An Agrikan Lexicon

by James Chokey & Rebecca Downey

This is a glossary of the various names, ranks, titles, places, and other Agrikan terms that are found in official Columbia Games publications, as well as those that have been invented by the Hârn Religion Team.

Additionally, this lexicon functions as a kind of "short idea file". Some of the terms and ideas mentioned in here are brief synopses of ideas that are still in an embryonic stage, but which may be developed later.

At the end of each entry in the lexicon, a bracketed and italicized citation indicates the source(s) for each term. The following abbreviations are used:

Ag. = The "Agrik" article from Gods of Hârn.

HRT = Hârn Religion Team.

Gol. = The "Golotha" article from Cities of Hârn.

Lyt. = The "Lythia" article from Hârnworld.

Pam. = The "Pamesani" article from Tharda.

Rel. = The introductory "Religion" article from Gods of Hârn.

Ret. = The "Rethem" article from Rethem.

Some terms here are listed in CGI publications, but their definitions contain original HRT ideas that are not found in the official material. For such items, both the published items and Hârn Religion Team are listed as sources, although no attempt has been made to indicate exactly where the official material ends and where HRT elaboration begins.

Agnichar (pl. Agnichari)

Agnichari are acolytes, the lowest rank of clergy within the Hierarchy of Eternal Flame. Within a given temple, the Agnichari are overseen by the Aperalis and tested by the Aperagri. [Ag.]


The High Azeryani word for "fire", the word "ahn" figures in a number of Agrikan names, offices, entities, and concepts-- e.g. Armahnh (Agrik's whip), Viriahn (High Priest), Terahni (holy warriors, members of a fighting order). It also figures in the name of the first fire dragon (Ahnu), and in the Pvaric convocation of fire and flame (Peleahn). [Ag., HRT]

Ainlaumak (pl. Ainlaumaks)

A "corporal" in charge of a small number of Laumaks of a fighting order. An Ainlaumak may be directly subordinate to a T'Kelen, a Haragki, or a Dotelen. [Ag.]

Akarata (pl. Akaratai)

An Akarata is the supreme commander, or "grandmaster", of an Agrikan fighting order. He is typically assisted by one or more Tenekai. New Akaratai are appointed the Senesharil of the sponsoring clerical order, although the fighting order's officers may substantial influence on the decision. [Ag.]


The legendary "Torture Chamber of the Gods", located in Balgashang. In the popular imagination of Kethirans, Ak-Syt is equivalent to the Terran notion of "Hell". [Ag., Hw.]

Amanasurif (pl. Amanasurifi)

The supreme head (i.e. 'pontiff') of the Hierarchy of Eternal Flame is the Amanasurif. The permanent seat of the Amanasurif is Lysara. The Amanasurif is aided by the High Curcuno and numerous Ulankhs; new Amanasurifi are chosen from among the Low Curcuno. [Ag.]

Anas (pl. Anasi)

Anasi are part-time or honorary members of an Agrikan fighting order. They are distinguished from the regular members through the use of the prefix "Anas-" before their orderial rank. A part-time Laumak, for instance, would be an "Anaslaumak", while an honorary Haragki would be an "Anasharagki". [Ag.]


One of the V'hir. Also, the seventh shurpak of the Agrikan year. [HRT]

Apalankh (pl. Apalankhs)

A primate of the Hierarchy of Eternal Flame and the supreme clerical authority (see clergy) in a large political or geographical region. Apalankhs are directly subordinate to the Amanasurif. All Apalankhs are also members of Low Curcuno.

The current (720 TR) Apalankh of Hârn is Klyrdes of Bisidril [Ag.]

