File Name: familiars.html
Article Title: Familiars Spell Material
Written By: Blair Wettlaufer
Edited By: R. Downey(layout)
First Appearance: HarnList 1998-04-13
I've long mused that familiars can be used in much the same manners as founts, foci, etc, with the right spells. Here is the beginning of my thoughts on the matter, with a quick few original spells to facilitate the familiar relationship. I'd want to add some spells that allow communication over distances (savoryan), a fount of power variant that recharges at the creature's Fatigue Recovery rate (neutral/fyvrian?), enhancements to the caster based on the familiar (improved hearing from their pet bat, some longevity from their turtle, etc.), perhaps a contingency spell that allows the caster's spirit to occupy their familiar in case of death, etc. I'd also like to do a mini-bestiary on some appropriate familiar creatures (ratter dogs, snakes, rats, bats, turtles, cats, rabbits, toads, sparrows, ferrets, etc.)

If anyone wants to collaborate on this, email me...

The History of Familiars | The Summoning | The Servant | The Source | The Living Artefact

The History of Familiars

Since the dawn of time, practitioners of the mystical arts have turned to animals as a source, guide, and point of convergence for their efforts. The Sindar having taught man the art of Fyvria were also known to communicate with small woodland animals and consult with creatures from Faya for guidance in their quest for understanding of the Kelestia.

Familiars, while known to the Shek-Pvar, are not common. However, the witch Sherlyne of Nurisel was famed for her treatise on the use of Familars written in 97 TR. Her writings are considered the cornerstone for research in this field even today. Below are the key points included in Sherlyne's works, and some spells which are found in her treatise.

Historically, small woodland creatures are used as familiars, for convenience and the ability to control them. Of course, horses, demons, elmithri, or any manner of being may be used as a familiar, but at the mage's own peril. A turtle is far less likely to take offence to a role as a familiar than a Dhikiri demon...

As with any other pvaric pursuit, it is a matter of desire, function, and research that lays the building blocks that form the relationship and results of a familiar. Not all spells listed here are necessary for a 'familiar' to be had, but it does illustrate the various ways a caster can enhance the relationship.

The History of Familiars | The Summoning | The Servant | The Source | The Living Artefact

The Summoning

A prospective master can certainly wait for happenstance to bring an appropriate animal before them, or, the caster may cast appropriate spells to bring an appropriate familiar to them. Since summoning often involves an influence over the creature's will, small non-carnivorous creatures are often chosen.

Sherlyne's Scrying (Fyvria II)

A spell permitting the caster to survey his environment for the nearest animal of choice by the caster. The caster must have seen and have knowledge of the creature to survey for it, and must decide which specific type of animal (ie. Squirrel, Trout, Ferret) prior to casting. This spell will search an area up to SI km away. With MS, the caster will know that the chosen creature is within the spell's range, but not its direction or distance. With CS, vague direction and distance might be discerned.

Bonus Effects

ML 51+ The caster may choose to summon the creature to his location. As this is not a natural action for most creatures, the animal is permitted a 5x Will Roll to ignore the summons, otherwise it will appear in (15-SI) hours. Once the creature appears before the caster, the spell's influence will fade, and the creature will be free to perform whatever natural actions it wishes.

Fatigue: (15-SI) x 2 FP

Time: (15-SI) hours

Range: SI km

Duration: n/a

The History of Familiars | The Summoning | The Servant | The Source | The Living Artefact

The Servant

Of course, once the creature is called before the caster, it has no purpose or intent to serve the caster. Other means are required to bind the creature's will to that of the mage, to begin their relationship, and for the caster to communicate his or her wishes with the creature.

Tabar's Binding (Savorya IV)

A spell cast upon any creature. This spell causes the caster to become integral to the target's existence, thus causing a creature or person, while still acting in a natural manner, to place the well-being and wishes (if they can be communicated) of the caster as a foremost priority. The basic spell will allow this effect to last for ML minutes (with CS, ML x3 minutes).

Thus, enchanted wolves and dogs would defend the caster from all perceived threats, ensorcelled farmers and innkeepers would be glad to act as host to the caster at no cost, affected merchants would treat the caster as a favourite customer, guards and soldiers would treat the caster as their superior or officer, Bandits and sworn enemies will find themselves very reluctant to cause the caster harm, and would wish to remove themselves from his presence, etc.

It should be noted that this does not make the target a mindless zombie, to follow the caster's every wish, but the target will perform all actions with the caster's desires in mind.

