The “stanard” calendar is based on the rotation of the planet (Kelestia) around its sun (Nolomar). The planet has a single moon caled Yael.

Kethira is the second planet in the Nolomar system with a mean oribal distance of 174,000,000 km. It has a diameter of 11,500km but a denser core giving it a similar mass and gravity to Terra (Earth).

The calendar in common use throughout western Lythia (Tuzyn Recking) has a year based on 360 days. The actual orbital period of Ketheria is 360.0011 days and this has introduced an error of 15.5 hours in the calendar since it orginated 719 years ago. While noticed by the mages of Melderyn, they do not believe the error does not yet warrent any adjustment.

Kethira has one moon called Yael, oribiting at an average distance of 346,000km. Yale has a diameter of 4140 km, rotates once on its axis every 15 hours and has a synodic period (the time between full moons) of a few mintues uner 30 days. Because the synodic period is alomst exactly 1/2 of the Kethan year, moon phases occur ont he same day each month. The vernal equinox (the first of Nuzyel) conincides with a new moon.1

Time In Hârn

Time is standardized down to two calendards on the Island of Hârn. The first, Tuzyn Reckoning (TR) starts on the first year of the founding of the kingdom of Melderyn. Other time scales, such as those of Western Hârn, were supplanted by TR primarily due to the flow of trade. In the east it is currently year 719TR. Tharda calls this year 45 (year 1 being the founding of the Thardic Republic). Rethem calls it year 4 (year 1 being the start of the reign of their current king, Chafin III). Kanday has adopted the calendar of the east.

The standard calendar breaks the year of 360 days into 12 months.

SEASON to month table
Spring Summer Autumn Winter
1 Nuzyael 4 Nolus 7 Azura 10 Ilvin
2 Peonu 5 Larane 8 Halane 11 Navek
3 Kelen 6 Agrazhar 9 Savor 12 Morgat

There are 10 days to the Hârnic week, which is called a ten-day. While there are no standard names for these days, several are used locally:

Number Dragon Days Peonian Church Halean Church
Day 1 Ahnaday Belsirase Bargaras
Day 2 Yaelday Tirrale Dulciana
Day 3 Kalday Maerme Elomiana
Day 4 Balday Yselde Sardura
Day 5 Tirday Belsirase Galopeana
Day 6 Valday Tirrale Selina
Day 7 Talday Maerme Tania
Day 8 Kamday Yselde Thalia
Day 9 Solday Yaeldyne Opulentia
Day 10 Dhivaday Yaelmerke Marketera

An alternate calendar is used by the Peonian church. They base their calendar on a 4 day week with 7 weeks to the month. Mid and end month have a special day, that evens the month out to a total of 30 days. This calendar is taught and used only by the Peonian church amongts its followers.


  1. Taken almost verbatum from Lythia, page Ketherian 6, by N. Robin Crossby. (c) N. Robin Crossby and Columba Games Inc 1985.

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