Aperan (pl. Aperani)

The eight priestly assistants (see clergy) of the Viriahn of an Agrikan temple are called Aperani, or "masters". Although differences exist from temple to temple, the eight Aperani offices are fairly consistent throughout the Hierarchy of Eternal Flame:



Armanh is Agrik's whip, which he uses "to draw forth fire and thunder from the earth and blood and screams from his enemies". When Agrikans wish to represent their god's association with volcanic fire and/or with torture (e.g. "He Who Knows the Ten Thousand Ways"), they often depict him wielding Armahnh rather than Gashang or Sycanus. [Ag., HRT]


One of the V'hir. Also, the second shurpak of the Agrikan year. [HRT]


Azeryani is the language spoken in Azeryan and in many of the nearby regions that belong to (or that once belonged to) the Azeryan Empire. There are, in fact, two dialects of Azeryani that are so distinct that they are often classified as wholly separate languages: High Azeryani and Low Azeryani. High Azeryani is a formal language, used for poetry, philosophy, law, and even for polite discussion within the Empire, while Low Azeryani is the common, everyday language of most imperial subjects.

Because the Hierarchy of the Eternal Flame is centered in Azeryan, both High Azeryani and Low Azeryani have become important languages within the church. The various titles of the hierarchical ranks (e.g. Amanasurif, Kemelras, Senesharil, Laumak) are in High Azeryani. The fact that Surikal, the secret Agrikan tongue, is not used for writing means that many important ecclesiastical documents, theological works, and other writings are in High Azeryani. Most Agrikan priests learn some High Azeryani, although this may not be the case in regions where contact with the central church is less frequent. . [Ag., HRT]

Balefire Chronicle(s), The

The Balefire Chronicle, composed c. 1450 BT by Moralin, is the oldest and most important account of the life and teachings of Ilpylen, the founder of Agrikanism. Over the course of centuries, other works pertaining to church history and practice have been conjoined with with Moralin's original work into a canon of texts collectively referred to as the Balefire Chronicles (note the "s"). In proper parlance, the term Balefire Chronicle (singular) refers only to Moralin's original narrative, while the name Balefire Chronicles (plural) is used to describe the whole body of writings. Non-Agrikans are generally ignorant of this distinction.[Ag., HRT]

Balefire Disciplines, The

Agrikan religious ceremonies are collectively referred to as the Balefire Disciplines. The Disciplines fall into three main categories, each of which corresponds to one of the three "castes" within the Hierarchy of Eternal Flame:

[Ag., HRT]


The flame-shrouded fortress of Agrik, Balgashang said by some to be in another world, by others at the fiery heart of Kethira. Ak-Syt is located in Balgashang. [Ag., Hw.]


The clergy, or priests, are the highest-ranking of the three main "castes" of worshippers within the Hierarchy of Eternal Flame. (The other two are the Terahni and the laity). The priests are responsible for governing the church, performing its rituals, and conserving its holy secrets. There are different ranks of priesthood within the clergy, ranging from the Amanasurif, the supreme head of the church, to the lowly Agnichari. For a full description of the central clerical hierarchy, see the entry on the Hierarchy of Eternal Flame.

In addition to the main, central hierarchy of the church, there are also numerous clerical orders, which constitute autonomous, subhierarchical "factions" within it. Clerical orders originate in different ways and for different reasons, but individual ones are generally united by a shared mission, political purpose, theological outlook, and/or support base. Some orders are quite large, commanding several temples across a large geographical area; others possess only one or two nearby temples; some have no temples at all. Most clerical orders sponsor fighting orders.

A clerical order is typically headed by a Senesharil, or "Grandmaster", who may be assisted by one or more Markithrai ("Deputy Grandmasters"). Although the Senesharil and the Markithrai have little official authority within the Hierarchy of Eternal Flame, they often possess far more authority over temples associated with their order than the local Kemelras, the regional Apalankh, or even the Amanasurif himself. [Ag.]

Crasel of Merbed

The currrent (720 TR) Akarata of the Cohorts of Gashang. He resides at Themeson, a disputed keep on the Rethem-Tharda border [Ag.]


