Fobin Legionnaires

The legionnaires work and live in the Keep. Their interaction with the villagers often causes more trouble than it may be worth. The legion tries to keep the peace with legion patrols - but the best results to date have come from shipping troublesome legionnaires to other fortresses.

The Thardic Legion has 4 companies (approx. 80 men) stationed at Fobin from the Gerium Legion. This large number is mostly to protect the keep-town, and more importantly the road between it and major settlements from banditry.

The river valley is home to the District Legar and the commander of the Geshtei Cohort. The governmental process is suppose to be done through the District Legar. Many cases do not get to court. They are instead settled by the interested parties in a much more quiet, and expensive manner.

The District Legar, Braen Wytel, is in charge of all taxation and assures that the local cohort is paid on time. Local trials vary, depending on the nature of the crime. There are no legates, per say, for anyone accused of a crime. The guilty present their story and the investigating officers present theirs. All trials are held in the center of the keep. The District Legar offers his spin on the events and, the ruling is taken either from a panel of citizens or from the District Legar himself. Trials tend to draw large crowds, and merchants often hawk their wares nearby. Hawking during a trial is an offense punishable by a 50d fine payable on the spot or 10 days hard labor.

The commander of the Geshtei cohort is stationed here. Although he should be stationed in Geshtei, the local leaders prefer to have the legions leadership spread out. Officially the reason is that this makes it more difficult to destroy the legion, unofficially it also makes it more difficult to control the legion. Commander Baral tries to stay out of the District Legar's way. Any infraction against Legion Law is dealt with by him, or one of his underlings long before it reaches the District Legar.

The following article is common knowledge.

Permanent Soldiers & Staff|The Officers | Permanent Milities | House of the District Legar | Permanent Staff | Reservists | Reservist Officers | Reservist Soldiers | Horses | Reserve Arms & Equipment | Food | Tour of Duty at Fobin | End Notes

Permanent Soldiers & Staff

There are 40 legionnaires and staff at permanent station here in Fobin.

Permanent Soldiers & Staff|The Officers | Permanent Milities | House of the District Legar | Permanent Staff | Reservists | Reservist Officers | Reservist Soldiers | Horses | Reserve Arms & Equipment | Food | Tour of Duty at Fobin | End Notes

The Officers

This section describes the personality, reputation and commonly known actions of each officer. Servants, squires and clerks associated with the officer in question are also listed.

Horik Baral2 leads the legion forces in Fobin. He is assisted by a squires, 3 servants and 2 clerks. Horik is an assertive man of 20 years of experience in the legion. His keen mind has done much to strengthen Fobin. It was he who found Nevell and offered him the job as chief architect and engineer for the fortress. His squire is his cousin's son - Corin. Horik has made the lad swear an oath not to name his clan, nor wear anything that would suggest it. This has led to numerous rumors among the legionnaires - including that Corin is a foreigner, and a thus a prince of some noble household. Horik's 3 servants are slaves who perform menial tasks for the commander. His clerks oversee the vast amount of paperwork that the legion generates.

Vorgas Holsine3 leads the second company in Fobin. Vorgas purchased his commission and has only 1 season of experience in the role. He is assisted by 3 legion clerks. His squire is his cousin's son - Shia Wytel, who Vorgas describes as a 17 year old git. The legionnaires find Shia more likable than Vorgas. Shia spends a lot of time caring for Vorgas's horse and equipment (both of which Vorgas abuses.) Vorgas's insolence, and bad temper, have yet to get him into trouble. Legionnaires are taking bets as to when Vorgas will be challenged by one of the other thee company commanders in Fobin. His insults daily make listening legionnaires wince. His 3 legion clerks: Erebrine Gyben (F) , Gyandy Thota (C) and Parsuel Musbern (F) all work in silence whenever Vorgas is around. Last year Vorgas cut open a clerk's cheek with a riding crop. Since then he's had 3 clerks.

Tysen Gyben4 leads the third company in Fobin. He is a quiet man by nature, and has not yet acquired a squire. His men are respectful, but few can claim to know the officer - except perhaps Phillipus of Coranan, who - so rumor says - shares the same affliction and the same history. Tysen has 4 clerks (Randai Gyben (F), Cazarant Tholita (F), Herth Gyben (no relation) (F), Randai Cosel (F)) who all appear studious when Tysen is around, but care free otherwise. Herth Gyben has a serious gambling problem, and Randai Cosel is said to have a hollow leg. Tysen has yet to deal with either problem.

