Warriors of Mameka
A Knightly Order of The Hierarchy of The Eternal Flame
People Within the Order
Sub Orders
The Order of the Warrior of Mameka is the only fighting order of the Order of Mamaka, Master of Steel. Founded initially as a private body guard, the Warriors have expanded into a formidable force that now acts without direct supervision of its parent order.
The Terhani
The Warriors of Mameka divides into two groups. The first protects the Order of Mameka. They are the Terhani, the protecting blades. They serve wherever there are priests of the Order to protect. The Terhani are not all large men in armour wielding huge battle maces, although that is a fair general description of most of their number. The Terhani learn the art of assassination along with the art of war. As they are sometimes ordered to preemptively remove a problem. The Warriors are careful to never involve themselves in the politics of the Order. While that may not save them, it does assure them a sense of simplicity. They do what they are told.
The Ziguar
The Warriors at Bedenes, also protect the priests in residence, but their primary goal is to retake Kustan from the tribesmen. These are the ziguar, the active blades. The Warriors and the Red Shadows of Herpa are both actively campaigning for a holy war to take the Agrikan religion to the tribesmen, converting them by the sword. The Rethemi crown has yet to sanction such a massacre, but both fighting orders are certain that it will only be a matter of time.
The Warriors of Mameka divide into the Laumaki, and the Knights of the Order.
These are the foot soldiers of the Warriors. They are most often drawn from the serfs and cotters on the lands owned by the Warriors. For exact numbers and where they serve, refer to the Chapter house information above.
The Laumaki are the common foot troops of the Warriors. They serve as general purpose guards and militia all rolled into one. The are formed into units, and commanded by an Ainlaumak.
The armour is standard, at best including a leather tunic, or vest, and knee boots. A few may have metal caps, but not much more.
The Laumaki serve 3 days each month and practice together as a unit. They are often called up whenever their homes are endangered. During their time of duty the Laumaki are responsible for patrolling their village.
ATTRIBUTES STR 12 EYE 12 INT 12 END 12 STA 12 HRG 12 AUR 12 MOV 12 DEX 12 SMT 12 WIL 12 DGE 60 AGL 12 VCE 12 MOR LA INIT 78 SKILLS Physical: Climbing/52, Jumping/52, Stealth/52,
Communication: Awareness/45, Intrigue/56,
Oratory/24, Rhetoric/42, Singing/36
Craft/Lore: Fletching/24, Foraging/33, Hideworking/24
Combat: Initiative/XX, Unarmed/39, Bow/XX, Dagger/XX,Spear/XX
Languages: S:Hârnic/85, S:Nazar/30CLOTHING & ARMOUR Cap/Cloth /0.4
Leggings/Cloth /4.4
Tunic/Leather /8.8
Knee Boots/Leather /3.8
Ainlaumak (Corporals)
The Ainlaumak are all medium foot. There are 27 at Bedenes, 3 at Golotha and 18 throughout their holdings in Anerath. On average an Ainlaumak has between 3 and 5 years experience as a Laumakai.
The Ainlaumak is placed in charge of a unit of Laumaki, and becomes responsible for the training and upkeep of himself and his Laumaki unit.
The armour differs greatly from Ainlaumak to Ainlaumak. Most Ainlaumaks are semi-skilled yeomen and usually dress in leather with a metal half-helm. Usually the armourment is given to the newly appointed Ainlaumak from the Warriors; in return the Ainlaumak is not paid a wage.
They are expected to work within another employ, serving 3 days each month in training under the Warrior's tutilage. The Warriors may call them forth at any time, so the Ainlaumak are expected to always be able to drop what they are doing and gather their Laumaki together.
