[Jmorvi Introduction | Ordering of Metals | Jmorvi Principals | Jmorvi Index]
The Jmorvi Shek-Pvar stands between fire and earth. His element is of the solid heart of the world, of steel and black iron. The Jmorvi affinity is for mineral, especially metallic minerals. The element and its manipulators are powerful and unyielding, but sometimes brittle and insensitive, brutal and shallow. Jmorvi magic abhors the spiritual, the soul of man which is unpredictable, wild and unreliable - it prefers the sureness and solidity of cold, clean steel. Most Jmorvi are artificers, their magic tends to run in a slower vein than that of other Shek-Pvar. theirs' is the study, making and manipulation of tangible metals, things that do not yield easily to the spirit, even the spirit of the mage.
Note: When a mage of any convocation tries to use a Jmorvi spell to enchant an non-Jmorvi elemental object, his EML is penalized.
-10 Secondary (Peleahn/Fyvria) object
-15 Neutral (GM discretion) elements
-20 Tertiary (Lyahvi/Odivshe) object
-30 Diametric (Savorya) object
In this tome the following special definitions are used: Wholly Metallic - an artifact which is at least 90% metal. Mostly Metallic - an artifact which is at least 51% metal. Partially Metallic - an artifact which is at least 21% metal.
Ordering of Metals
[Jmorvi Introduction | Ordering of Metals | Jmorvi Principals | Jmorvi Index]
For proper casting of some spells, it is useful to know which of two or more metals is heavier (ie: denser). The GM has several options as to the scale he will use to compare metal density. Atomic weight is one option, but we prefer specific gravity, because medieval (and even ancient) alchemists can measure it with a scale and a couple buckets of water.
The following is a list of metals known to Lythian scholars with the Specific Gravities: Platinum (Mythral) 21.5; Gold 19.3; Gold Coin (electrum) 17.2; Quicksilver (Mercury) 13.6; Lead 11.3; Silver 10.5; Copper 8.9; Bronze 8.7; Brass 8.5; Iron 7.9; Steel 7.8; Tim 7.3; Zinc 7.1; Antimony 6.7; Arsenic (Grey) 5.7; Arsenic (Yellow) 2.0.
The specific gravity of a metal also depends on its purity so these figures should be deemed approximate. It should also be realized that, because the laws of physics vary from one universe to another, substances do not necessarily have the same properties on Ketheria as they do on Terra.
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[Jmorvi Introduction | Ordering of Metals | Jmorvi Principals | Jmorvi Index]
Principles of Jmorvi
by Thorvald Neumann
The following is a general list of Fyvrian principals.
- Detection, Elemental
- Duplication
- Elementals
- Invulnerability, Elemental
- Manipulation, elemental
- Absorption, physical force/Rock-Metal
- Artifice
- Brute force
- Burrowing Rock-Metal
- Construction
- Dust
- Gems
- Invulnerability,material
- Jewellery
- Jewels
- Lava
- Magma
- Magnetism
- Manipulation, material
- Metal
- Mineral
- Mining
- Stone, worked
- Armour, physical
[Jmorvi Introduction | Ordering of Metals | Jmorvi Principals | Jmorvi Index]
Jmorvi Spell Index
I |
V |
II |
VI |
IV |
* denotes a chantry specific spell. These spells may not be in
common circulation. The name of the owning wizard is listed with
the spell.
Special thanks to The InterNet HârnMaster Spell File
Revised: December 21, 1993 Edited by R.B. Schmunk
[Jmorvi Introduction | Ordering of Metals | Jmorvi Principals | Jmorvi Index]
This page was last updated on
January 23, 2002
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