The enclave of "cardinals" (all of whom are members of the clergy) within the Hierarchy of Eternal Flame. The Curcuno is divided into two parts, the High Curcuno and the Low Curcuno:



One of the V'hir. Also, the fifth shurpak of the Agrikan year. [HRT]

Dotelen (pl.Dotelen)

A Dotelen is a unit subcommander in an Agrikan fighting order. A Dotelen typically commands a small squadron of troops or otherwise assists the Telmen to whom s/he is subordinate. [Ag.]

Eight Demons, The

Another name for the V'hir. [Ag., Hw]

Emperor of Flame, The

See Gashang.


The black broadsword of Agrik's demonic servant Pameshlu. A popular saying among Agrikans is, "Once Emyn has tasted blood, it drinks till every drop is drunk." [Ag., HRT]

Feast of Balefire, The

The Feast of Balefire, celebrating the day that Ilpylen began his mission among the Kuldrh, is the most important annual Agrikan festival. In addition to an elaborate Low Ceremony with pyrotechnics, ritual combat, and human sacrifice, festivities include recitation from the Balefire Chronicle, reenactments of important events in Agrikan history, and public displays of martial prowess. The day culimates in an elaborate feast; in the past, this sacred repast seems to have involved the consumption of sacrificial victims, but the cannibalistic nature of the meal is now usually symbolic. The Feast of Balefire is held on the 8th of Agrazhar of the Tuzyn calendar and the first day of the Agrikan calendar. In years when the Ukhila is held, the last day of celebrations and the resolution of the Pakara coincide with the Feast of Balefire. [Ag., HRT]

Fighting Order

Fighting orders are hierarchically organized bands of Terahni; most are sponsored by a clerical order, although there are a few notable exceptions (e.g. the Order of Merak the Unforgiving, the personal guard of the Amanasurif is sponsored by the pontiff himself and thus has no corresponding clerical order). The typical hierarchy of ranks within a fighting order is:

Many Agrikan fighting orders allow their Terahni to be "part-time" warriors, or confer "honorary" membership within their ranks. Part-time or honorary status is indicated by the use of the prefix Anas- as part of the individual's rank; such members are called Anasi. [Ag., HRT]


Also called "The Emperor of Flame", Gashang is the name of Agrik's fiery mace. It his favorite and most fearsome weapon. In art, Agrik is typically depicted wielding Gashang (rather than Armahnh or Sycanus) to emphasize his aspect as a warrior and ruler (i.e. as the "Warlord of Balgashang"). Mere contact with the weapon is said to inflict "the myriad voices of pain" to all but Agrik himself. Needless to say, the mace is the weapon of choice among Agrikans. One of Hârn's Agrikan fighting orders is known as the Cohorts of Gashang, Emperor of Flame. [Ag., HRT]

Haragki (pl. Haragki)

Any nobly born member of a fighting order who is not an officer bears the rank of Haragki ("Knight"). Haragki typically serve as cavalry in the the order's forces. The Telmen and Dotelen (as well as the order's highest commanders) are almost exclusively chosen from among the Haragki. [Ag.]

Herucha (pl. Heruchai)

Heruchai are the priestly "lieutenants" (see clergy) of an Agrikan temple. Within the Hierarchy of Eternal Flame, they rank above the Agnichari, but below the Aperani. A herucha is typically assigned to the service of one of the Aperani, whose office is reflected in the Herucha's formal title (e.g. a herucha assigned to the Apersupher would be an "Apersupherherucha"). [Ag.]

Hierarchy of Eternal Flame, The

The official name of the Agrikan "central church". Although Agrikanism was founded in 1500 B.T., a centralized church hierarchy did not develop until the early fourth century TR, when the Agrikan temple at Lysara achieved dominance over the other Azeryani temples. In 313 TR, Shaharsulsifa, the Viriahn of Lysara, proclaimed himself to be the divinely-appointed Amanasurif of the Hierarchy of Eternal Flame. As the power of the Azeryan Empire grew, so did the authority of the Hierarchy. By 450 TR, most Agrikan temples in western Lythia-- some willingly, some grudgingly-- had acknowledged the authority of Lysara.