ATTRIBUTES STR 12 EYE 12 INT 12 END 12 STA 12 HRG 12 AUR 12 MOV 12 DEX 12 SMT 12 WIL 12 DGE 60 AGL 12 VCE 12 MOR LA INIT 78 SKILLS Physical: Climbing/52, Jumping/52, Stealth/52,
Communication: Awareness/45, Intrigue/56,
Oratory/24, Rhetoric/42, Singing/36
Craft/Lore: Survival/56, Cooking/64, Physician/XX
Combat: Initiative/78, Unarmed/45, Bow/58,
Dagger/48, Spear/58, Roundshield/XX,
Languages: S:Hârnic/85, W:Lakeese/72,
S:________ /70, S:Nazur/40CLOTHING & ARMOUR Tunic/Cloth /4.4
Vest/Leather /5.6
Leggings/Leather /8.8
Knee Boots/Leather /3.8
Halfhelm/Plate /3.2
T'kelars (Sergeants)
The T'kelars are medium foot. There are 9 T'kelars at Bedenes, 7 throughout their holdings in Anerath.
T'kelars are relay orders from the Warriors to the various Ainlaumak. A T'kelar is usually a man-at-arms. He may have come from the Laumaki, but is more likely a friend, or son of a servant of a Haraghi.
His armour varries only somewhat, as the majority of it comes directly from the Warriors. Anything extra must be purchased by the T'kelar.
ATTRIBUTES STR 12 EYE 12 INT 12 END 12 STA 12 HRG 12 AUR 12 MOV 12 DEX 12 SMT 12 WIL 12 DGE 60 AGL 12 VCE 12 MOR LA INIT 78 SKILLS Physical: Climbing/52, Jumping/52, Stealth/52,
Communication: Awareness/45, Intrigue/56,
Oratory/24, Rhetoric/42, Singing/36
Craft/Lore: Foraging/36, Heraldry/12, Physician/28
Combat: Initiative/78, Unarmed/45, Bow/58,
Dagger/48, Spear/58, Roundshield/XX,
Languages: S:Hârnic/85, W:Lakeese/72,
S:________ /70, S:Nazur/40CLOTHING & ARMOUR Knee Boots/Leather /3.8
Byrnie/Mail /22
Halfhelm/Plate /3.2
The Knights of the Order
The Warriors have a combined mounted force of 4 companies of calvary (40 horsemen, the majority of which is light horse.) Unfortunately their calvary is scattered throughout their lands with only an overstrength company of calvary (10 horsemen) in Bedenes and half a company in Golotha.
The Knights of the Order have mastered riding through forests, and have begun using their horses only as transportation. Ever since their losses to the Kuboran in 718, the Warriors have begun practicing combat on foot more than on horseback.
This order has no Dolmen.
The Akarata (Grandmaster)
ATTRIBUTES STR 15 EYE 10 INT 16 END 14 STA 12 HRG 08 AUR 08 MOV 11 DEX 11 SMT 08 WIL 15 DGE 55 AGL 11 VCE 12 MOR D INIT 84 SKILLS Physical: Climbing/48, Dancing/68, Jumping/51, Stealth/88, Throwing/92
Communication: Awareness/85, Intrigue/92, Musician/68, Oratory/78, Rhetoric/78,
Craft/Lore: Heraldry/76, Law/84,
Physician/56,Cooking/64, Perfumery/43,
Combat: Initiative/84, Unarmed/82, Riding/78,
Club/72, Dagger/84, Shield/62 Sword/78,
Languages: S:Hârnic/85, W:Lakeese/72,
S:________ /70, S:Nazur/92CLOTHING & ARMOUR Calf Boots/Leather /3.2,Gauntlets/Ring /1.6,
Cowl/Mail /4, Hauberk/Mail /32.5,
Breastplate/Plate /9.6, Backplate/Plate /9.6,
Coudes/Plate /1.6Sir Horab of Gerund is the grand master of the Order of the Warriors of Mameka, Master of Steel. He is in close contact with Klyrdes of Bisidril, Apalankh of Hârn and Viriahn of the Order of Mamaka, Master of Steel. It is the Akarata's duty to assure the Warriors are obedient to the divined intentions of Mameka, and the Reeper himself.
