Warriors of Mameka
A Knightly Order of The Hierarchy of The Eternal Flame


Mameka is the Master of Steel. He is the embodiment of the Eternal Flame of Baldashang's mighty forges. He appears as a tall human made of molten lava. His skin is dark black with veins of pulsing red. He is often depicted behind an anvil. In his right hand is a giant whip studded with pieces of ragged steel. In his left is a giant hammer. The anvil sits amidst a sea of blood.

Mameka and Mamaka are believed to be the same being. The Order of Mamaka depicts Mameka as a master assassin with no friends, and alone. The Warriors of Mameka depict him as a master warrior with a huge following.

He is said to forge weapons for Agrik out of the living bones of his enemies. Weapons made by Mameka are said to be alive and living in perpetual torment. Mameka is a saint of Agrik. He watches over the care and use of the weapons of war. Legend says it was Mameka that gave humans the secret to making steel.


It is believed in each age there is a hero among the Warriors. He is one who The Master of 10 Thousand Ways will soon call to join his army; and he will not come again.

"In the time of the Interregnum a mountain of a man rose from the crush of his enemies. His sickle broke upon the armour and shields of his victims. Daggers of treachery reached for his heart but he held back his own death by screaming his conviction. Forced to flee we saw him fall again and again only to rise and crush the forces that we thought had surely killed him. He alone guarded the passageway through which the priests and their precious lore fled. Truly he was a hero of the age. He was Dacorin Praineh, Apelank of the Warriors of Mameka."

Akarata Jornejin Tremen,
Priest of Mameka 589TR

"In the time of Arlun, Akarata Gaugier Werebasen ordered us to surrender to who ever came over the ridge. We obeyed, but not before we watched him take on all kuborans who accepted his challenge. His mace was sheathed in flame and his body awash in blood. Throughout the long day and into the night he fought. Slaying all who accepted his challenge. We had been ordered to delay the Kuboran advance for one day. And at dawn exactly he died along with his flames and over thirty Kuboran warriors. Truly he was a hero for an age."

Lieutenant Senel Prained,
Warriors of Mameka, 627TR

"In the time of Obras nine Warriors were sent north to quell revolt. Eight men rode out to eight different towns all under the leadership of Elbeltricia Sauras. Pursuant to her orders, each of the eight men rode alone to the heart of the unrest. They challenged the leader in their area to a duel, offering their own arms and armour as a prize should they be defeated. Should they win, the revolt would end. Eight battles were fought and eight were won. These eight were brothers and they earned their place in history. But their commander was truly the heroine of the age. She was their mother and she sacrificed herself to Mameka to assure her sons success."

Senot Sauras, Son and Lieutenant.
Warriors of Mameka, 668TR

"In the time of Nemiran Hunelin Sauras was but a soldier in our midst. The Crown of Rethem worried about traitors, and sent a group of Warriors out to find a man so accused. Hunelin rode out alone. The traitor Deripimë could not be found, and so Hunelin cast off his armour, and left his horse and weapons with his brother. He wandered the countryside looking for Deripimë. We thought him long dead on the day he returned. Herune brought back the traitor's head, and Deripimë's only son to testify to his father's death. Truly Herune was a hero for the age."

Lieutenant Candrina Raimon
Warriors of Mameka, 681TR

"In the time of Ezar's War, Lieutenant Irmtrud Prained argued against the crown's oversight in forgetting to add the Warriors to his army. Irmtrud Prained gathered 20 men to him and, using his family's wealth, purchased passage on a ship. The Warriors attached themselves to the king's contingent. It is said Prained died defending his king when all around him had never learned his name. Now there is a hero for the age.

Lieutenant Arbert Prianed
Warriors of Mameka, 699TR

"In the time of Chafin I Hagann Saras led a group of Warriors against raiders to the north. His victories are sung to this day by Warriors who honor tactics and talent over brute force. Hagann led his group against every-increasingly large groups of raiders until one day he asked for more men. The Akarata asked him, are all the tribesmen destroyed? He answered: No they were not, but would be soon.

"The Akarata replied: In my dreams you destroyed all the raiders and only then did you get more men.

"Hagann took this as a prophecy and went out alone against the raiders. His brethren considered this a bad order, for everyone knew he was desperately outnumbered, but he refused aid for the Akarata had dreamed of Hagann alone. We never saw him again. He was a hero for an age."

Wedoka Asto,
Priest of Mamaka 700TR

"In the time of Chafin II, Uvranas Heinard stood in the thrown room of Chafin II. He was ordered by the crown to kill a priest of Mameka who had offended the crown. Bowing his head he drew his blade and beheaded the priest with one clean stroke. The priest had been the man Uvranas was to protect. Before the crown could speak anew, Uvranas reversed his sword and plunged it deep into his belly. It is said he apologized with his last breath for bleeding on the Crown's carpets. Now there was a hero for the age."

Karamë Rugmenald
Warriors of Mameka, 714TR

The current age is the Time of Chafin III. There is no current hero for this age, but the order suspects it will be Lattold Keleto, the lieutenant voted most likely to lead the Warriors of Mameka to success in the Octentenial Games in 722TR.


The warriors legends deal primarily with conversations between Mameka and the Reaper. A few of their tales serve to illustrate the Warrior's position in the Reaper's hierarchy, but the majority of the legends are drawn from the Order of Mamaka. The Warriors have only two legends that the priests do not repeat in their services. These are the Pact between Mameka and the Reaper, and the Mamekan pledge.

The Pact between Mameka and the Reaper

In the time before Man the Master of the Ten Thousand Ways sat within his mighty fortress and pondered the battle between him and his arch enemy. His alliance with the Dark God and the Craven One weighed heavily on his mind.

Then Mameka appeared before him. Our Master rose up from the floor between the Master of the Ten Thousand Way's feet. "Lord and Master" said Mameka.

"I am a creature of Ketheria. Born of its flesh, filled with its fire. Let me adore you. Let me worship you."

The Master of the Ten Thousand Ways was not impressed.

"I can create for you the weapons you desire and the creatures you need." Mameka pulled forth a great sickle from within his chest and presented it to the Reaper. Its metal was glowing hot and refused to cool.

"Make me warriors from the Men of Ketheria. Bring me soldiers forged as well as this blade and you may serve me."

Mameka bowed low. "I shall Lord." He promised. And to this day Mameka crafts the weapons for the Reaper's armies. We are those blades, made pure in his mighty smithy in the bowls of Baldashang.

The Mamekan Pledge

Mameka appeared to the first Warrior assigned to assist the Order of Mameka in a fiery dream. And this is what Mameka said.

Think you are good enough to protect one of mine from the strife of life? Think you are a blade best wielded by me? Prove it. Take this pledge and promise me your soul when you die.

And the warrior repeated this pledge.

I am but a blade.
To be reforged as many times as needed
My soul is no longer my own.
I give it freely to Mameka and in return he doth give me his strength and his courage.
A blade knows only obedience. A blade knows only tempering and use.
My edge will ever be keen and my mind at peace with all I do.
And when I die, like the broken blade, I shall be thrown back into the forge to be made anew.
When I have been reforged and am perfect I will be a true creature of the Reaper and happily take my place amongst his army.
But always I shall remember - the Reaper is my god, and Mameka is my master.

Holy Books

The warriors, under Saras Heinard's direction are slowly gaining a written history. Tales from older members are at last being put on paper. The current works of the Order of Mameka detail only this decades deeds factually, the remainder of the works are scrolls of legends, and tales of heroes. While this work does provide a general history, it is not considered holy. The Warriors have no holy books.

This page was last updated on 30 June, 2000
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