Hârn References
Hârn references are all © Columbia Games Inc. 1983, 1990. Box 8006 Blaine, Wa. 98230, USA, and N.Robin Crossby. No breach of copyright is intended by this article.
Thardic Republican Module (History of the Tharda River Basin and the Corani Empire) 1-3.
Rethem Kingdom Module (History of the Corani Empire, History of the Kingdom of Rethem, Bedenes manorial information, Order of Mameka) 1-9, Kubora 1-4, Kustan1-6
Gods of Han (Agrik 1-8)
HârnDex (Mameka, Master of Steel, Order of pMA, Bedenes, Keep [C6] pBE, Agrik pAG, Warriors of Mameka, Order of WA, Corani Empire, The pCO, Rethem, Kingdom of pRE) ibid Hârn.
HârnWorld (History of Hârn)
HârnPlayer (History of Hârn, p34-46, Mameka, p103, p128)
Author's Notes
The spelling of Mamaka and Mameka is not an error. The Order of Mamaka is the priestly order where as the Warriors is of Mameka. The difference in the names is supposed to have come from an ancient form of the name.
The character names (with the exception of the Earls, the Akarata and the primate) were generated using EBON (Ever-changing Book of Names v2.1 © 1997-1998 Sami Pyorre) with Rethemi Clan Names module used to generate family names and Germanic Males module used to generate proper names. These modules were provided by Charles Heckman.
Copies of EBON 2.1 are available at: http://www.utu.fi/~sapyorre/ebon
Copies of the EBON chapters used in this article are available at: download.
No breach of copyright was intended by this article. Instead it is presented to expand and improve the existing documentation and information available within Han products. If you find this information of use, please let me know. Questions and constructive criticism is always welcome.
You may copy and distribute this document freely on the condition that the document remains intact and unchanged. Quotations or clippings from this document must retain my name, the date of publication and CGI's copyright information.
Non-Haring References
Warlords, Ancient-Celtic-Medieval By Tim Newark. [Arms & Armour press. An Imprint of the Cassell Group. Wellinton House, 125 Strand London, WCR OBB © 1996, Tim Newark, 1997 Omnibus Edition. ISBN 1-85409-444-0]
Thank You
Special thanks to Jim Chokey, John Sgammato, J Holland-Hibbert, Jonathan M. Davidson, Andreas H. Nicoletti and others on the HRT (Harn Religions Team) for their patience, advice and e-mails. A large portion of the history and direction of this order comes from their suggestions.
This page was last updated on 30 June,
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authors, 2002.