Lirin stands 5'5" tall and hopes he will continue to grow. He has a dark complexion and short black hair. His eyes are brown. He is scant in appearance, but most believe he will fill out over the next few years. He eats at least two helpings at every meal but only weighs 112lbs. His looks are average, but he considers himself ugly.
This is his first year under Korthel's tutorage. He is, technically only an apprentice, but most refer to him as a journeyman. His wages are those of an apprentice and go directly to his father, a porter on the Kuseme wharf. Lirin visits his family of three siblings once each month.
Lirin wants to be liked. He works hard keeping his copy of Korthel's books balanced and always has a dozen questions. Sarabis has begun calling him "pup" as, when Sarabis is doing inventory, Lirin is often on his heels watching what he does and asking so many questions.
Lirin is never asked to leave the granaries and Darosta will not allow Lirin even to travel home alone. Both Darosta and Korthel have high hopes for the boy, who is already fully literate and seems to have a natural affinity for mathematics. Lirin looks up to Korthel and overlooks the man's many failings. He likes his job and hopes to become a journeyman in the mercantyler's guild in 3 to 4 years.
Lirin lives in the bonding house, although he is still welcomed in his father's home. Once each tenday a sibling visits with a care package of food, or clothes from his mother. The slaves all agree - this is such a sweet gesture; but what is even sweeter is the way in which Lirin blushes when the slaves, simultaneously, say "Awww..."
This page was last updated on
July 9, 2001
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