As this spell requires a 6x Will check to avoid control, it is usually only cast on weak-willed animals or simpleminded folk.

Bonus Effects

ML 61+ The caster may now affect targets SI feet away.

ML 76+ The spell will last for SI hours.

ML 101+ The spell will last for SI days. With CS, the spell will last indefinitely.

Fatigue: (15-SI) x 3 FP

Time: (15-SI) x 4 minutes

Range: Touch (see 61+)

Duration: ML minutes (CS: x3)

Ear of Pvara (Neutral I)

A self-enchantment that enables the caster to understand a single, specified other person in the absence of a common language. The basic spell establishes a special relationship between the caster and the designated other person, and cannot be expanded to include others. This is not true telepathy, and is not subject to psionic interference, nor does it affect sound(s) heard by anyone but the caster.

Ear of Pvara does not enable the designated other person to understand the caster.

The depth of understanding depends on the success level achieved with Ear. MS allows communication roughly at the level of eight-year olds; understanding with CS is complete. Regardless of success, this spell will not make an inarticulate person suddenly articulate.

Bonus Effects

ML 66+ The caster may place the enchantment on a person other than himself (touch required).

ML 86+ Touch no longer required; Range=SI yards.

ML 91+ The effect becomes universal - The subject will understand any intelligent language in his vicinity for Duration.

ML 96+ Limited understanding of unintelligent or semi-intelligent creatures is possible (at GM discretion).

Fatigue: (15-SI) x 0.5 FP

Time: (20-SI) seconds

Range: Self (see 66+)

Duration: ML Minutes (CS x3)

Tongue of Pvara (Neutral I)

A self-enchantment that allows the caster to be understood by a single designated other person in the absence of a common language. The spell establishes a special relationship between the caster and the designated other person, and cannot be expanded to include others.

The depth of understanding depends on the success level achieved with Tongue. MS allows (one-way) communication roughly at the level of eight-year olds; understanding with CS is complete and sometimes better than it would have been if the subject were employing language. This spell will not make an inarticulate subject articulate, nor does it guarantee that an ignorant person will understand what he is saying. The sound made is not affected.

Bonus Effects

ML 66+ The caster may place the spell on a person other than himself (touch required).

ML 86+ Touch no longer required; Range = SI yards.

ML 91+ The effect becomes universal - the subject will be understood by any intelligent entities in earshot for Duration.

ML 96+ Semi/Non-intelligent creatures will, to a limited degree, understand the subject. Of course, if a speaker/listener has no way to form a concept it will not be formed.

Fatigue: (15-SI) x 0.5 FP

Time: (20-SI) seconds

Range: Self (see 66+)

Duration: ML minutes (CS x3)

The History of Familiars | The Summoning | The Servant | The Source | The Living Artefact

The Source

Energy Pool (Neutral III)

A spell to equalize the accumulated fatigue of the caster and up to SI willing participants. The spell resets the accumulated fatigue of all participants at the average for the group. (The energy accrued by casting Energy Pool is also distributed.) If the Caster achieves CS, his FP (only) are halved following distribution.

Example: 3 participants (including caster) have FP of 29, 74, and 30; after a successful Energy Pool, each has 44 FP. The caster achieves CS, so his FP total (only) is halved (to 22).

Bonus Effects

ML 61+ While contact is maintained between the participants, an Energy Bond exists, wherein any fatigue acquired by any participant is divided equally among all of the participants.

ML 86+ Caster can equalize fatigue with unwilling participant(s); however, unwilling participants cannot outnumber willing ones. Physical contact is still required for casting. An Energy Bond cannot be formed with unwilling participants.

ML 91+ An energy artifact may be included in the link. Note, however, that periapts are not rechargeable so their energy can be transferred to other participants, but Energy Pool cannot be used to recharge them.

ML 96+ Animals may be included for redistribution of Fatigue, but not an Energy Bond.

Fatigue: (15-SI) x 1.5 FP

Time: (15-SI) x 5 seconds

Range: Touch

Duration: Until touch is broken

Focus (Neutral-Common ML)

A major/minor artifact power which enchants its object into a focus able to increase the EML of equal or lower complexity levels channelled through it. If installed as a major artifact power, Focus occupies 3 points of Ego/Will. Only one Focus power can be installed in any Artifact. A Focus is of the same Level and Convocation as the spell that creates it.