Saurach Cosele5 leads the forth company in Fobin. He is a strict disciplinarian who is neither liked, nor disliked by his men. His fraternization is limited to sending his squire (Marth Kos (C) ) to fetch and carry goods to show his pleasure, or remove refreshments to show his anger. The legionnaires who serve beneath him, liken it to figuring out the divine meanings behind the weather. Luckily he has good officers beneath him. His four clerks (Voraka Wytel (F), Jurin Hoisine (F), Jamys Wytel (F), and Keliran Holsine (C) ) cannot claim to know their commanding officer, as they too only deal with his squire.

Torbir Wytel6 leads the first company's Calvary unit. Noble born, he is the fifth cousin to Braen Wytel, District Legar in Fobin. He does not need to promote that idea, as most legionnaires believe him to be the source of all information regarding the District Legar's case load. In truth Torbir barely ever visits the Wytels in Fobin, preferring to keep his legionnaire-neutrality rather than delving into clan politics.

Randal Tholta7 leads the second company's Calvary unity. In his third tour of duty, Randal is sure he's been forgotten by his family. A drinker and a sportsman he feels himself to be pining away as a legionnaire. All of his men commiserate with him regularly. In truth Randal is an excellent officer. His keen sense of tactics and understanding of people have already led to several decorations. A modest man in the best of times, his pining is an act that is always welcomed by his fellow Calvary men, if not the rest of the legion.

Ojar Cosele8 leads the third company's Calvary unit. A large man, many legionnaires pity his horse. Ojar is, however, all muscle. Built like a barrel, he has a laugh to match. A true terror in a fight, both he and his horse have a taste for battle. Stable-hands claim that his horse (Mountebank) bites just for the sheer pleasure of doing so. Ojar does not believe them. Still his dapples steed is given lots of room whenever it is out and about. Ojar is well liked by most officers, and easily recognized by most legionaries.

Quad Levrel9 leads the fourth company's Calvary unit. In his second year as officer, he is often uncertain about his orders. Quick to act in any situation he will then ponder and question on his actions, and their rightness when the danger is past. His men prefer to hook up with Ojar and go drinking. Quad is far too quiet and ponderous for most equestrian tastes. Still, his men obey his orders without worry. Quad's knowledge of tactics and maneuvers equals, if not surpasses, Randals. A few legionnaires have suggested a competition between them - but they both have regularly refused. The legion books live in hope eternal.

Phillipus of Coranan10 controls the first squad of the first company. He is a quiet man by disposition, if not by nature. He's been in the legion for terms - at least one of which was serving at Taztos. Horik Baral asked for him specifically in the year 718TR, but whether that was to remove him from the hell called Taztos, or because of his skill is a source of much rumor at the keep. Supposedly Phillipus has a drinking problem, but has never been seen drinking when on duty. When off duty he is watched like a hawk by his sergeants. He has a new squire, Mikeal Cosele. In public the lad is treated horribly, and is a cluts. But, when Mikeal isn't looking, Phillipus assures Mikeal's skills improve along with his self esteem. No one in his squad is allowed to hate Mikeal other than himself. Phillipus often talks to his horse as if expecting answers. The wise among his squad realize he often asks the horse questions he knows his men can answer - especially in times when asking their opinions would be socially detrimental. Phillipus - so rumor says - was raised from the ranks.

Atren Musbern11 controls the first squad of the second company. Loud and friendly, it is said you cannot frown around Atren for long. Atren is very rich, and equally generous. An expert gambler he is as good a winner as he is a looser. He's been in Fobin for all of his career and genuinely calls the fortress home. He has no squire, joking that no squire would have him. As dark and brooding as Phillipus can be, Atren is light and jovial. His commands boom out onto the battlefield, and in the tavern equally. Most legionnaires either like or hate Atren. With him there is no middle ground. A regular member to Horik Baral's table, he is always a source of rumor and scandal. He spreads gossip freely and quickly, bedamed the consequences.

