(B677 TR) Slave/Scribe
Born a slave, he works as a scribe in the Red Domes of Coranan. There his knowledge of mathematics and Shorkeinen are used by any Senator or member of a Senators staff. He has no memory of the family of his birth, but has worked with the same 20 slaves all of his life. He considers the oldest of the slaves, Anadus and Vava, like his parents. Anadus taught him to read and write and Vava taught him mathematics and drawing.
Semprius is considered serious by those he works with, but in truth he is a gregarious and friendly man who enjoys talking with friends late into the night. Being a slave, he feels he must hide his true nature to better protect himself. Fortunately, living and working in the Senate is considered to be a safe job. Because he is valued for his skills, few will ever mistreat him.
He befriended a mage who often uses his services for writing long letters and reports. From this man, Semprius is learning Sindarin. In return for his services, Semprious has been paid well enough that he is starting to reconsider the idea of marrying and having children. While the work at the Red Domes is interesting to him, he receives no wage or monies of any kind. Officially he should report this sudden windfall, but he hopes to keep it a secret and put the money towards buying his (or his childrens) freedom.
Semprious is one of the first slave scribes you see when you enter the scribes chamber within the red domes. This cramped room is on the north wall of the building and has giant shuttered windows which are open except in the foulest of weather or after dusk. Semprious primary job is to copy notes scratched on wax tablets onto vellum, expanding, correcting and beautifying as necessary. The rewritten notes are often given to senators, or used as letters to foreign dignitaries.
The senate, ever cheep, insists all scribes clean and reuse the provided vellum as much as possible. Semprious has a fine, tiny hand. His co-workers often joke he could write a letter from a long-winded senator on a grain of rice, but only if he was assured no mouse would eat it in transit.
Semprious rarely leaves the Red Domes, unless it is to follow a senator and take notes. He is studious and dedicated to his work and in return he is clothed, housed and fed. While no senator would ever strike a Red Dome slave, Semprious is always cautious of causing slights or insults to a senator. Senators surround themselves with lackeys and gladiator/guards that are more of a danger to any careless slave than a Senator could ever be.
Once a month Semprious has a day off. He prefers to visit Mero wood and sit among the trees regardless of the weather. His free time is so slight he hates the idea of ever wasting a moment. He has been known to sit in Mero wood and refuse to even enter the caretakers cottage during the worst winter storms. While other slaves partake of the local market or visit the other wonders of the city, Semprious stays away from such things now for fear of spending the money he should not have. That money is the greatest temptation in his life. It is also his only means towards eventual freedom.
Semprious does not dislike being a slave, but understands that it is a dangerous life. Hes a realist who understands the costs of freedom and finds them fair.
This page was last updated on
August 21, 2002
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