Order of the Scarlet Veil
A Hieretical Clerical Order of the Eternal Flame
The Order is seen as a schism from the Agrik church - although not one in direct conflict with Agrik beliefs. Of late, the following open letter was written:
"From: The Lady of Resilient Flames,
First Priestess of the Temple of the Scarlet Veil
An open letter to all adherents of The Mighty Flame
Re: the Pamasani Games"The world has changed. And on its horizon, we see newer - more dangerous times approaching. Our Mighty Sovereigns hand will once more be upon the land. Some will see this as an excuse to commit more depravity upon those whose souls are lost to us. Others will see this as the coming of an evil, a plague upon all mankind. And all shall be wrong.
"The depravity of the Pamasani Games is known to us. And while it happens beneath the eternal flaming vigilance of our lord and master, it does not please us. Its suffering, initially intended to remind humanity of our own frailty and necessary mortality - is now truly nothing more than a game to its spectators who revel in its excesses.
"The Lord of the Eternal Flame is, and always shall be, the embodiment of war and its justice. Yet there is no longer war depicted in the Pamasani Games. When man faced man, or beast, armed and prepared to die in battle - that was a depiction of war. What matter if that man (or woman) was trained, or ready - for war comes to us all, ready or not, prepared or not. Even in the face of inevitable death, it was better to struggle and fight than die willingly.
"The chaos of cities and battlefields is our lord's unmerciful realm. And, while we are granted the vision to see beyond this realm, into the sea of futures and prophecies - we are aware that all is malleable, changeable and ever in flux. He is the master of mankind's dark heart. There is no honor in war, no justness for the strong to rule the weak. Humanity is no less the beast in war than any vile creature to have ever been forced to play in the games. After survival has been accomplished - humanity seeks to win - and in so doing anything is just.
"But what is to win if you cannot fight? What aspect of war is shown by the speaking, and raping of women and men? It is not to promote humanities bestial traits that the games were created. Lore states it was to show them in the light of day so that all would be reminded. It is a holy office and action those games should undertake for the faithful. And all should, if not be faithful - at least force the watchers to admit to their own inner beast.
"Let the beasts do as they will to the women (or men) they capture unawares or defeat in the games. But give the humans a chance to fight with stick, stone or club at least. The day a Nola willingly couples with a woman, instead of eating her by its own instincts and natural (unassisted) decision is the same day the Eternal Flame shall fail!
"The savagery of the Pamasani Games is a concession of our lord who, in his wisdom, realizes that terror tempers a man like fire tempers steel.
"Without fear, and realization - a warrior is only a pawn of his own making.
"Fear makes him alive, and knowledge of what awaits him should he fail, galvanizes him into action. It is that very reason that we, a prophesying order, train and teach women to go out and seek war. To fight, to live in the glory of chaos of a battlefield - and to beget children of like minded men.
"We, ourselves, have fought - tasted blood upon the wind and howled in victory and might. We have lived. Our dark heart is open and we do what we must to survive, and by surviving prove our actions true and just. If this were not so - why would the Gargun exist but other to temper our blades and test our hearts. So close to humanity, but so far - they are the perfect test of any woman (or man's) heart against killing. For if you can not kill, you shall be killed when the beast is upon us all.
"There is much division amongst the holy on the topic of the Parmasani Games. We see them as having strayed from their original intent and purpose. And perhaps they have strayed purposefully to goad us into action once more.
"If so, so be it.
"If not - let them be ware.''
The following reply was delivered not twelve days ago by personal messenger who did not leave the Order compound alive. Rumor has it that - when challenged by a Warrior of the Bloody Mace the messenger tried to flee for his life, thus breaking a tenant of the faith that no challenge may be denied. He was then struck down like a rabid dog.
"Being a reply to Anas-rebehk
"Thou perverted of the flame; You do caution us of quite dire times. Hast thou forgotten that the Warlord doth love these times you speak of. Certainly you have been weakened by contact with the Laranians; nay it seems you have been converted to some foul form of Peonianism. So then Lady peasant, for I shall not deign to call thee Priestess; What of Justice?
"Is not the Lord present in all such struggles dedicated to his Name? If thou were here I'd like to see how these beautified words convince our favorite pet of Justice.
"Me thinks that Frylack the One eyed Gargun would help you out with the concept of "Justice"
"So then Lady Peasant, consider this an open invitation to thyself, and other like minded sisters to come and experience what Agrik himself demands of his true worshippers.
"Regarding your instructions of how to run our Rituals, I do not tell you or your sisters which thread to use when knitting our holy lap cloths and shall? Nay tis' thy area of mastery, and as such you should not instruct our order as to the specifics of Holy Combat. Do you know of the 88 ways to kill without weapons? I do. and enjoy glorifying Agrik as oft as I can with them.
"And what heresy do I read that you say there is no honor in war?
"There is only honor in war; not with heralds and banners and trumpets but with blade and blood, and cries of rage and cries of pain.
"These are the echoes of Balgashang; If thou cringe now Lady peasant at such cries, then I fear I shall hear your cries whence I meet thee in the afterlife.
"And my Lady Peasant, if thou does travel to Hrn I shall be quite happy to show you the specifics of Nolah anatomy, and that it be quite impossible no matter what circumstances or convincing to get a Nolah to couple.
"And lastly, you speak of Real War, and of this I know much. As does my order. We are practitioners of the holy war, against each other, against the weak, and the strong alike. And against Larani, a battle I fear, it seems that thou hast lost, Lady Peasant.
"I have chosen this holy day to write to you, and to extend the Octagonal Pit's most holy welcome, sister, to see our work first hand, and all of us being judged by Agrik, witness our rites, and judge for thyself.
"As for myself, I must ready Freaks battle finery; he can be quite ornery before a big ritual.
"Anas-uhrik, 4th Deputy, Demon Pameshulu the Unsatiable 8 Agrizhar, Coronan 721 TR.''
To date the Order has not decided to visit the Order of the Demon Pameshulu The Insatiable to see firsthand their violation of holy law - or to begin a crusade against them. Rumor has it that several dignitaries were dispatched in the spring of 720TR to visit the Order of the Demon Pameshulu, and have been fighting there ever since.
This page was last updated on 30 June,
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