STR 10 EYE 14 INT 6 END 10
STA 8 HRG 12 AUR 14 MOB 12
DEX 11 SMT 8 WIL 12 DGE 60
AGL 12 VOI 6 MOR Corruptible INIT 55
FAITH 12 COM 12 Deity Halea FAT 0.92
Physical: Climbing/44, Jumping/48, Stealth/37, Throwing/40
Communications: Awareness/64, Intrigue/80, Oratory/33, Rhetoric/40, Singing/36, Hârnic/70, Lakise/70
Craft/Lore: Brewing/84, Cookery/54 Combat: Initiative/55, Unarmed/53, Dagger/40
Armour and Clothing
Cap (Cloth 0.4), Tunic (Cloth 4.4), Leggings (Cloth 4.4)

Born on the 20th of Morgat ( Lado ) 683TR (age 37), most consider him to be well aged as his red hair is only just showing signs of gray. He is small boned with fine features. He stands 5' 6" tall and weighs 136 pounds. His hair is always trimmed short and curly. He has green eyes.

His father was a farmer in the region, and when his brother retired from the legion - Cylaxius came to work at the Inn. His father passed away in 704TR, and his mother followed shortly after. The inn was built on land traded with Sir Ambrose of Addamins , the manor lord, for Trynest's farmland.

Cylaxius had a relatively happy childhood. He joined the legion at 16, and retired into reservist duty at the age of 20. His brother stayed on, and retired at the age of 40. Cylaxius worked his father's land for most of his adult life - intending to inherit it when he came of age. When his brother offered him a position in the inn, he agreed with his father that this was a far better idea than being a farmer all his life.

During the invasion, the Agrikan Terhani took the manor house and the inn first. Cylaxius's brother, Andrew, was very quick to take offense and paid for his brashness with his life. Cylaxius was quick thinking enough to ensure the knights had no reason to kill anyone else in the inn that night. For that most people in town consider him a traitor.

Cylaxius married his brother's widow and took over the inn. He got in contact with the Thardic legions and helped a few people escape from the village. He also hid Agrera's son among the villagers, who accepted him as the son of a hero and claimed him for their own. So far Cylaxius has been very lucky and no one has informed the Agrikan overlords that the son of a traitor is still among them.

Cylaxius takes the talk of him being a traitor in stride. He is a Thardian at heart, and doesn't mind the cost of his deception so long as it comes out well in the end.

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