Ausulian of Exenion (B708TR)
The oldest daughter of Eradah of Exenion and Gilhthid, Metalsmiths in the city of Coranan (City of Coranan #68), she was born touched. Ausulian has the mental capabilities of an intelligent 7-year old and learns by rote and reputation. She has a very sunny disposition and is overly-trusting. Because of this she must always be watched. Her family is very happy that she has found a young man of similar circumstances, and that they love each other.
This young man, Willom of Weijik, comes from a large family who are all equally pleased with the match. Ausulians brother, Fumist, will become the co-owner of their fathers metalshop with Willom when Eradah dies. Fumist has already signed contracts promising to look after Ausulian and Willom for the rest of their lives in return for co-ownership and backing for the rank of master metalsmith by his father.
Neither Ausulian nor Willom seem to want children, and act more like best friends than shy lovers; preferring each others company. When Willom works the bellows in Master Eradahs shop, Ausulian is usually near by. She leaves him only when given other duties or when Willom is pounding metal. The latter is a sound that makes Ausulians ears ring. Willom always thinks its funny to ask What? after Ausulian says such things.
They are both simple folk who are considered blessed by the Peonian church. Ausulian visits the Peonian temple regularly with Willom accompanying her. Her favorite thing is to sing. The church would accept her gladly into their order, except that she does not want to join them. She very much wants to remain at her fathers shop with Willom and her family. She seems to understand that her father and mother will not always be there to help her, but assumes someone else will take their place at that time. No one is sure if she understands such complex ideas as birth and death.
She is not supposed to wander from the shop alone, but often does. Miraculously she never seems to be upset by meeting strangers, nor hurt by it. She never carries money or anything of value although she may have bits of shiny steel in her pocket as she likes to look at them in the sunlight. Willom likes giving her gifts, but even he cautions her against bringing things with her out into the streets. Local merchants know Ausulian well and most like her. The town watch is use to bringing her home, but Ausulian has never stayed out past dark without giving forewarning.
Her parents are patient and loving. They try to protect her from a world she does not understand. Sometimes it seems Ausulian understands far too quickly, or too well; especially if it concerns the safety of others, or herself.
This page was last updated on
August 28, 2002
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