairing existing structures. Since Tharda is chronically short of labour, the legion also provides the necessary labour to bring in the harvests of the legion's and surrounding lands.
Obeying the Senate
The Legion is wielded by the Senate. The individual Triberties Primus and Legatus for each province are directly responsible to the Senate for their actions. Officially the Senate cannot use the Legion for solving political problems amongst its members or law-abiding members of the Republic. In return the Legion's members are suppose to be above clan politics and petty feuds. It is a shame nothing ever seems to work the way it's suppose to in Tharda.
Making_a_Legionnaire_Character | Equipment| Recruitment | Naming | Organization | History | Duties_and_Obligations
- Legionnaire_Types
- Women_in_the_Legion
- Mages_in_the_Legion
- Religion_in_the_Legion
- Optional_Skills
- Skill_Improvements
- CPs_by_Rank
- Legion_Colors
- Red
- Scuttage
- Reservists
- Veterans
- Lifer
- Regulars
- Dignitas_in_the_Legion
- Clan_Politics
- Legion_Politics
- The_Land_Draft
- Order_of_Things
01-79 Citizens and Freemen | |
001-121 | Milities Linari |
122-161 | Milities Primus |
162-201 | Milities Fabrica |
202-215 | Milities Urbani (R) |
216-217 | Comparte Urbani (R) |
218-554 | Milities Auxilliari (R) |
555-877 | Milities Linari (R) |
878-958 | Milities Primus (R) |
959-000 | Compartes |
80-00 Equestrians (d1000) | |
000-096 | Sexton |
097-192 | Manus Primus |
193-213 | Manus Legatus |
214-304 | Triberties Linari |
305-310 | Triberties Primus |
311-316 | Legatus |
317-799 | Milities Tala (R) |
800-992 | Manus |
993-000 | Manus Legatus |
(R) denotes a reservist
Social Class Translation | |
HMC | Thardic |
UnGuilded | Freeman |
Guilded | Citizen |
Noble | Equestrian |
Women in the Legion
Officially, women are treated identically to men in the legion.
There are women Triberties, Linari and all ranks in between
serving alongside, performing the same tasks and in the same
barracks as the men.
Dating a woman in the same troop (Tenacus, Tala or Comparus) is
considered the social equivalent of dating your sister. Dating
someone in the same Maniple is acceptable only so long as both
parties are discreet.
Those that have time to comment on the beauty of another
legionnaire, regardless of the intent of the comment, obviously
have too much time on their hands. This excess time is quickly
put to work in doing the most onerous chores possible.
Mages in the Legion
There are members of the Shek-P'var in the legion. They are
neither acknowledged, nor given special privileges. Often they
server their four years as clerks and scribes rather than
soldiers. A mage who becomes a full-time soldier may be called a
Milities Fabrica by his fellow-soldiers. While he does not have
any special Milities Fabrica training, his special skills are
acknowledged by the title. This, of course, leads to the
assumption that all Milities Fabrica are mages. Of course not
all mages are Milities Fabrica, there's rumor that a few
Fyvrians are actually Physicians.
Religion in the Legion
There are no priests in the legion-instead they offer spiritual
and healing advice from the sidelines. Paladins, Terhani and
other knightly religious orders are welcome in the legion, so
long as they can abide by the legion's laws and follow
Optional Skills
These are the skills a legionnaire character may optionally open at creation, or later in their career.
Optional Skills |
Acrobatics/1, Dancing/2, Swimming/1, Musician/1, Script, Riding/1, Alternate Weapon(s) at OML, Agriculture/2, Animalcraft/1, Brewing/1, cookery/3, Engineering/1, Fishing/1, Fletching/1, Folklore/2, Herblore/1, Hideworking/1, Law (Thardic, or Legion)/1, Masonry/1, Mathematics/1, Tactics/1, Tracking/1, Weaponcraft/1, Weatherlore/2, Woodworking/1 |
Skill Improvements
Each month (30 days) of training assumes three days of rest. One training month provides the following number of improvement rolls's for each character to spend:
Training Improvement Rolls | |
Weapons | 108 |
Group | 81 |
Craft | 27 |
Each month (30 days) of career assumes three days of rest. One
career month provides the following number of Improvement Rolls
Career Improvement Rolls | |
Weapons | 3 |
Group | 2 |
Craft | 1 |
It takes 20 hours of training to earn one improvement roll, and 40 hours of work. Training is assumed to be a maximum of 4 hours a day, where as careers consist of 8 hours a day.
