Letter to Lady Amelia

Lady Amelia

I hope this letter finds you in good spirits and good company. Your mother is doing quite well, as am I. I write to you on this day to thank you for your generous hospitality and the time you devoted to my company. I must say I truly enjoyed myself and feel that I have found a kindred spirit within you.

But with pleasantries aside, I now need to reveal to you the true purpose of this letter. On my return from your visit, your mother met with me and after I professed having had a pleasant time in your company, she asked me to pursue a union with you. I have to say this request came as a surprise, at least to a certain extent. I guess I have been deluding myself about a possible relationship with your mother, and this was the first time she outright rejected me. But I have also promised your mother that I would do anything for her and this was her request.

After careful consideration, I have agreed to asked your permission to court you. I will be quite honest in telling you that at the present moment I am following your mother's request, but you have already given me reasons of your own to be agreeable with it. Should you refuse, I will not pursue the matter, seeing as you are being placed in an awkward situation. However, I do hope we should at least remain friends and that this is one of many letters we shall exchange.

So in the spirit of friendship, let me update you an the current events which have taken my life by surprise. I have been knighted) Ariman has knighted me. It was a rather quick and spontaneous affair, but I nonetheless had a vision of a grand cathedral and his sword was tapping me on each shoulder. I could even see a choir out of the corner of my eye, yet I have not heard them. The entire affair was done before I was sent on a mission where I encountered an Agrikan Knight. I believe this man to be a great foe I will need to face when the time is right. I, however, feel quite ambiguous about this fight as I really like the man. I'm quite tempted to write him a letter and pursue a relationship of sorts with him This is a part of knighthood I do not like, knowing I will fight men and women that I genuinely like. But I also serve a higher purpose which, in the end will dictate my behavior.

I leave you now, in the hopes of receiving news from you soon. Take care of yourself,

Yours truly and knightly


July 16, 2001

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