Today, all Agrikan temples and religious orders in the "civilized" regions of western Lythia are technically part of the Hierarchy of Eternal Flame, but most enjoy a great deal of autonomy. This is especially true of temples and orders located far form Lysara. In Hârn and Ivinia, for instance, central authority is virtually non-existant.

One of the most distinguishing features of the Hierarchy of Eternal Flame is its multifaceted approach to the idea of hierarchy. On the most general level, the church is understood to consist of three hierarchical "castes" of worshippers:

There are several important subhierarchies layered within this general tripartite division. From the standpoint of Lysara, the most important of is these is the hierarchical organization of central clerical authority:

While the structure of authority within the clerical hierarchy is quite straightforward in theory, the situation is much more complicated in reality. The Ulankhs, who often wield substantial authority within the church do not fit neatly into this hierarchical scheme. Nor do the internal hierarchical structures of individual clerical orders and fighting orders. Even the ranks of the above-listed hierarchy are not so clear-cut on a practical level. In some regions, individual Kemelras or even Viriahni may wield more power than the Apalankh. [Ag., HRT]

High Curcuno

See Curcuno.

High Discipline

See Balefire Disciplines.

Hodael of the Bloodied Mace

Hodael was the leader of a band of wandering Agrikans who built the first temple to Agrik in Merethos (now Golotha) in the late 4th century. Under his leadership, this temple joined the Hierarchy of Eternal Flame. He is widely considered to have been the first Senesharil of the Order of the Fuming Gate and first Apalankh of Hârn.[HRT]

For more on Hodael, see the History of the Fuming Gate.


Ilpylen, a warrior of the Kuldrh tribe, is considered the first Agrikan prophet and the founder of the Agrikan Church (c 1500 BT). The Balefire Chronicle, composed by Moralin, gives an account of Ilpylen's life and teachings. [Ag.]

Juka-Melbesa, The

The holy sword in the custody of the Maparas. According to Agrikan legend, Juka-Melbesa (whose name means "Destruction by Unfettered Might") was forged by one of Agrik's divine servants in the furnaces of Balgashang and was given to the prophet-warrior Jukashala around 400 BT. [Ag., HRT]

Julah of Gathen

The currrent (720 TR) Senesharil of the order of the Fuming Gate and Viriahn of the order's Golotha temple. [Ag., HRT]

Karel of Delvanau

The currrent (720 TR) Markithra of the Order of the Eight Demons. She dwells at Gerdel, near Themeson . [Ag., Ret.]

Kemelras (pl. Kemelras)

A Kemelras is an Agrikan "bishop", the commander of an ecclesiastical subprovince within the Hierarchy of Eternal Flame. Kemelras are typically appointed by the regional Apalankh, to whom they are directly responsible. All Kemelras are members of the Low Curcuno, although not all bother to attend when it is convoked. There are two Kemelras in Hârn: the Kemelras Royal of Rethem and the Kemelras of Tharda. [Ag., HRT]

Klyrdes of Bisidril

Klyrdes is the current (720 TR) Apalankh of Hârn and Senesharil of the Order of Mamaka, the Master of Steel. A descendant of the Morgathian prophet Balsha, he is respected by the Morgathian church and chairs Golotha's Heptarchial Council. [Ag., Gol.]


The people among whom Ilpylen, the founder of Agrikanism, was born were the Kuldrh, a warlike tribe of central Lythia. Surikal, the secret language of Agrikan clergy, developed from the Kuldrh tongue. [Ag.]


The laity constitute the lowest of the three "castes" of the Hierarchy of Eternal Flame, ranking below the clergy and the Terahni. Although the church of Agrik, does not scorn its laity, it does tend to view lay followers primarily as a source of funds, political influence, and recruits more than anything else. [Ag., HRT]

Laumak (pl. Laumaks)

Laumaks are the "common soldiers" of an Agrikan fighting order. They are often organized into small squads headed by Ainlaumaks or T'kelens, but even the highest-ranking Laumak is subordinate to the lowest Haragki. [Ag., HRT]

Low Curcuno

See Curcuno.

