To see the full size Coranan Player's Map [GIF 200kb | 1581x1056 pixels]
Other City Maps:
Market District
Each of the following pages has their own associated map. Coranan is the largest city on the island of Hârn, and the capital of the Thardic Republic. The following information expands further on the articles found in Cities of Hârn and Son of Cities (both copyright Columbia Games Ltd, 1984-1999). This information is part of Grandson of Cities - Coranan chapter. Player-Character Residences & Family Businesses were written by their respective players. Places of Interest, adventures and districts written by R.A. Downey.
Apple Inn
- A nasty inn in Coranan city where the floor is sticky and so is the ale.
Haven Inn
- An inn of questionable reputation in Omagil. Just outside of Coranan.
*Bonding House & Granneries
- Mercantyle Enclave, #10, City of Coranan.
All Part of the Bargain
- A piece of political intrigue to introduce a new character into the Harnworld setting.
* This article was recognized as "official" Hârnic material by Project Hârn. To see The Auran Bronze Badge, check out the editorials.
This page was last updated on
June 8, 2002
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