Pled of Vartos 12 controls the first squad of the third company. He is a strange and quiet man. Rumors say he comes from Rasivar, part of the lands held by the Company of the Eight Demons. If so, he is surely an Agrikan. Speculation over his religion is kept quiet, for fear of insulting the commanding officer, but it is ripe. Little, if anything, is known about the goings on in the lands held by the Agrikan knights. This may explain Pled's usual morose behavior. He does take great pleasure in battle - occasionally forgetting his place and charging before his men into the fray. His men see it as an honorable affliction of which, they hope, time will cure him. He is liked, and is a heavy drinker. Luckily for him, and all concerned, he is even tempered - even when drunk.

Kabin Holsinel13 is an ass-hole. There is no other way of putting it. He regularly insults Phillipus before his men, and expects Phillipus to call him out at any moment. He does not like Phillipus because he was raised from the ranks. Rumor has it that Kabine will be sent to another fortress after this tour of duty. The rumors say that all officers are forbidden to duel for honor among themselves. Whoever calls another out will be severely censored. Kabine is loud and obnoxious. He spends freely, writing home whenever he incurs debts too big to be paid from his legion pay (which is often.) The other officers would rather not deal with him, but have little choice in the manner.

Jamus of Fobin is the legion's physician. Trained in Coranan, he returned to serve in the town of his birth. Jamus is 32, and wise in the ways of the legion. A masterful gambler, he only plays with the money he can afford to loose. A smooth talker his bed side manner is renound for putting even the most stressed-out legionnaire at ease.

Permanent Soldiers & Staff|The Officers | Permanent Milities | House of the District Legar | Permanent Staff | Reservists | Reservist Officers | Reservist Soldiers | Horses | Reserve Arms & Equipment | Food | Tour of Duty at Fobin | End Notes

Permanent Milities

The legionnaire soldiers permanently on duty are those of the first squad of each company. This totals 30 men and women. These legionnaires live, and work, at the keep for a period of 4 years. After each four year term there is a possibility that these men will either be transferred, remain or retire from the legion.

If they retire, the legionnaires become reservists until they reach 45. A retired legionnaire is not eligible for land grants.

Name Rank Sex Age Home C
Vlayz Wytel SoldierI:I M 22 Geishtei F
Kalinde Wytel SoldierI:I F 39 Fobin F
Mitch Mariam Soldier*I:I M 25 Eswut F
Joenorm Wytel oldierI:I M 23 Eswut F
Toribir Mariam SargentI:I M 25 Eswut F
Caius Wytel SargentI:II M 23 Coranan F
Fennelisa Soldier I:II F 18 Coranan C
Corneilus Soldier I:II M 18 Coranan C
Antonius Soldier I:II M 18 Coranan F
Evadi Cosele Soldier*II:I F 34 Idum F
Kerbin Molorn Soldier*II:I F 23 Onrin C
Queris Mariam Soldier II:I M 41 est F
Crolan Mariam SargentII:I M 44 Kolorn F
Sheryl Holsine Soldier II:II F 44 Kiketh F
Debryne Gyben Soldier* II:II F 38 Imrium F
Balsha Morlon SargentII:II M 27 Onrein F
Horwin Molorn SoldierIII:I M 28 Loru F
Sheryn Levrel Soldier*III:I F 38 Selouh C
Osther Holsine Soldier*III:I M 28 Ponon F
Glarine Wytel SoldierIII:I M 34 Ushive F
Elyse Levrel Sargent III:I F 24 Silop C
Eban Gyben Soldier III:II F 28 Pinari F
Toilam Gtben Soldier*III:II M 45 Imruim C
Yealina Holsine SargentIII:II F 28 Geminsot F
Klodel Tholta Soldier III:II M 25 Nivon F
Horwin Molorn SoldierIV:I F 28 Loruy F
Sheryn Levrel Soldier*IV:I F 38 Selouh C
Osther Holsine Soldier*IV:I M 28 Ponon F
Glarine Wytel Soldier IV:I M 34 Ushive C
Elyse Levrel Sargent IV:I F 24 Silop F
Eben Gyben Soldier IV:II F 16 Pinari F
Toilam Gyben Soldier*IV:II M 28 Imrium F
Yaelina Holsine SargentIV:II F 45 Geminost F
Klodel Tholtha Soldier IV:II M 28 Nivon F

* The soldier has craft skills

Numbers I:I represent First company, First squad. There are three squads per company.