Horab has a reputation for being a corpulent sadist. He was born on Morgat 17, in the year 698TR. He was the third child of four born to a moderately wealthy family in Golotha, Rethem. His parents fostered him to the order of the Warriors of Mameka when he was 12 for political reasons. Four years later the candidate was knighted under the name Sir Horab of Gerund.
Always overweight, Horab overcame this problem by being sneaky. What he could not defeat directly, he tended to stab at from behind. He took to fighting with a dagger and sword in his younger days, but now practices with sword and shield.
He has a medium complexion and brown hair gone gray from age. His eyes are a piercing brown in color and usually appear as if he has only just finished laughing. Horab has always been able to find something funny about every situation he's ever been in; and yet few would call him jolly.
Horab owes his position to his keen whit. A master tactician, and keen on courtly politics - Horab is content to remain at Bedenes and guard the northern border from both the Kubora and greedy southern lords.
Horab has a sick sense of humor, enjoying the pain and disfiguration of others. The Warriors encouraged these traits in him as it only added to his reputation as a violent and masterful fighter. He now goes everywhere armed. Rumor says his dagger blade is always poisoned.
Horab leads his Warriors by example. He asks nothing of them that he would not do himself. He is an active man, but remains obese by the simple matter of always eating too much. His reinforced table has held tons of food, and dead men too in its time.
He loves the finer things in life, but works to assure his pleasures never constitute a weakness. In the past year he has been challenged twice by other members of the Warriors. He did not work up a sweat in either fight.
He has four bodyguards. They are: Rimfrid of Queldstar, Siegfried of Gasherus, Eduard of Simon and Rusward of Choan. At least two of these Haraghi are always with him. These men are quiet and obedient, and are rumored to all be distant relations of Horab.
The Tenaka (Deputy Grandmaster)
The two Tenaka of the Warriors of Mameka each control one of the two fractions of the order. The Tenaka coordinate between the Hierarchy of the Eternal Flame at the Akarata of the Warriors.
The Tenaka handle all affairs and duties, reserving only the most pious of questions for the Hierarchy, and the most marshal of matters for the Akarata. Guests to either Bedenes or Holaseth would meet and negotiate with the Tenaka rather than the Akarata at Bedenes or the Primate (if he's in residence) at Holaseth.
Hanfried of Triam
Tenaka of the Ziguar, is stationed at Bedenes.
A quiet and dangerous man it is said he has killed more men with his bare hands than with his sword. He is patient only when practicing his flute. He has the annoying habit of shifting his weight from foot to foot when forced to wait for anything. Even his horse seems to have picked up this trait from him.
He assures Bedenes is run in such a manner that Horab is never bothered with day to day affairs. Horab has, in the past, permitted the execution of serfs, large monetary transactions and even selling captives and serfs into slavery with only a nod in agreement after the fact. Hanfried of Triam has a logical and calculating way about him. His reputation is one of a greedily cautious man. The Order approved of his appointment because his caution offsets Horab's appetites sufficiently so that few waves are caused by the atrocities performed at Bedenes.
Hanfried enjoys battle more than he enjoys pain or suffering, but has been known to dabble in pain drugs. He also sits in on torture sessions at Bedenes whenever he has the time just to keep up his skills. Hanfried is a master shield maker and prides himself in his artistic capabilities.
He is served by Rarick of Atarnet and Hundbar of Fena, both Haraghi who have made good reputations for themselves in personal combat.
ATTRIBUTES STR 15 EYE 10 INT 14 END 13 STA 10 HRG 9 AUR 13 MOV 12 DEX 13 SMT 9 WIL 15 DGE 60 AGL 12 VCE 12 MOR Corruptible INIT 84 SKILLS Physical: Climbing/58, Dancing/54, Jumping/58, Stealth/78, Throwing/78
Communication: Awareness/85, Intrigue/72, Musician/38 (flute), Oratory/78, Rhetoric/52, Singing/43
Craft/Lore: Heraldry/76, Law/64, Physician/46, Painting/67
Combat: Initiative/84, Unarmed/62, Riding/68, Club/70, Dagger/74, Shield/62, Sword/68, Spear/76
Languages: S:Hârnic/85, W:Lakeese/72, S:________ /60, S:Nazur/81CLOTHING & ARMOUR Calf Boots/Leather /3.2, Coudes/Plate /1.6, Gauntlets/Ring /1.6, Hauberk/Mail /32.5, Cowl/Mail /4, Breastplate/Plate /9.6, Backplate/Plate /9.6 Ekkold of Kaildstur
Tenaka of the Terhani is stationed at Golotha.
