The following are spells designed primarily for HârnMaster in conjunction with the treasures presented in Treasures of Pax Tharda 4 and 5. These spells may, or may not be known to all chantries.
They are presented in both HM1 and HMC format for ease of use.
- Ketherian's Trackless Passage Fyvrian IV
- Ketherian's Persistence Fyvrian III
- Ketherian's Root Fyvrian IV
- Ketherian's Blessing
of the Sun Fyvrian VI
- Ketherian's Snowfall Odivshe
- Daria's Index Savoria I
- Daria's Encyclopedic
Retriever Savoria II
- Galvan's Net Odivshe V
Ketherian's Trackless Passage
(Fyvrian IV)
This spell reduces the damage done to plants when the caster walks over, through or by them. This will effectvively reduce the number of signs that someone has moved through the area. This will effect the ability of a potential tracker's skill by ML (MS) or ML*2 (CS). If a tracking spell is used, reduce it in the same fashion as the skill. [HMC: CML (MS), CML*2 (CS)]
This spell does not affect body odors or astral/spiritual/aural elements left behind. It does remove the smells caused by physical passage (broken branches, trampled grasses etc.) but only by not allowing the damage in the first place.
The spell is not perfect and only works with living plants. Pine needles, dead leaves and mud, for example, will still show signs of the caster's passage.
This can be used as either a major or a minor artifact power. When used as a major artifact power, it occupies 5 points of Ego/Will. When used as a minor artifact power it cannot be combined with any other minor power.
The spell will be permanent only if stored as an artifact power during the creation of an object.
Bonus Effects (None)
Time: (15-SI) x 2 seconds
Range: Self
Duration: Caster: SI Minutes
Artifact: Permanent/Indefinite
Time: (15-CML) x 2 secondsRange: Self
Duration: Caster: CML/10 Minutes
Artifact: Permanent/Indefinite
Ketherian's Persistence
(Fyvrian III)
A self-enchantment that allows the caster to persist longer by increasing their Endurance [HMC: their Stamina] by half their Willpower (MS) or by their full Willpower (CS).
When the spell departs, the caster must make a 3d6 shock roll against his natural Endurance [HMC: Stamina]. This should include all physical penalties and injury points the caster is currently suffering.
This can be used as either a major or a minor artifact power. When used as a major artifact power, it occupies 4 points of Ego/Will. When used as a minor artifact power it cannot be combined with any other minor power.
The spell will be permanent only if stored as an artifact power during the creation of an object.
Bonus Effects
ML56+ [HMC: ML60+] Caster can remove 1/2 of all shock currently incurred
when making the 3d6 shock roll.
ML 72+ [HMC: ML75+] Caster may double their Endurance [HMC: Stamina]
rather than adding their Willpower, if it produces a higher total.
ML 94+[HMC: ML 95+] Caster can remove 3/4 of all shock currently incurred
when making the 3d6 shock roll
ML 101+ [HMC: ML105+} Caster can now cast this spell on another. Range
is Touch.
Fatigue: (15-SI) x 2
Time: 15-SI hours
Range: Self (ML101+: Touch)
Duration: MS: ML Minutes, CS: ML Hours
Artifact: Permanent/Indefinite
Time: (15-CML) x 3 secondsRange: Self (ML105+: Touch)
Duration: Caster: CML/10 Minutes
Artifact: Permanent/Indefinite
Ketherians Root
(Fyvrian IV)
This spell roots the caster to the earth as if they were a tree of ML years. The enchantment only works if the caster braces themselves before the casting and does not move their feet during the spell. Otherwise the enchantment will cease to function. Examine the success of the caster:
Success |
Strength Test to Move |
Bonus to Not Slip |
CF: |
3d6 |
125 |
MF: |
4d6 |
150 |
MS: |
5d6 |
175 |
CS: |
6d6 |
200 |
If either someone wishes to move the caster of this spell, they must make a Strength test with the number of dice shown in the table above. If it is an external force, re-roll the number of d6s above and treat that as the casters Strength.
This does not add any strength bonus to thrown objects.
If either someone or some external force, wishes to make the caster slip, add the listed bonus to the casters agility and then test the Agility stat accordingly.
Bonus Effect
ML 50+: Add 1d3 to the Strength test.
ML 55+: May be cast on another, willing, target.
ML 60+: Add 1d6 to the Strength test.
ML75+: Range is now SI Feet
ML 90+: May be cast on an unwilling target.
