Bandit#8:Sourt of Surdos (689TR- )
Sourt of Surdos (F:25) was born on 5 Navek (Masara), 689, in Coranan. She is a freeman. She was the 9th eldest of 10. She is of average estrangement with her parents. The father is dead. The mother is a merchant with her own store. The clanhead is her DRx2 cousin.
She stands 61" and weighs 152.4 lbs. with a massive frame. She has a dark complexion, brown hair worn short and wavy, and blue eyes. Sourt is of principled morality. She is both angry and impatient.
Sourt carries the following equipment: a leather belt belt pouch, 6d, a huge wooden bowl, a knife, a spoon,a small a russet bedroll, 8 Sack(s), Buckram (25-lbs. capacity) 0.5 lbs., a tinderbox 2 1.0 lbs., 1 torch(es), 3 candle(s) 2.0 lbs., a pan/pot, tin (2-gal capacity) 3.0 lbs.
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July 9, 2001
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