The above calculations do not include any days off from the legion, nor do they include the 3 free rolls an HârnPlayer receives each month.
Weapon Skills are:
- Shortsword
- Javelin
- Sickle
- Dagger
Note: The Milities Linari cannot use his training period to learn non-legion weapons.
Group Skills are:
- Sickle
- Matchet
- Foraging
- Survival
- Heraldry
- Physician
- Awareness
- Military Organization/Legion
- Tactics
- Initiative
Craft Skills are those skills relating to crafts or guilds. This
includes most of the optional skills available to
CPs by Rank
Each Legionnaire should have served a minimum number of years before being able to attain higher rank.The number of CPs here are average. Modify accordingly
Rank | Yrs* | CP |
Citizens or Freemen
Milities Linari | 0 |
Milities Primus | 4 |
Milities Fabrica | 4 |
Milities Urbani | 0 |
Compartes Urbani (R) | 4 |
Milities Auxilliari (R) | 0 |
Milities Linari (R) | 4 |
Milities Primus (R) | 4 |
Compartes (R) | 4 |
Sexton | 5 |
Manus Primus | 5 |
Manus Legatus | 5 |
Triberties Linari | 9 |
Triberties Primus | 9 |
Legatus | 0 |
Milities Tala | 1 |
Manus | 1 |
Manus Legatus | 1 |
(R) denotes a reservists. Reservists receive XCP for every year
in service while full timers receive Y CP per year.
* Roll 1d40 (1d4-1+1d10) to determine the number of years in
service. Add this to the number in the table.
Legion Colors
A fine paid by a legionnaire currently not in service. The fine
is suppose to pay for their replacement in the legion (wages,
equipment, arms, armour, etc.).
Reservists are those Milities Linari who have already served their first four years and have opted to serve part time (9 tendays in a calendar year), instead of full time. Usually reservists from the same region are called up together for a season of patrols and practices. Reservists must care for their own arms and armor when off duty. It is up to them to see to its care and replacement, or face fines upon returning to the legion for duty.
This is the polite term for any legionnaire who's reenlisted to serve again after his first four years. Anyone, even if they become a reservists, who gains the title of Veteran keeps it. While this can be confusing, it helps to remember this is an honorific and has no bearing on rank or salary.
A lifer is someone who intends to serve a full 6 terms (24 years) to retire as a citizen with a land grant from the Senate. Lifers are rare and most consider them to be touched.
Regulars are those who are either serving their first four years
(sometimes called Recruits) or any who serve full time. A lifer
or a veteran may be a Regular, but a Reservist is not.
Dignitas in the Legion
Dignitas, as every Thardian knows, is your reputation, a
combination of social standing, wealth and trust in this totally
corrupt society. The richer (and the older) the legionnaire
becomes, the greater his dignitas. Rank naturally adds to
one's dignitas but so does not collecting demerits and
serving long periods. Dignitas earned in the legion tends to be
carried into civilian life in equal measure.
Clan Politics
Clan politics are never suppose to intervene into Legion duties.
Loyalty, for a serving legionnaire, is always to the Senate and
the populace, not to their patrons. But old habits die hard.
Soldiers from one political faction tend to be placed in the
same unit for fear of clan politically-inspired reprisals.
Personal heraldry is shunned when on duty in the legion for fear
of being accused of preference. This crime bears no direct
punishment, other than to be shunned by more of the rich and
powerful - as well as opening the guilty to even more clan
Legion Politics
Legion politics only resemble Clan politics to the initiated.