Half-brother to Falko of Zasorë, a Meketa at Golotha he is as different from his kin as day is to night. Ekkold is quiet and moody. He prefers normal colored clothing to the dark ropes most of the Order wears as he does not like to stand out.
Ekkold makes spears by trade, but practices it rarely. Instead he spends the majority of his time as a procurer of information for the Order of Mamaka. Ekkold has that stunning natural ability to stand in a room and be almost forgotten by its population. He does not often speak his mind, and even his opinions appear average.
Ekkold works hard at this appearance. He never hides his rank, nor his affiliation, but he will rarely give them unless asked specifically. He is, most judge, an easy man to talk to. What most forget is that anything said to him flows directly back to the Order. A master at Nazur, he also collects information from the slaves, guards and other secreted members of the Warriors throughout Golotha.
He has no Haraghi as assistants as, he believes, they would only draw attention to him, or worse still slows him down.
ATTRIBUTES STR 12 EYE 12 INT 17 END 11 STA 11 HRG 11 AUR 9 MOV 12 DEX 9 SMT 11 WIL 9 DGE 60 AGL 12 VCE 10 MOR Corruptible INIT 96 SKILLS Physical: Climbing/44, Dancing/30, Jumping/40, Stealth/87, Throwing/64
Communication: Awareness/75, Intrigue/80 Musician/42 (lute), Oratory/60 Rhetoric/82, Singing/56
Craft/Lore: Heraldry/84, Law/32, Physician/48, Smithing (SpearMaking)/77
Combat: Initiative/96, Unarmed/86, Riding/80, Club/78, Dagger/75 Shield/85
Languages: Hârnic/85, Lakeese/72, Nazar/90CLOTHING & ARMOUR Knee Boots/Leather /3.8
Byrnie/Scale /30.8
Halfhelm/Plate /3.2
The Meketa (Knight Commander)
There are two types of Meketa in the Warriors of Mameka. The first controls the fortified manors under the Warriors control. The second act as commanders of the temple guard.
The Meketa in charge of the fortified manors are commanders of a combined force of Haraghi and Laumaki stationed at the manor. The Meketa is responsible for the care, organization and management of the manor and its surrounding lands. His duties include the inspection of the books and tax roles as well as inventories of provisions, arms, armour and equipment.
The Meketa in charge of the temple guards must interact directly with the hierarchy of the Eternal Flame. They are given the rank of anas-Heruchai. Should the orders from the Hierarchy and their Tenaka or their Akarata contradict, the Meketa is expected to choose between the two and then later justify his choice in a trial by combat.
All Meketa are master craftsmen in the art of warfare.
Rottfrich of Quasin
Controls Hask manor. He is a large and loud man. Rottfrich is a master armourer. He runs Hask manor with the assistance of Friderich and Gotfrig; two servants specializing in the organization and economics of running manors. Gerald, Rottfrich's son, died in the botched raid on Kustan. Since that day in 718 Rottfrich has sworn revenge against the Kuboran.
Rottfrich regularly arms himself with a large battle mace, but has ridden into battle with warflails and lances in the past. He is a devout Agrikan who listens closely to the local priests suggestions and opinions. His wife, Agregarea is a quiet woman who seems to love her husband greatly. She has born him a son and two daughters. In the spring of 720TR she is pregnant again with their fourth child. Rottfrich is loyal to his wife. It is said he has offered his share of the escapades in the next Ukhila in return for permission to set the first hut aflame.