The Value of a Focus depends on the success achieved in creating it MS=SI, CS=SI x2. Thus a sorcerer at Focus ML 58 creates a 10 pt. focus with CS. The full Value is applied to spells of the Focus's Primary Convocation; half the Value to Secondary spells; other spells are unaffected. A neutral focus only affects neutral spells.

To use a focus, the caster must be attuned to it, and in direct skin contact. The caster is instinctively aware of the direction to his focus, if separated from it.

Mages may re-enchant (upgrade) with foci (even if of Permanent Duration) without destroying them. This is the normal practise when Focus SI improves and a better focus is desired.

The duration of Focus is Permanent if installed as the object artifact is being made/grown/etc. Indefinite otherwise.

Bonus Effects (none)

Fatigue: (15-SI) x Half Spell Level

Time: (15-SI) hours

Range: Touch

Duration: Indefinite (CS: Permanent)

The History of Familiars | The Summoning | The Servant | The Source | The Living Artefact

The Living Artefact

As the familiar can be used as focus, fount, and friend, it can also be enchanted to become a magical artefact itself. The caster can use their sparrow or snake just as a jmorvi can enhance a sword, or a lyahvian can use a gem.

Sherlyne's Soul (Neutral IV)

A spell used to imbue a willing, living creature with the ability to become a major artifact. The creature retains its own will and personality, but becomes a vessel in which enchantments may rest. The creature of course has a Morality, and perhaps a purpose, at GM discretion. This will affect the caster in his attempts to control the 'artifact's' abilities.

Artifact's ability to hold enchantment is measured in Ego, which is known in living creatures as Will. This spell enhances the creature's Will to allow for enchantment. The creature's Ego is recorded upon casting, dependant on success. With MS, Ego is determined by Will + (SI/2). With CS, Ego is determined by Will + SI.

With CF, the creature's Will is permanently decreased by 1.

Sherlyne's Soul has a Duration of Indefinite.

Bonus Effects

ML 81+ The Caster may place this spell on an unwilling creature, should it fail a 4x Will check.

Fatigue: (15-SI) x 2.5 FP

Time: (20-SI) hours

Range: Touch

Duration: Indefinite

Talin's Eye (Neutral II)

A major or minor power which enables the artifact in which it is installed to detect a given class of (living or aurally active) objects in close proximity, and to alert the artifact's user by glowing, vibrating, etc.

If Talin's Eye is installed in a major artifact, it occupies one point of Ego/Will. If installed as a minor power in a minor artifact, it cannot be combined with any other enchantment.

The caster/installer has no control over the method the artifact will use to alert its wielder.

Duration is Permanent if the power is installed as the artifact is being made/grown/etc., Indefinite otherwise. Note that this artifact power serves to expand the definition of any purpose that the artifact might already possess, and this may raise compatibility problems.

Bonus Effects

ML 71+ Caster has control over the method the artifact will use to alert its user, and may select any reasonable method at GM discretion.

Fatigue: (15-SI) x 1 FP

Time: (15-SI) hours

Range: Touch

Duration: Indefinite (CS: Permanent)

Store Neutral

An enchantment which installs a single object-spell in a compatible object-artifact to which the caster must first attune. Store is cast first, then the object-spell (which is aborted if Store fails). Store cannot be combined with any other spell-storing enchantment.

On storing, the caster designates a key word or phrase to invoke the stored spell, and his ML (at time of storing) is noted. Thereafter the stored spell can be invoked either by touching the object-artifact and speaking the command word/phrase, or by act of will by anyone attuned to the artifact. If the Stored spell is uninvoked when Duration expires, the object-spell also dissipates harmlessly.

The success roll is made for the object spell, as it is invoked, against the ML noted at time of storing. Once the object spell is invoked, Store automatically dispels.

If Store is installed as a major artifact power, it occupies three points of Ego/Will.

Bonus Effects

ML 66+ Stored spell can be invoked in line of sight within Will x10 yards. With some stored spells, it is necessary to be closer to exercise control.

ML 76+ Up to SI identical spells can be stored and invoked singly. A separate casting of Store and the object spell is made for each installation.

Fatigue: (15-SI) x 2 FP

Time: (15-SI) minutes

Range: Touch (to store)

Duration: SI days (CS: SI months)

The History of Familiars | The Summoning | The Servant | The Source | The Living Artefact

This page was last updated on January 23, 2002
Questions/Comments should be directed to the Webmaster.
All works are Copyright their respective authors, 2002.