For those not use to HârnMaster, the information is presented in the following manner:
Name (Guild Rank, if any) Guild or Occupation .
Attributes are based on 3d6, with 9-12 being average. No stat should be over 18 for a human, but there are exceptions.
STR - Strength - how much the character can lift/bend...
END - Endurance - for how long can he do it
DEX - Dexterity - for the hands
AGL - Agility - for the body
SPD - Speed - how fast
EYE - Eyesight - how good's the eyesight
HRG - Hearing - how good's the hearing
SMT - Smell/Taste - how fine a sense of taste/smell
TCH - Touch - how nimble/sensitive the fingers
VOI - Voice - timber and quality
COM - Comeliness - physical beauty
INT - Intelligence - how smart
AUR - Aura - how magical/how likable (works also as charisma)
WIL - Will - how stubborn
FAITH - Faith - how faithful
MOR - Morality - based on the Harnic Scale.
Diabolical: One who obeys laws only if convenient and never feels guild. There is no act of depravity he will not commit for personal advantage. |
Unscrupulous: One who is rarely troubled by guild or influenced by right/wrong. He behaves in whatever manner suits his objectives. His ethics may be based on a principle such as "survival of the fittest". |
Corruptible: A moral chameleon who probably ascribes to some kind of ethical code, but will do almost anything for pleasure or profit. The corruptible character tends to view law/authority as unreasonable constraints on his freedom, and will bend/break rules with little regard for moral consequences. |
Law Abiding: One who respects law/custom and strives to maintain high moral standards, but often lapses. He will usually keep his word, try to avoid harming others, but has little difficulty committing violence in a "just" cause. He can be inspired to virtuous behavior, and suffers from guilt when he sins. |
Principled: The character is reluctant to cause suffering. When he sins, he is troubled by guilt and will try to improve. Although he is honourable and dutiful, he is capable of vanity, greed and hatred |
Exemplary: One who is motivated by the desire to be kind, fair and honourable, regardless of personal cost. May be prideful and hard to get along with. |
Note: The above table was taken from the HârnMaster I source book, (c) Columbia Games Ltd. and N. Robin Crossby. It is produced here without their permission.
This next group of stats comes from the above.
STA - Stamina (Average of Strenght+Endurance+Will)
A replacement for Endurance when dealing with things the N/PC should be able to endure (e.g.: a legionnaire walking in armour) -
MOB - Mobility (5*Speed) - average speed when walking.
DGE - Dodge (5*Agility) - defensive maneuver
INIT - Initiative (Sum of Endurance+Dexterity+Agility+Speed+Will)
Deity - god the character worships
FAT - Fatigue Rate
Physical: By default everyone has the following skills: Climbing, Jumping, Stealth, Throwing. Any other physical skill is an extra learned either through a career or a hobby.
Communication: By default everyone has the following skills: Awareness, Intrigue, Oratory, Rhetoric, Singing. Any other physical skill is an extra learned either through a career or a hobby.
Craft/Lore: There are no default Craft/Lore skills. All are learned through either a career or a hobby.
Combat: By default everyone has the following skills: Unarmed, Dagger. Any other physical skill is an extra learned either through a career or a hobby.
Languages: By default everyone has the following skills: Harnic (Spoken). Lakeese (Written) is a rarity--the few that have it gained the skill through their career, or in exceedingly rare cases (like the three pcs who rolled creative writing in my campaign) as a hobby.
Armour and Clothing
This lists the armour and or clothing worn by the character and the weight of each piece. If there is no quality marked, assume Average.
This page was last updated on
July 9, 2001
Questions/Comments should be directed to the Webmaster.
All works are Copyright their respective
authors, 2002.