Low Discipline

See Balefire Disciplines.


Lysara, a coastal city in southwestern Azeryan, is the seat of the Amanasurif and the meeting site of the High and Low Curcuno of the Hierarchy of Eternal Flame. The city and the lands around it are governed directly by the church and are almost entirely independent from imperial authority. Many Agrikans make "pilgrimages" to Lysara, especially during the years when the Ukhila is held. [Ag., Ly., HRT]

Lysarshanashra Ahnemakaral

Shanashra Ahnemakaral (High Azeryani for "Lysara's Reckoning of the Days Since the Prophet of Flame"). Agrikan orders who have their own orderial calendars use this term to refer to the official calendar of the Hierarchy of the Eternal Flame. [HRT]


The First God of primal fire, Manrasusha possesses an important, if somewhat unclear, place within Agrikan theology. Some religious traditions identify Agrik as the creation, ally, or even as the servant of this mysterious divinity; others see him as a kind of world-saviour (albeit a self-serving one) who prevents the destruction of Kelestia by appeasing Manrasusha. (See, for instance, the "Where did the world come from?" section of introductory handout on Agrikan beliefs.) Many Agrikans believe that the flame pits of Balgashang are a gate between the domain of Agrik and the pure fiery essence of Manrasusha, just as the flame pits in Agrikan temples are supposed to open a gate leading directly to Agrik. Manrasusha is known by many other epithets, including "The Cleanser and Destroyer", "The Flame Imperishable", "The Fiery Doom" (although some attribute that epithet to Agrik himself), and "The Unchanging Essence of All-Consuming Ahn". (See Ahn).

Note: Manrasusha is unique in that, of all the First Gods, only he seems to occupy an important position in either the mythology or the theology of any of the major churches of Hârn. [Ag., HRT]

Maparas, The

The victor of the Pakara is called the Maparas, the "Warrior Supreme". Although s/he has no official duties or authority, the Maparas is considered the champion of the Hierarchy of Eternal Flame and enjoys as much respect as the Amanasurif, if not more. One of the priveleges of the Maparas is custody of the Juka-Melbesa. The Maparas enjoys his title for a period of eight years, after which, s/he must return to defend his status at the next Ukhila. No Maparas has ever successfully surived a second Pakara. [Ag.]

Marag of Yeredar

The currrent (720 TR) Akarata of the Company of the Copper Hook. A clever, if rather depressed man, Marag resides at Hyen keep.[Ag.]

Markithra (pl. Markithrai)

A Markithra is a "deputy grandmaster" of an Agrikan clerical order. The number of Markithrai within a given order is variable and depends on the size of the order and the wishes of the Senesharil. [Ag.]

Meketa (pl. Meketai)

A Meketa ("High Commander") is the commander of an independent chapter house or a temple garrison for an Agrikan fighting order. He is subordinate to the Akarata and the Tenekai. S/he frequently has dealings with the Aperterahn of the sponsoring clerical order. [Ag.]

Merele of Kantar

The founder and current Senesharil of the order of the Eight Demons. She is Viriahn of the order's Shiran temple. She is considered exceedingly devious, cruel, and sadistic even by other Agrikans. [Ag.]

Middle Discipline

See Balefire Disciplines.


One of the V'hir. Also, the fourth shurpak of the Agrikan year. [HRT]


Moralin, one of Ilpylen's eight disciples, is the author of the Balefire Chronicle. When the eight disciples departed for the eight corners of the world, Moralin went west. The Hierarchy of Eternal Flame traces its priestly "genealogy" back to Moralin, whom it considers to be the "First and Greatest" of Ilpylen's disciples. [Ag., HRT]


One of the V'hir. Also, the first shurpak of the Agrikan year. [HRT]


A period of eight years. Used for measuring the passage of time according to the Agrikan calendar, Shanashra Ahnemakaral. [HRT]

Octennial Games, The

Another name for the Ukhila. [Ag.]


