Ilven 718
The month of Ilven corresponds (roughly) to the month of January on Earth.
As weather turns foul, most farm folk retreat to within their villages and perform maintenance tasks. Taxes and moots still happen in the month of Ilven, but they are not regulated by a schedule set to the tasks of the season.
The Senate opens its debates on the first of Ilven and is open for three months, closing at the end of Morgat.
The winter months also see the majority of all reservists called up to practice in the legion. As these are the months when the peasantry has the least to do.
Daily Schedule for Ilven, 718TR
Each of the three days has specific duties to be performed during specific watches. Free time may be spent within the fortress or in the town of Fobin. Permission to leave the fort is granted on an individual basis. So long as the legionnaire has no demerits currently unpaid, he or she is granted permission to leave. All legionnaires must be back by 20:00 (6th Watch), however, unless on patrol or given special dispensation. No leave of greater than 1 day will be granted during this period.
2nd Watch |
6:00 |
Reveille |
6:15 |
Exercise for 1 candle, led by the Primi. The group is led by its Mani. |
7:15 |
The legionnaires have until 3rd Watch (8:00) to themselves to get a bath, get dressed for whatever duties are next, and get breakfast. |
3rd Watch |
8:00 |
Day 1: Wall Duty, Day 2: Break, Day 3: Practice |
4th Watch |
12:00 |
Day 1: Practice, Day 2: Wall Duty, Day 3: Break |
5th Watch |
16:00 |
Day 1: Break, Day 2: Practice, Day 3: Wall Duty |
19:00 |
Dinner (if inside the fort.) |
6th Watch |
20:00 |
Day 1: Practice, Day 2: Wall Duty, Day 3: Break |
22:00 |
Bed/Lights out if not on duty. |
The duties are as follows:
- Wall Duty: Standing on guard. This could be at the Wall (85%), the Doors (10%) or patrolling the town (15%). Legionnaires should be in full armor and weapons; kit is carried with one-day rations only when on patrol in the town.
- Break: This watch is free for the legionnaire to use as he/she wills. Aside from keeping their barracks, arms and armor clean, there are non-fighting skills to practice, and other lesser (religious) duties to perform. Any time left afterwards is up to the legionnaire to fill. Games are regularly held in the courtyard. It is dangerous to not look busy as officers often have many chores that need doing.
- Practice: Weapons practice with sword (75%), pike/spear/javelin (15%) or other weapons (10%).
Note: Repair Duty: There are no repair duties in winter.
1 |
Sunrise |
7:03 |
Sunset |
16:57 |
High: |
51 |
Low: |
37 |
0:00 |
37'(Very Cold) |
Overcast |
Fog |
1 |
(Light) |
N->S |
4:00 |
40'(Cold) |
Clear |
4 |
(Storm) |
NE->SW |
8:00 |
46'(Chilly) |
Cloudy |
2 |
(Steady) |
SE->NW |
12:00 |
51'(Chilly) |
Clear |
1 |
(Light) |
S |
16:00 |
46'(Chilly) |
Overcast |
Sleet |
1 |
(Light) |
NW->SE |
20:00 |
44'(Cold) |
Overcast |
Sleet |
1 |
(Light) |
NW->SE |
It's a quiet day.
2 |
Sunrise |
7:04 |
Sunset |
16:56 |
High: |
49 |
Low: |
35 |
0:00 |
38'(Very Cold) |
Overcast |
Snow 60% |
1 |
(Light) |
NW->SE |
4:00 |
36'(Very Cold) |
Overcast |
Snow 60% |
3 |
(Gale) |
NW->SE |
8:00 |
42'(Cold) |
Overcast |
Sleet 40% |
4 |
(Storm) |
NW->SE |
12:00 |
47'(Chilly) |
Overcast |
Hail 10% |
3 |
(Gale) |
SW->NE |
16:00 |
48'(Chilly) |
Overcast |
1 |
(Light) |
NW->SE |
20:00 |
46'(Chilly) |
Overcast |
1 |
(Light) |
NW->SE |
It's another quiet day, with nothing unusual in the keep.