C = Citizenship F= Freedman, C = Citizen

Permanent Soldiers & Staff|The Officers | Permanent Milities | House of the District Legar | Permanent Staff | Reservists | Reservist Officers | Reservist Soldiers | Horses | Reserve Arms & Equipment | Food | Tour of Duty at Fobin | End Notes

House of the District Legar

Braen Wytel, his wife, 2 children and their servants live inside the fortress.

Braen Wytel is 32, and does not resemble his cousin Borisir Wytel at all. Braen is the District Legar for the Geishtei district. He currently lives, and holds court, at Fobin. Braen is a calm and patient man, speaking very little. He appreciates what little vacation he receives from his post as head judge for the district. The easiest way to annoy this man is to remind him of his ties to Borisir. Wytel clan politics are truly a deadly game. Braen would rather see his boys survive and become legionnaires than risk their lives in the family squabble.

Susanna Baral married Braen as a way to make peace between two clans. It took her four years to fall in love with this solitary man. She admires the way he spends time with his children, and the way he comforted her at the still-born birth of their only daughter. Susanna is a masterful organizer. When not at her loom, she is organizing the Officer's kitchen with the help of the master cook. She insists on being present at Horik Baral's table as often as she can, thus rarely using the private kitchen the family owns on the second floor.

Matthew is 14, and precocious. He wants to be a legionnaire, and Braen has already assured him a spot in college. Matthew does not yet realize that he may not be stationed in Fobin. Matthew hates his lessons with his tutor (Martin) and ignores his servant (Joseph Jr.) whenever possible. The lad has the run of the keep, but is wise to not enter the soldier's barracks without an adult of recognizable rank in toe. Horik treats him like a close cousin, and thus he has no enemies among the officers of Fobin.

Jackob is 8, and as quiet and solitary as his father. Jackob enjoys his time with the legionnaires, but stays out of the way of the officers. Although his father denies it, Jackob is certain he is destined for scholarly life. Martin admits the boy is bright, but is not yet sure where the child's affinity lays. Jacob's favorite place is beside Jarel's fire in the Peonian Riverside chapel.

Martin was bought, and brought to Fobin at Matthew's birth. He is the boy's tutor and baby sitter. A scholarly lad, Martins good looks have not been lost on the household. Rumors abound that Susanna and Martin were an item before Jackob was born. Martin refuses to comment on the topic, for fear of his life. Martin has some magical ability, but it is untrained.

Joseph and Josephina are twins. One looks after the master, the other the mistress. Their oldest boy (22 - Joseph Jr. looks after Mathew and Jackob. The three servants are the only ones permitted into the close family circle of Braen Wytel. Joseph Sr. is a slave who had his tongue cut out so he will not tell secrets. Josephina has her tongue, but still does not speak much. She fears the same operation may be done on her son to keep family secrets.

Permanent Soldiers & Staff|The Officers | Permanent Milities | House of the District Legar | Permanent Staff | Reservists | Reservist Officers | Reservist Soldiers | Horses | Reserve Arms & Equipment | Food | Tour of Duty at Fobin | End Notes

Permanent Staff

The people who live and work in the keep are not all legionnaires. The servants are slaves, where as clerks and journeymen are freedmen. Masters must be citizens.

3 servants for the Triberties Primus (Sandy, Jonathan and Norbert), 2 clerks (Maru, and Robert)

3 clerks for the Triberties Linari/Mani Legati (Micheal, Ted, and William)

2 general clerks (Henry and Susor)

3 master cooks (one for the officers -- Renny, one for the soldiers, Terry and 1 baker, Sandra) and 8 assistant cooks.

12 general servants.

1 master oslter (Galther), 4 journeymen (Rithu, Sanstre, Theru, and Mikeal (all bonded)

1 master metalsmith (Nevill), 1 master weaponsmith (Merian) and 6 apprentices

These august personages are left to your own imagination.

Permanent Soldiers & Staff|The Officers | Permanent Milities | House of the District Legar | Permanent Staff | Reservists | Reservist Officers | Reservist Soldiers | Horses | Reserve Arms & Equipment | Food | Tour of Duty at Fobin | End Notes


There are a total of 135 reservists, roughly 1/4 of which is serving at any one time in Fobin. When the reservists are not serving their time in the legion, they are deemed "out of season" and thus can neither be pestered nor ordered about by the commanding officers. When the men are "in season" however, every one of them is fair game.

