of the Bonding House of Coranan

STR 08 EYE 13 INT 13 STA 11
END 12 HRG 15 AUR 14 MOB 40
DEX 09 SMT 11 WIL 12 DGE 40
AGL 08 TCH 11 MOR Unscrupulous
SPD 08 VOI 11 Deity Peoni INIT 49
FAITH 08 COM Average FAT 1.28
Physical: Climbing/52, Jumping/56, Riding/30, Stealth/46 Throwing/40

Communication: Awareness/65, Intrigue/60, Oratory/43, Rhetoric/72, Singing/42, Hârnic/72, Lakise/79, MO:Militia/30, SW:Coranan/87

Craft/Lore: Horsecraft/36, Hideworking/18, Law/20, Mathematics/30, Foraging/20, Physician/16, Heraldry (Legion)/37, Tactics/11

Combat: Initiative/55, Unarmed/67, Dagger/54, Long Bow/56

Armour and Clothing
Tunic/Cloth (4.4), Leggings/Cloth (4.4), Vest/Leather (5.6)

Sarabis, at 27, is the oldest of the Bondmaster's journeymen. He serves twice yearly in the city's militia as an archer. Sarabis is an orphan, fostered to a middle-class family that lives just north of the Pamesani Arena. He visits his foster family for dinner each 10th day.

He stands 5'9" tall and weighs 157lbs. He has red hair and gray eyes in a medium complexion. Other than his exotic appearance, he has an average comeliness which he puts to good advantage whenever negotiating deals.

Sarabis is equally afraid of magic (pvaraphobia) and fire (pyrophobia), although the latter he blames fully on Korthel's incessant chatter on the topic. Sarabis has the psionic sensitivity (ML 52) and thus tends to "see" magic everywhere. His other psionics have not yet been triggered.

Sarabis practices math and writing with the other journeymen for two hours each day. The rest of his time is spent in dealing with customers, reviewing inventory, or off on errands. At Korthel's insistence, he tries to be in the Bonding House for dinner at the start of x watch each night.

Sarabis is an unscrupulous trader who is not afraid to smile at his own success. He hopes to be the next Bondmaster appointed to the Bonding House. He does not openly cheat anyone, as he prefers to have a reputation as a fair and honest person.

Most people like Sarabis upon first meeting him. He tries to be honest and forthright, but occasionally fails. But he is quick to admit his mistakes and take the blame for them. He is however, slow to return "mistakenly-gotten" gains.

This page was last updated on July 9, 2001
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All works are Copyright their respective authors, 2002.