Agregarea is the daughter of a cotter family in Holaseth. Her family, also Agrikan, has not seen her for over a decade. She does not seem to miss them. Instead she busies herself with her family and the manor. Her keen mind and sharp eyes have assured that the manors stores have always been more than enough to see its inhabitants through the winter.
Hadorard of Dehernë
Controls Penor manor. A city boy by birth, he is a sword smith by training. He assures Penor is run like the military encampment that it is. Tall and of medium build, he is most recognizable by the long scar that divides his face from his right eye across his nose and down to his left ear. Hedor believes the Warriors should focus on eliminating the gargun from Hârn instead of the harmless Kuboran. Regardless of his personal opinions, he follows the orders of his Akarata without question.
He has no family at Penor, having left them long ago to join the warriors. He is a master of the empty fist and makes taburi by trade. He enters battle with a brace of poisoned taburi and a battle mace. His horsemanship is only average and many consider him to be far more dangerous man when on foot. The manor is a place of lively music and friendly faces for Hedorad is seen as a fair man of good standing. He has a violent and dangerous temper that destroys anything that opposes him. His temper never reigns down on his servants nor serfs for he is equally motivated to protect that which the Warriors have placed in his charge.
Hagann of Zhorjan
Controls Torkat manor. She is in her late 30s and unmarried. Hagann joined the Warriors at the age of eight. She is a master boyer. She enters battle with a warflail and a boss-gored buckler. Hagann avoids the Akarata as much as she can but never shies away from danger.
Her ranks were earned and her men obey her orders without question. Little is known about her past before joining. As a warrior she has led many successful raids into Kuboran territory. In personal battles her successes have been total.
Hagann is resourceful and very calm. She prefers the art of the filled fist, but is good with both. She leaves the organization of Torkat Manor to the Beadle Johanas. Were it not for a broken leg, she would have led the ill fated attack on the Kuborans in 718TR. A masterful tactician, the Order of Mamaka has high hopes she will give them the edge in the next Ukhila.
Enar of Yretë
Controls the temple guard at Bedenes. He is the oldest of the warriors still serving. He is in charge of a squad of Haraghi stationed at Bedenes. A dedicated master to marshal skills, he is a mace-smith and a sword-smith. He is also personally responsible for the lives and well being of the eight priests and four heruchai in residence.
Ener has trained dozens of Haraghi and fully intends to train dozens more. Most admit Ener looks strange out of armour. His wife and four sons don't seem to mind. Ener tries to protect his family from his Akarata. His wife is a devout Agrikan, as are her children. While neither he, nor Alexandria, his wife, is as cruel as their Akarata, they are equally driven.
Ener has no interest in climbing g the hierarchy, but occasionally does have to protect his position. Age has yet to dull his blade or his mind. The priests are Bedenes are use to his armed presence and almost enjoy the Northern Devil Bear's presence, especially when intimidation is required.
Eraracht of Zarnaë
Controls Hengel manor, but he is almost never there. Erarecht is known as The Wraith. He is the Order of Mamaka's favorite assassin. Erarecht has a reputation of being able to breach any security to reach his target He always beheads his victims although that is not always how they die.
He has two daughters, his wife died when the twins were born. They are known as the Hand maidens of Agrik. One is studying to join the Order whereas the other intends to become a squire to Hagann of Zhorjan. Erarecht dresses as a knight in black armour. He is equally skilled with several weapons, but is a master of poisons and is a dart smith.
Erarecth prefers to deal with the hierarchy of the Eternal flame rather than his Akarata; fortunately there is Ekkold of Kailstur, the Tenaka of Golotha, between them.
Falko of Zasorë
Stationed at Golotha, he is considered a fool. He is always dressed in the latest styles and is more often found at parties than on duty. Everyone admits he's the last one to be confused with an Agrikan warrior. He is very handsome and in excellent shape. He specializes in crafting sickles. The primate puts up with his foppish behavior because Falko can get into places other Warriors cannot; and because Falko is a very skilled fool.
