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Sent by Peoni to see her Sister's War
The gentle priest cries out - no more
He weeps that his hem with blood is wet
Split from family, friend, foe or pet
In his hands a sword that will not kill
But heals all wounds, all ill.

As told to Fennelisa by
Jarrod (Peonian Priest at Fobin)


This appears to be a finely crafted short sword. On the hilt is a picture of a young man in priestly robes. His hands are pressed together in supplication and he is weeping. The sword blade is engraved with runes telling the story of the Peonian Soldier in Larani's house. It has a magical aura of Fyvrian.



Tales of the sword are few and far between. It was crafted by a Khuzdul for someone during the Condominium; a period of peace between the races and before the time of man. The sword has made numerous appearances after most of the great battles on the island of Hârn - causing miraculous healing. But most all of the stories of the battles do not dwell on what happened after.

The sword was last seen in Coranan, and it was rumored to be up for sale. The Church of Peoni considers it to be a blessed relic, but wants no part of it - for it is still a weapon of war. The Church of Larani wants the sword for its own collection, as does the Church of Save-K'nor. The difference being that the Church of Larani would use the sword, whereas the Church of Save-K'nor would not.



The sword heals instead of harms. You can pierce your palm with the blade, and when you remove the sword there will be no sign of damage. It does not hurt or even harm any living tissue. It is always razor sharp and will cut dead skin, hair and nails easily.

In game terms it heals exactly as much as it would do if the strike was from a real short sword.

It has a weapon quality of 19 (on a 3d6 system). There are no bonuses to any other aspect. It is noticeably magical and religious from its markings and aura.

When it touches an undead (not an amorvin or gulmorvin) vines begin to grow from the ground up to where the creature was touched. Within SI minutes, the undead is entangled with vines that are curling around its bones and crushing them. The plant will only cease growing when the undead is imobilized and crushed. The plant will not crush living tissue, but may entangle or entwine those that are in the arms of the otherwise entangled undead. ML minutes later the plant will begin to rot and disappear, although it may leave daisy seeds in its wake so that, come next spring, a patch of daisies will grow where the undead fell.

If the undead is an amorvin, they must make a Will x 4 check or flee.

If the undead is a gulmorvin, they suffer an additional 2d6 damage from burns per hit. Wrotting flesh will peel away and send off a foul vapour.



This page was last updated on January 23, 2002
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