Here's another little rant of mine.

Note: To find out What the Hell is XML, I recommend reading A List Apart. I've linked all the acronyms used in this document to relevant primer articles that, IMHO, best describe what they are and how they should be used.

There are dozens of different character sheets out there for HârnMaster. They're available in spreadsheet formats, database formats and word processing formats. They differ in page size, detail, length and content; but they all have one thing in common - they all contain the basic HârnMaster character information. Having over five years experience with desktop publishing programs and word processors, as well as years of experience building character sheets in Microsoft Excell; I've provided a few character sheet samples of my own to the pile.

But all these wonderful, beautiful character sheets, each one being the representation of a labor of love is just a constant reinvention of the wheel. What's the point? One page or 17 - it's still the same basic information displayed.

So why not create an XML character sheet containing just the basic information? This would include the least information a complete HârnMaster character could contain. Anything that could be derived (the weight of something, damage rates (B/E/P), armor rates (B/E/P/F/S/T), a skill base, the sunsign, etc.) would be left out. The date could be in DDDYYY format.

By keeping it small and simple, we're reducing the amount of data input any GM, player or program would have to do. The standard stuff you look up and write down on your character sheet, or the basic math - could be done in a later step automatically when you decide how you want the information displayed. Also, by saving the roll (say for parent occupation) rather than the string, everyone would be using the same information with less chance of an error.

Ignore the look-and-feel for once. Let's just concentrate on the data. It is, after all, the common thread amongst all HârnMaster character sheets. Sure, it may not look pretty, but it's what we have to start with.

Imagine a web site of NPCs - click on PC and you get the general appearance and some background information. No stats, no skill or spell information.

Click on GM and you get the whole enchilada - everything. Stats, skills, spells. Want to see the details of a specific spell? Maybe the picture and details of a weapon? Click on the name and another window appears with those details.

So what's the best part of this? The character information (all of it) is in one file. The details information is in a series of files that are automatically cross-linked and/or searched for the details only when you click (ask) for it.

No more constantly trying to tweak the appearance and having to update a gazillion files. The smallest of formatting changes, even with good tools and pages that validate, can be a headache. Trust me on this - I speak from experience. Updating this site takes about 6 months to find a new appearance, tweak and validate and then apply it.

By going from HTML (which is a display language, even with Cascading Style Sheets) to XML (which is a structured data language) I'm truly separating the data from the display. But I'm getting off topic here.

By having an XML HârnMaster character, I could produce my tight GM 1/2 page and Patrick Neilson could create his 17 page character design booklet from the same set of sources. Suddenly all the characters that are written using the same XML structure (which can be either a Document Type Definition (DTD) or XML Schema) could be used by everyone without any modification.

Each person could have their own XSLT (the Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations) which would allow the user to change the appearance of the data into whatever format they wish. Conversion into HTML, PDF and even RTF is possible by using XSL-FO (the Extensible Stylesheet Language Formatting Objects).

In addition, since the structure of the HârnMaster character is standardized, searches in the HârnMaster Character Database (an idea once hosted on Al Lowe's site, which seems to have sort-of moved to the HârnPage) would return more accurate results.

So now you know why I want an XML HârnMaster character sheet, preferably with a DTD and two standard XSLTs- one for my own GM format and one for the standard HârnMaster Core character sheet from Columbia Games Ltd.

My goals for the month are:

  1. To create a standard XML HârnMaster character.
  2. To create the associated DTD.
  3. To create an XSLT that results in the HârnMaster Core character sheet in XHTML.
  4. To create an XSLT that results in my own format.

It's a lot to do in a month. Normally creating DTDs is something done by committee because determining the exact wording of fields is difficult.

Here's my first attempt at the XML HârnMaster character.

Note: If you don't have anything other than a web browser set up to read XML, you'll probably get an error. I recommend you save the file to disk and open it with a base-text editor.

Your comments are welcome.

This page was last updated on August 28, 2002
Questions/Comments should be directed to the Webmaster.
All works are Copyright their respective authors, 2002.