Falko is familiar with most all the social politics in Golotha. He is even openly welcomed at Golothan Court. Easily underestimated, Falko uses this to better help him meet and evaluate the order's enemies. Falko is a brilliant and consummate actor. Most agree he is far more an asset to the order, if not for an occasional embarrassment.
Fond of ladies, Falko has been called out to duel for a lady's honor several times. To date he's never lost. He enjoys dueling, claiming that's the second place a man feels most alive. Contrary to popular belief, the first place, in his opinion, is within the light of the eternal flame.
The Telmen (Knight Companion)
Subordinate to the Meketa, the Telmen command the unfortified manors owned by the Warriors. When stationed at chapter houses they tend to act as quartermasters. The Telmen of the warriors are older Haragi chosen for their capabilities or disabilities. A Haragi must request this rank from either another Telmen or a Meketa.
A Telmen is still expected to practice their weapon crafting skills regularly; but are otherwise treated as haragi with special duties. Most of the Telmen were injured in some manor such that continuing to ride with other Haragi would be impractical. Telmen are sometimes called shieldmen and are seen as a necessity, for without them the Order would be more reliant on their serfs for the running of their manors.
Hanfreied of Triam
Stationed at Dasath, he specialized in smithing metal javelins and short swords. He was a promising young Haraghi of the Order. On day, in a combat with Ivinian raiders, Hanfried was injured, loosing the use of his left arm and his eye. Miraculously he survived. After six months of recovery he began training as a Telman. He has defended himself several times with a short sword. He is currently working to create a one-handed version of the open fist.
Hanfried and the local priests agree he was fated to his current way of life. He has found a natural talent for manorial economics and mathematics. He learned how to read and write during his recovery. H has not stopped smithing, but now requires an assistant to work the blades. Hanfried takes a personal interest in Dasath manor. His serfs find him reasonable and understanding, two enormity traits unexpected in an Agrikan. Even his temper is moderate.
Hanfried rule Dasath fairly but sternly. Oath and law breakers are viciously treated; as Hanfried has regularly turned his back on both. The hungry must come to him for supplication. Serfs must fulfill their contract else forge a new one accepting harsher terms.
Vorl of Bisidril
Stationed at Bedenes, he sees to the special provisions required by sir Horab of Gerund on a regular basis. A natural procurer of goods, Horab promoted the lad soon after he became a Haraghi. Vorl is feared by most of the slaves at Bedenes, for he is believed to be the primary cause of the disappearance of slaves from the fields. Vorl often travels to and from Golotha to acquire his lords desires. Vorl is hated by most of the Mamakian hierarchy.
He has only faced battle in the holy arena and his victories there were either fated or won with trickery and assistance. He works no smithy and practices no honest trade. Instead he dabbles in poison and plays at battle. Even Falko of Zasore admits Vorl is too far lost to even be a true assassin for the Order.
Vorl was born on the streets of Golotha and will always be a thief before a warrior. The hierarchy had hoped to use him as a link to the Lia-Kavir but Horab instead Vorl serve him. This breach of protocol is yet one more strain between the Order and the Warriors.
Aarich of Hamadryn
Stationed at Medeval, he manages his manor is a sliopshod and hasty manner. Recently injured by Peran raiders, Alarich wounds only recently healed, but his mind is still affected. He feels, without his right leg, that he is less than a man. He refuses to learn how to read or write nor practice the managerial skills his future will require. Once a master mace-maker and a skilled practitioner of the empty fist, the Order hopes he will recover.
And so he was given Medeval, the one manor that almost runs itself. The settlement is older than the warriors presence and the serfs are content to work their land, pay their taxes and live their lives. Alarich knows little of his lands or his people and cares even less. It has been over a year since his disfigurement and even the order is beginning to loose hope in him.
He has been sent on a holy quest to Lythia and is, at last, active. He will depart his residence in the early spring, travelling with only two Hagikari. He will go to the Golothan papacy to determine if Agrik wishes him to live or die. It is said the Order has had a leg fashioned for him. He can ride stand and even fight without any assistance. He has a cane, but wields it more like a club than a support.