The blood-red shield of the demon Pameshlu. It is said that Okayra was once black, just like Pameshlu's sword Emyn, but that it is now painted with all the blood that has been spilled in his name. [Ag., HRT]


One of the V'hir. Also, the sixth shurpak of the Agrikan year. [HRT]

Pakara, The

The most important tournament to take place at the Ukhila. During the first six days of the festival, champions from the attending orders vie in mortal combat till only two remain. On the last day of the festival, 8 Agrazhar, the Feast of Balefire, these two fight each other to the death. The winner of this final battle is proclaimed to be the Maparas and is given custody of the sacred sword Juka-Melbesa. [Ag.]

Pamesani Games, The

The Pamesani Games are sponsored by the Agrikan clerical order of the Octagonal Pit and the fighting order of Demon Pameshlu the Insatiable. These games, held in gladiatorial arenas dedicated to Pameshlu, typically involve more than just combat. Executions, suicides, displays of torture, and even lighter forms of entertainment involving athletes, acrobats, and actors are often part of a day's events at the Pamesani. [Ag., Pam.]


A divine servant of Agrik-- and his chief underling, with the possible exception of the V'hir. He is reknowned for his uncontrollable thirst for blood and his love of frenzied, unrestrained violence. He is typically depicted as a thin, pale-complexioned man wearing black armor, carrying Emyn, his black broadsword, and Okayra, his blood-red shield. The Pamesani Games are celebrated in his honor. [Ag.]


The current Maparas of the Hierarchy of Eternal Flame is a Karejian warrior named Patéokis. [HRT]


One of the V'hir. Also, the last shurpak of the Agrikan year. [HRT]


An abbreviation for Shanashra Ahnemakaral. It is used as an abbreviation not only for dates since 'year 1' of the calendar, but for the calendar itself. [HRT]

Senesharil (pl. Senesharil)

A Senesharil is the head, or "grandmaster" of an Agrikan clerical order. The nature and authority of the office are highly dependent upon the size, extent, and organizational level of the order. The Senesharil of a small, disorganized order may have less authority than the average Viriahn, while the head of a large, well-run, and geographically extensive order (the Order of the Octagonal Pit, for instance), may wield as much power as a Kemelras or even an Apalankh. Senesharil are typically assisted by one or more Markithrai.

Senesharil of important orders often occupy regional officers in addition to being in charge of their own orders. Klyrdes of Bisidril, for instance is both the Senesharil of the Hârnic order of Mamaka the Master of Steel and the Hârnic Apalankh). In theory, Senesharil are directly subordinate to the Amanasurif of the Hierarchy of Eternal Flame, although this is not always the case. The Senesharil of small, regional orders are often subject to the influence of the Apalankh and/or Kemelras, while Senesharil in regions where central authority is weak are virtually independent. [Ag.]


The first Amanasurif of the Hierarchy of the Eternal Flame, Shaharsulsifa was the Viriahn of the temple of Agrik at Lysara when that temple came to dominate the other Azeryani temples in 313. [HRT]

Shanashra Ahnemakaral (S.A.)

Shanashra Ahnemakaral (High Azeryani for "Reckoning of the Days Since the Prophet of Flame") is the name of the ecclesiastical calendar of the Hierarchy of the Eternal Flame.[HRT]

Shasentaka Ilpylukras (S.I.)

In High Azeryani, this means "Before the Mission of Ilpylen". It, or the initials 'S.I.' are used for dates prior to year 1 of the Agrikan calendar. [HRT]

Shurpak (pl. Shurpaks)

A 45-day subidivision, or 'month' of the eight-month Agrikan calendar. [HRT]


An abbreviation for Shanashra Ilpylukras. It is used to designate dates prior to 'year 1' of the Agrikan calendar. [HRT]

Sons of Agrik, The

Another name for the V'hir. [Ag.]