Each legionnaire has his or her favorite Triberties or Mani, and
will champion their favorite's decisions and come to their
defense. While some of this is just idle speculation, those
champions of Triberties Linari Primus Kronas worry the senate
greatly, for they are his power base. Politics in the legion, be
it legion based or clan based, is a dangerous subject, and best
left alone.
The Land Draft
The draft assessment for the year 720TR is as follows:
- All estates larger than ten Carucates (approximately 1200 acres) must supply one equestrian.
- One Milites Tala must be provided for every six Carucates, one Provate and one Bovate within the estate (approximately 795 acres).
- One Milites Linari / Primus must be provided per two Carucates and two Bovates within the estate (approximately 270 acres).
- One Milites Auxilliari or Compartes must be provide for every two Carucates and three Bovates within the estate (approximately 285 acres).
Order of Things
There is more to a legion than just its Tenacus. While this article focuses on the Tenacus and its contents, there are a few other latin titles used in this article.
There are exceptions and subdivisions of the legion not mentioned in this article. They will be covered in future articles in this series.
Many parts make a Legion. Those parts are:
- Maniple:2 Tenaci, 1 Manus. If the Maniple is regular (i.e. the first Maniple in the Cohort) the officer will be a Manus Primus.)
- Tala:5 Milities Tala (equestrians, knights), 1 Sexton (staff sergeant). The tala may be a Tala Sagitorium (mounted archers) or Tala Gravis (medium heavy calvary.)
- Comparus: is made up of 8 reservist soldiers (milities Auxilliari) and their non-equestrian, reservist, officer - the Compartes. The Comparus may either be of archers or skirmishers.
- Cohort:is made up of 3 Maniples, 1 Tala, and 2 Comparus. It is led by a Triberties Linari. 58 men, 10 regular foot, 38 reserve foot, 7 reserve officers and 3 regular officers.
Legion:All the cohorts in a province are known
collectively as a legion. Tharda has 7 provinces, and thus 7
Latin Names and Nomenclature
The Thardic Republic Legions are loosely based on Earth's Roman empire. To give the setting a more Roman feel, Latin names are used.
Real Roman legions changed over the course of the centuries the Roman empire existed - where as the Thardic Legions have barely been around for 50 years.
The Thardic Republican Legions are a poor imitation of the Roman
Empire's Legions, but their structure is similar.
In Latin, you do not add an "s" to pluralize a name.
Instead, in words ending in "us" you drop the
"us" and add an "i".
E.g.:Manus is singular, Mani is plural.
As with English there are exceptions.
E.g.:Compartus is pluralized as Compartes not Comparti.
Words ending in a consonant are pluralized by dropping the last consonant and adding an "s".
E.g.:Cohort is pluralized as Cohors.
For ease of our non-latin readers, Maniple is pluralized as
Maniples, legion as legions, and Militi as Milities. Words
ending in a vowel, like Tala and Fabrica, Linari, and Auxiliari
are never pluralized.
This concludes our Latin lesson for today.
Singular | plural | saying it |
Auxiliari | Auxiliari | AUX-il-AR-ee |
Cohort | Cohors | co-HORT / co-HORS |
Comparus | Compari | com-PAR-us / com-PAR-ee |
Compartus | Compartes | com-PAR-tees |
Fabrica | Fabrica | FAB-ric-A |
Linari | Linari | LIN-AR-ee |
Maniple | Maniples | MAN-i-ple/MAN-i-ples |
Manus | Mani | MAN-us/MAN-i |
Militi | Milities | MILI-ties |
Primus | Primi | PRIME-us/ PRIME-i |
Tala | Tala | TA-la |
Tala Gravis | Tala Gravis | TA-la GRav-is |
Tala Sagitorium | Tala Sagitorium | TA-la sag-i-TOR-ium |
Tenacus |
Tenaci |
ten-ASS-us / ten-ASS-ee |
Tribertus |
Tribertes |
Tri-BER-tus/tri-BER-tees |
1 This section was taken from Jonathan M. Davidson's Alternate Army article. For more information regarding the individual legions, refer to the Overview.^Back Up
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