Waldi of Hamada
Stationed at Scutal. Named after an Agrikan hero who fought insurmountable odds to overcome his Lord & Masters foes, this Waldi has also refused to give up. Waldi is blind. He has learned how to fight without his sight well enough to defend his title twice. Waldi has learned how to manage his land by speaking to his serfs and servants regularly. He keeps track of the success or failures of the crops and is learning to differentiate between the failures of men and those of nature.
He has a reputation for metering out hard punishments to those he deems to be breakers of manorial law. He has no love for cruelty nor pain, but deems both necessary tools for success. Waldi has been lknwon to laugh at adversity and danger. He believes strongly in his purpose and is driven to be the best master this manor has ever seen. The Warriors require a great deal of foods and thus Waldis demands on the land are growing. He hopes to increase the land around his manor and has been pressing the Order for more money so that he can buy new workers. He is trying to attract cotters to the manor, but so far has had no luck.
Hord of Ernah
Dtationed at Byced, he was once a priest. In his 21st year his Haraghi were slain and he picked up a fallen battle axe. He was found among the bodies of his friends and nine enemies. He had slain at lest six with his borrowed battle axe. The Order deemed this to be a sign, and Hord began training as a warrior. His love for battle made him a quick study to the art of the Filled fist; but he has not been so quick to learn the art of forging battle axes.
At the age of 30 he asked to become a Telmen. He had lost his hearing from a blow to his head. His mind was not affected by his injury but he admits to loosing his love of battle. He is not liked by his serfs who find him cruel and demanding; but he believes to be anything else would be unfit for one of such duty. Hord has never had to defend himself and is well liked by the Order. While barely tolerated by the Warriors, they fear to touch him due to his ties to the priestly order.
He keeps a detailed written account of all the conversations and dealings with his brethren. This account is seen by the warriors as a weapon against the brotherhood. It is only a matter of time before he is challenged. Horab has quietly decided that so long as Hord does nothing overtly against the brotherhood he will not intervene.
*Ekkold of Kaildstur
Stationed at Golotha.
*Ronkë of Zhamad
Stationed at Holaseth.
*Rolbert of Opraltin
Stationed at Kilby.
The Haraghi (Knights)
These are the lowest ranking knights of the Order of the Warriors of Mameka. The Knights act either as a personal body guard or friend and assistant to whomever they serve.
The Warriors lost a calvary squadron in the botched raid of Kustan in 718TR. To date the Order has neither the volunteers nor the money to replace them.
The Warriors of Mameka have 25 knights in their order. Of these 8 are medium horse personal body guards and only 6 are light horse stationed at chapter houses with no permanent duties. The remaining light horse knights are assigned to the various Meketa and Telmen in the order and are scattered throughout the Warrior's holdings.
The Warriors are hopeful that the silver mine near Bedenes will allow them to upgrade several of their knights from Light to Medium Horse.
Name Station Troop Type Rimfrid of Queldstar Bedenes MH Siegfried of Gasherus Bedenes MH Eduard of Simon Bedenes MH Rusward of Choan Bedenes MH Rarick of Atarnet Bedenes MH Hundbar of Fena Bedenes MH Fruno of Traimon Hask LH Dilster of Shedar Hask LH Sorard of Doka Penor LH Wold of Garian Penor LH Ethrharick of Keleto Torkat LH Vollried of Ueleras Bedenes LH Wietagr of Bisidoika Bedenes LH Ebald of Hamadian Bedenes LH Henfrick of Chonid Bedenes LH Gerharick of Barsen Dasath LH Freld of Tarado Scutal LH Vorard of Zhoan Golotha MH Mand of Trald Golotha MH Gadegard of Oprail Hengel LH Hegard of Banched Hengel LH Ganduin of Zarseth Golotha LH Keroldt of Thekal Golotha LH Kardel of Feraildon Kilby LH Worard of Kardina Holaseth LH
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