Fatigue: (15-SI) x 2.0
Time: (15-SI) x 10 seconds
Range: Touch/ML60+ SI feet
Duration: MS:ML x 10 sec. / CS: MLx30 sec.
Blessing of the Sun
(Fyvrian VI)
This spell increases the targets strength and endurance based on the time of day:
Time of Day |
Bonus |
From Dawn to Noon |
+1d3 |
From Noon to Dusk |
+1d4 |
From Dusk to Dawn |
+1d2 |
The enchantment may be cast at any point in the day or night without penalty. While the enchantment lasts the targets strength and endurance will wax and wane according to the table above. Double the effect for a CS. A MF results in no noticeable effect. A CF results in the opposite occurring, where all bonuses are applied as negatives. The caster may negate the spell at any time.
Clouds or weather do not affect the strength bonus developed, nor does the distance between the caster and sunlight. The bonus works when underground, in cellars or caves or even under water.
Weight is not modified as the enchantment provides magical strength and endurance rather than muscular-related abilities.
When the spell wears off the target must make a shock roll equal to the bonus obtained on their endurance. If they fail the shock roll, they will go unconscious.
The bonus does not apply to skills, only direct attribute tests and damage bonuses.
Bonus Effects:
ML 60+: May be cast on one willing target.
ML 70+: May be cast on one unwilling target.
ML 80+: Double the effective bonus.
Fatigue: (15-SI) x 3.0
Time: (15-SI) x 20 seconds
Range: Self/Touch
Duration: MS:ML minutes / CS: ML days
Ketherians Snowfall1
(Odivshe IV)
An enchantment that gently cools an area until its dew-point is reached and the dew turns to snow, causing mild to moderate precipitation. This spell will only work if there is cloud cover or within any region out of direct sunlight. Even if the range of the spell is beyond the darkness, the spell will only have a visible effect out of direct sunlight. The entire range, however, will be greatly reduced in temperature. Centering at the caster, the temperature will rise equally across the maximum distance of the spell.
Within the range where the temperature is zero or less, it will snow. Outside that range (where the temperature is above zero degrees Celsius) it will be cold but without precipitating. The temperature drops 1 degree Celsius per meter.
Light cloud/overcast will result in a light dusting and heavy cloud will result in more snowfall. The chain reaction caused by this cooling usually gives the enchantment a range of a SI/2 kilometers
This spell can be very impressive if stored and released at a dramatic moment...
A MF results in no effect. A CF results in rain lasting 1/10th the time and centered on the caster.
This enchantment by no means imparts any control of the weather effects; it merely pushes pre-existing conditions in the right direction.
Bonus Effects
ML93+: The caster may decrease the temperature of the area more rapidly, causing more pronounced weather effects like minor hail, wet rain or heavy snow.
Fatigue: (15-SI)*3
Time: (15-SI)x2 minutes
Range: SI am Radius
Duration: CS: 6 Hours / MS: 3 Hours
Daria's Index
(Savorya I)2
A spell which examines a grimoire and creates or updates an index to it, allowing a mage to jump directly from the index page to the page containing a given spell.
Bonus Effects:
Range: Touch
Time: 5-SI seconds
Fatigue: SI
Duration: Indefinite
Daria's Encyclopedic
(Savorya II)
A spell which examines the contents of a volume, and looks for a specified sequence of text.
Bonus Effects:
ML 61+ Spell can be used to examine multiple volumes.
Range: N/A
Time: (15-SI)x20 seconds
Fatigue: (15-SI)x2.0
Duration: 2 minutes X number of volumes to search.
Galvan's Net (Odivshe V)
A spell which increases the inertia of moving objects in an area, causing them to slow. Spell affects all objects in an area around the caster with a radius of SI feet. The caster is unaffected. Objects are slowed by a factor of (speed/(12-SI))
Bonus Effects:
ML 61+ Caster may leave specific people in area unaffected. Touch required.
Range: N/A
Time: (15-SI)x5 seconds
Fatigue: (15-SI)x5
Duration: SIx5 seconds
- This is based on *Dance of Himgalith (Odivshe IV) (By Ian Pongray
- Daria's Index, Daria's Encyclopedic Retriever, and Galvan's Net were written by Ed Reppert and posted to the Hârn List.
This page was last updated on
August 28, 2002
Questions/Comments should be directed to the Webmaster.
All works are Copyright their respective
authors, 2002.