Permanent Soldiers & Staff|The Officers | Permanent Milities | House of the District Legar | Permanent Staff | Reservists | Reservist Officers | Reservist Soldiers | Horses | Reserve Arms & Equipment | Food | Tour of Duty at Fobin | End Notes

Reservist Officers

Most reservist officers are mounted. A stable stall for their mount, and the mounts daily feed is included in their daily rations. When an officer's season has ended, he often takes his horse with him. Each equestrian is responsible for his own horse. If it should sicken, die or otherwise be unable to serve him during his season, he must replace it out of his own pocket.

Elwen Mariam14 controls the second squad of the first company. His men are all reservists. When he has men to lead, he exercises them rigorously. When he does not he acts as a messenger for the first company. He sometimes accompanies Phillipus out on patrols, and does his share of wall duty. Elwen is a regular fellow, few believe he is equestrian born, for he is as friendly with a common soldier as he is a fellow officer. Often at Horik's table, he is good company. He willingly spends his free time with the local men of his squad in Fobin when they are off duty.

Judyn Mariam (F) 15 controls the third squad of the first company. Her men are all reservists. This will be her fourth tour of duty. She expects to retire in 722, and is actively involved in the legion's petition to the senate in regards to land grants. A landless knight, she will end up taking private duty (mercenary or body guard work) if the senate does not gift her with land. Rumor has it she will acquire the unmasterd villa in Fobin if Horik Baral has his way. Judyn is calm and orderly. She is strict with her men, but wise in the ways of the army. She can match her men's lude and crudeness and still beat them at a game of knuckles.16 When she has no men to lead, she goes home to Tuzor.

Sorabain Cosele (F)17 controls the second squad of the second company. The young woman is new to the post, and is putting her college education to work. She has no qualms telling male legionnaires where to go and how to get there. She can be polite and sweet or vile and dangerous - your choice. She's been nick-named "ViperMouth" by her men, and they will assure anyone it is a term of affection. She goes home to Ulmar when not in season.

Rolur Morlorn18 controls the third squad of the second company. He is new to the post in commanding the third group in the second company. His fresh college education is now being put to the test. His knowledge of tactics is sketchy at best, and he is often helped by his sergeants. Rolur follows Arlin's lead - hoping that will be enough. His men are impressed, during his first battle he didn't loose his lunch. His men expect much from this young man. Friendly and quiet, Rolur aspires to be Arlin in 8 years. Everyone knows, he's got a long way to go. He acts as the quartermaster's assistant for the second company.

Lorisa Gyben19 He has one more term to serve before retiring. An activist along with Judyn, they have much in common. Lorisa is a slightly smaller and paler copy of Judyn. Their men refer to them as twin sisters, and think it brings them luck. She controls the second squad of the third company, acting as messenger when her men are not in season.

Kolvin Baral20 controls the third squad of the third company. Kolvin is considered "kooky" by most that meet him. An animated talker, he often says the oddest things that - may even border on insult. His intentions are always good, but his aim (as they say) is lousy. He tries to laugh off his mistakes. Rumor has it this lad may not survive his tour. He's been voted best likely to receive a javelin in the back by his men. He never listens to his sergeants.

Falawn Wytel (F) 21 controls the second squad of the fourth company. Falawn works hard to be the best she can be. She can regularly be found drilling with her men, or studying tactics in the District Legar's library. She often explains the theory to her men so they can show her the practical side of the combat. While not the best leader of men, all admit she has potential. A few men find it hard to concentrate in her presence (she is strikingly beautiful) but she has no qualms in working them until they drop. After a few such sessions they say her beauty (or at least its effects) fade. Still - every soldier is glad to hear her lilting voice when they are ill. Most say it reminds them of home.

Herth Cosele (F) 22 controls the third squad of the fourth company. Herth is good at tactics, and equally good at leading men. He is companionable, listens to his sergeants - in fact Herth would be perfect, if he could ride a horse. Herth tries, but regularly falls off. He's never managed (in his 3 years of experience) to saddle a beast himself - and if he cannot stay aloft of his docile mare, no one wants to see him on a messenger horse.

