The Breastplate of Tinars

Tinars seems to be the same person as Cargath of Záyírà, although Tinars is depicted as a kindly and rich gentleman who often helps the poor and downtrodden. Cargath is said to have been a pirate and a thief. And yet stories from these two characters of lore match surprisingly well - as if they were tales told from opposite sides.


This silvery blue plate breastplate shows no signs of age or tarnish. It provides +3 protection (BEPF). It is flat and with only a modicum of sculpting to fit a body. It is a size six.

Three small gems are engraved upon the front. They appear dull but masterfully crafted.


Forged recently, the breastplate was intended to be a gift to a legionnaire from a doting father (who was also a mage and a smith). The father was killed by Agrikan bandits who, upon realizing the worth of the breastplate took it for their own. Unfortunately they were unable to figure out how the breastplate functioned and so used it simply as a better armorment than the one they had.

As of 719TR, the son is still alive and well in the legion.


• This enchanted wholly metallic piece of plate armor reduces the impact of any strike upon it by three. [Tharasin’s Ward (Jmorvi V)*]

• The armor has three stores permanently waiting to receive spells. Any caster may cast spells onto the armor and they will then be stored for later use. The caster must intend to store the spell, and not just target the wearer.

The wearer then must call out the name of the spell to cast it. When cast it has all the benefits, and failures, as if the caster had just cast it. CFs will affect the wearer and not the caster. Note: the armor does not have to be worn to be made to discharge. [Store (Neutral IV)*]

This page was last updated on August 13, 2002
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