The secret, ritual tongue of the Agrikan church, Surikal is a deliberately complex and irregular language. Originally derived from the tongue of the Kuldrh, to which it retains similarities, there are numerous dialects of Surikal spoken throughout western Lythia, many of which betray the influence of local vernaculars. Worshippers from different regions may find it difficult, if not impossible, to understand each other.[Ag., HRT]


Sycanus is the tightly curved, copper-red sickle with which Agrik "cuts the hearts and souls of men from their bodies". Sycanus is not so much a weapon as a tool; when carrying Sycanus, Agrik possesses the aspect of "The Reasonless Reaper" rather than "The Warlord of "Balgashang". See also Armanh and Gashang. [Ag., HRT]


A Tazhan, or a "Blade of the Last Cut" is a sacrificial dagger used in ceremonies of the High Discipline. Its name comes from the fact that it is not utilized during the prepatory torture rituals, but is used by the Aperagris only to actually dispatch the victim. [Ag., HRT]

Telmen (pl. Telmen)

Telmen are the equivalent of "knight-commanders" in an Agrikan fighting order. Subordinate to the Akarata, most are officers in charge of a sizable military unit, although some have more "administrative duties" (e.g. the Keeper of the Armory, Master of the Cellars, etc.) A Telmen may have several Dotelen as assistants. [Ag.]

Tenaka (pl. Tenakai)

A Tenaka is a "deputy grandmaster" of a fighting order. The number of Tenakai within an order is a variable dependent upon the will of the order's Akarata. [Ag.]

Terahn (pl.Terahni)

The Terahni are the second of the three main "castes" of the Hierarchy of Eternal Flame. Terahni are typically organized into hierarchically-structured fighting orders. [Ag.]

T'kelen (pl. T'kelen)

A T'kelen is a common-born "sergeant" in charge of a large number of Laumaks in an Agrikan fighting order. Typically, this is the highest rank a Laumak can hope to achieve. [Ag.]

Ukhila, The

The Ukhila, also called the Octennial Games, are held 1 Agrazhar through 8 Agrazhar every eight years at Lysara. This holy festival is cause for numerous ceremonies, rituals, feasts, etc., but the main attraction of the Ukhila are violent tournaments and spectacles , of which the most important is the Pakara. The last day of the Ukhila coincides with the Feast of Balefire. The Pamesani Games are in many ways a smaller, more frequent, and widespread version of the Ukhila. The Ukhila was last held in 714 TR. [Ag.]

Ulankh (pl. Ulankhs)

Ulankhs, or "free priests" as they are often called, do not belong to any particular temple or order (see clergy), but are personally subordinate to a high-ranking official within the Hierarchy of Eternal Flame, such as a Kemelras, an Apalankh, or even the Amanasurif himself. Although their practical authority depends greatly upon the rank of the specific person to whom they are in service, Ulankhs are generally regarded as being on the same level as Aperani. They variously serve as bureaucrats, spies, emissaries, inquisitors, and missionaries. [Ag.]

V'hir, The

The V'hir, also known as the "Eight Demons" and the "Sons of Agrik", are Agrik's most revered divine servants, with the possible exception of Pameshlu. Numerous legends exist about their origins, but most tales agree that they, aided by Ilvir's craft, sprang from drops of Agrik's own blood.

The V'hir bear the following names: Naidurlas, Ashlagya, Zakronas, Molgoshka, D'kahn, Pavahnis, Aneshar, Rashkahn. These ames are also used as the months of the year for the Agrikan calendar. [Ag., Rel., HRT]

Viriahn (pl. Viriahni)

The Viriahn ("Master of Fire") is the high priest (see clergy) of an Agrikan temple. In some regions, Viriahni are appointed by the Kemelras or the Apalankh. In others, they are appointed by the temple's Aperani, sometimes after a bloody internal conflict. In theory, Viriahni are directly subordinate both to the local Kemelras and to the Shenesharil of the clerical order to which they belong. [Ag.]

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