Ewnian Wytel23 controls the militia skirmishers of the second squad of the first company.

Chrisen Musbern24 controls the militia archers of the third squad of the first company.

Rondal Wytel25 controls the militia skirmishers of the second squad of the second company.

The archers for the third company do not, currently have a leader. Mitchel Umar died in combat in 718. The role of commander for the militia has been taken by various squires or interested Sergeants, depending on the season. A new commander will be found for 722, but not before.

Toneld Wytel26 commands the militia skirmishers of the second squad of the third company. Toneld is known for his sense of humor. Any story told by him becomes a tale of laughter and joy. When the moment becomes sorrowful he clears his throat, but says nothing. A strong leader, he has a loud, clear voice that carries well over the battlefield. His strong grip has been known to pull soldiers in and out of the battle lines. He gets along well with Tysen, and is often found in his company, when in season.

Lobir Tholta27 (F) commands the milities skirmishers of the third squad of the third company. Lobir is a solid, silent farmer. One could almost imagine this man never speaks - until one hears him on the battlefield. Master of Curses, he often rallies his men with oaths and sayings that make a Peonian blush. His foul mouth is unique and its use inspired. Off the battlefield he is quiet, hardworking, and in general pleasant (if untalkative) company.

Hondash Gyben28 commands the milities skirmishers of the second squad of the fourth company. Hondash is rash, as the local saying goes - always wants in first. His men can often be heard groaning as Hondash jumps ahead, sometimes spoiling the shot of one of his men. As a skirmisher he is an ok officer, but few expect him back next season.

Kirion Gyben29 commands the milities skirmishers of the third squad of the fourth company. Kirion is a quiet man with a very nasty sense of revenge. He works hard, but the few who have crossed him have ended up very hurt. His men worry that sooner or later Kirion will pick a fight with a man against whom he cannot win. Horik has already fined Kirion over 100d for putting another officer in the hospital. If he does it again, Horik has every right to kick Kirion out of the legion. If there is one man in the fortress who is not afraid of Kirion, its Horik.

Permanent Soldiers & Staff|The Officers | Permanent Milities | House of the District Legar | Permanent Staff | Reservists | Reservist Officers | Reservist Soldiers | Horses | Reserve Arms & Equipment | Food | Tour of Duty at Fobin | End Notes

Reservist Soldiers

There are:12 Sergeants, 64 Soldiers, 15 Calvary, and 64 (32 skirmisher, 32 archer) -- Militia Soldiers.

The reservist legionnaires come from the various towns and villages throughout Gerimost province. A few occasionally come from other neighboring provinces as the need arises.

Fobin has sufficient forces that each cohort has a unit in rotation. This helps keep the number of forces in Fobin constant.

Permanent Soldiers & Staff|The Officers | Permanent Milities | House of the District Legar | Permanent Staff | Reservists | Reservist Officers | Reservist Soldiers | Horses | Reserve Arms & Equipment | Food | Tour of Duty at Fobin | End Notes


A maximum of 48 horses need stabling, but on average only 24 horses would be in residence at any one time. Currently the stables can hold only 22 horses. The legion must provide 4 draft horses and a fleet of 24 mules when all four cohorts are on the move. Currently there are 16 mules and 4 draft horses in residence.

Saddles, bridles, and other equipment is the responsibility of the equestrians. The Master Ostlers can shoe a horse, but will charge the equestrians for the duty, and not the legion.

Food is provided to each horse who's equestrian is currently serving his legion time. Stabling fees are charged for each day that a horse remains in the legion's stables when the equestrian is not on duty.

Permanent Soldiers & Staff|The Officers | Permanent Milities | House of the District Legar | Permanent Staff | Reservists | Reservist Officers | Reservist Soldiers | Horses | Reserve Arms & Equipment | Food | Tour of Duty at Fobin | End Notes

Reserve Arms & Equipment

The legion has twenty gross of arrows, a dozen bows, five score javelins, two score hatchets, two score spears, a dozen low-quality swords, towershields and bucklers. The legion makes each legionnaire responsible for their equipment. They rely on local guildsmen to be able to produce any new equipment as needed.

Permanent Soldiers & Staff|The Officers | Permanent Milities | House of the District Legar | Permanent Staff | Reservists | Reservist Officers | Reservist Soldiers | Horses | Reserve Arms & Equipment | Food | Tour of Duty at Fobin | End Notes


Fobin has a maximum of 7,200 man-days of food and 3600 horse-days of fodder in storage. Taxes and tributes are often paid in kind to Fobin to help keep the legion fed. Wagons of tribute arrive once every ten-day through the spring, summer and fall. Bread and milk are delivered from town each morning year round.

Permanent Soldiers & Staff|The Officers | Permanent Milities | House of the District Legar | Permanent Staff | Reservists | Reservist Officers | Reservist Soldiers | Horses | Reserve Arms & Equipment | Food | Tour of Duty at Fobin | End Notes

Tour of Duty at Fobin

At Fobin, each Cohort has its own season in which serve. The first maniple of each cohort consists of full time troops. The second and third maniple appear once a year for 3 months.

The year is divided into 4 seasons of 3 months each. A star in a column, means that members of the listed unit are serving during that season.

  Spring Summer Autumn Winter
Fobin I        
1st Squad * * * *
2nd Squad *      
3rd Squad   *    
Calvary     *  
skirmishers       *
archers *      
Fobin II        
1st Squad * * * *
2nd Squad   *    
3rd Squad     *  
Calvary       *
Skirmishers *      
Archers *      
Fobin III        
1st Squad * * * *
2nd Squad     *  
3rd Squad       *
Calvary *      
Skirmishers     *  
Archers   *    
Fobin IV        
1st Squad * * * *
2nd Squad       *
3rd Squad *      
Calvary   *    
Skirmishers       *
Archers     *  

The only time all four companies would, conceivably, serve together would be in a time of war. The senate is currently bartering on the fact that war is not, currently emminent. The senate has yet to announce if there will be any further funding towards the expansion of their fortresses and outposts.

Repair costs are still being paid out regularly. Horik Baral has begun planning to claim the fortress requires "repair" to house the remaining company in times of war.

Permanent Soldiers & Staff|The Officers | Permanent Milities | House of the District Legar | Permanent Staff | Reservists | Reservist Officers | Reservist Soldiers | Horses | Reserve Arms & Equipment | Food | Tour of Duty at Fobin | End Notes

End Notes

1. To make this article usable by everyone, the word Cohort has been replaced by Company, and all reference to Jonathan M. Davidson's Alternate Army are removed from the text and placed in footnotes.

2. Triberties Linari Primus, Fobin I

3. Triberties Linari, Fobin II

4. Triberties Linari, Fobin III -- IMC Tysel is Female

5. Triberties Linari, Fobin IV

6. Sexton, Taka Sagitorium, Fobin I

7. Sexton, Tala Sagitorium, Fobin II

8. Sexton, Tala Sagitorium, Fobin III

9. Sexton, Tala Sagitorium, Fobin IV

10. Manus Primus, Fobin I

11. Manus Primus, Fobin II

12. Manus Primus, Fobin III --IMC Pled is Female

13. Manus Primus, Fobin IV

14. Manus, Fobin I - Mounted

15. Manus, Fobin I - Mounted

16. Dice.

17. Manus, Fobin II - Mounted

18. Manus, Fobin II - Mounted

19. Manus, Fobin III -- IMC Lorisa is Female - Mounted

20. Manus, Fobin III - Mounted

21. Manus, Fobin IV - Mounted

22. Manus, Fobin IV - Mounted

23. Milities Compartes (Skirmisher) I:II - unmounted

24. Milities Compartes (Archerer) I:III - unmounted

25. Milities Compartes (Skirmisher) II:II - unmounted

26. Milities Compartes (Skirmisher) III:II - unmounted

27. Milities Compartes (Skirmisher) III:III - unmounted

28. Milities Compartes (Skirmisher) IV:II - unmounted

29. Milities Compartes (Skirmisher) IV:III - unmounted

Permanent Soldiers & Staff|The Officers | Permanent Milities | House of the District Legar | Permanent Staff | Reservists | Reservist Officers | Reservist Soldiers | Horses | Reserve Arms & Equipment | Food | Tour of Duty at Fobin | End Notes

This page was last updated on June 8, 2002
Questions/Comments should be directed to the Webmaster.
All works are Copyright their respective authors, 2002.