3 |
Sunrise |
7:05 |
Sunset |
16:55 |
High: |
49 |
Low: |
38 |
0:00 |
41'(Cold) |
Overcast |
3 |
(Gale) |
NW->SE |
Event 1: 1:10(Night) Highway/Rural |
4:00 |
40'(Cold) |
Overcast |
3 |
(Gale) |
NW->SE |
8:00 |
43'(Cold) |
Overcast |
2 |
(Steady) |
NW->SE |
12:00 |
47'(Chilly) |
Overcast |
1 |
(Light) |
NW->SE |
Event 2: 13:59(Day) Urban/Rural |
16:00 |
48'(Chilly) |
Overcast |
2 |
(Steady) |
NW->SE |
20:00 |
46'(Chilly) |
Overcast |
1 |
(Light) |
NW->SE |
Event 1: 1st Watch [01:10 (Night)]
A terrified peddler (Citrus of Thale()) runs to the door of the keep, causing the dogs
and their warders to raise the hue and cry. The peddler is known in
the region. He was camping a few hours away with two of his
friends. They had intended to wait until morning before entering
Fobin in the hopes of finding better customers. But as they made
their camp for the night they were attacked by bandits. He saw his
best friend butchered before his eyes. In the fray he managed to
sneak away and has now come for help. Fobin III:I goes back with
him. They find only the remnants of a fight and two dead bodies.
They help him gather up his things and move him into the Caer for
the night.
Event 2: 4th Watch [13:59 (Day)]
Four young men arrive at the keep with two deer to sell. They barter for a time with the cook, but leave only slightly perturbed at having to promise the guards at the gate first cut into a deer to get into the fort. The men are from Onrein, some distance away. They caught the deer just north of Fobin and thought it wise to offer it up to Fobin Keep first.
4 |
Sunrise |
7:06 |
Sunset |
16:54 |
High: |
48 |
Low: |
38 |
Peoni - Lesser Sapelah (lay mass) |
0:00 |
41'(Cold) |
Overcast |
1 |
(Light) |
NW->SE |
4:00 |
40'(Cold) |
Overcast |
2 |
(Steady) |
NW->SE |
8:00 |
43'(Cold) |
Overcast |
3 |
(Gale) |
NW->SE |
Event 3 11:07 (Day) Urban/Rural |
12:00 |
47'(Chilly) |
Overcast |
1 |
(Light) |
NW->SE |
16:00 |
45'(Cold) |
Overcast |
Showers |
0 |
(Calm) |
N->S |
20:00 |
44'(Cold) |
Overcast |
2 |
(Steady) |
NW->SE |
Event 3: 3rd Watch [11:07 (Day)]
Frichheve of Lendath will arrive to visit Nevil. He last visited on
the 8th of Savor with plans. Now he comes bearing a series of metal
and laminar plates bound together in what appears to be half a
jerkin. He will barter to get into the fort; admitting he has no
appointment - but that he is an old time friend of the Dwarven
smith. For details on this NPC see The GM Notes for
Savor 718. ().
5 |
Sunrise |
7:07 |
Sunset |
16:53 |
High: |
42 |
Low: |
35 |
Larani - Soratir (lay mass) |
0:00 |
41'(Cold) |
Overcast |
3 |
(Gale) |
NW->SE |
4:00 |
37'(Very Cold) |
Overcast |
Showers 40% |
2 |
(Steady) |
N->S |
Event 4 7:20 (Day) Wilderness/Any |
8:00 |
37'(Very Cold) |
Overcast |
Showers/Snow 60% |
1 |
(Light) |
NW->SE |
12:00 |
40'(Cold) |
Overcast |
Showers Sleet 40% |
1 |
(Light) |
NW->SE |
Event 5 13:12 (Day) Rural |
16:00 |
41'(Cold) |
Overcast |
Showers Sleet 40% |
3 |
(Gale) |
NW->SE |
20:00 |
39'(Very Cold) |
Overcast |
Showers/Snow 60% |
3 |
(Gale) |
NW->SE |
Event 4: 3rd Watch [7:20 (Day)]
Fobin II:I comes back laughing so hard they can barely breath. It seems their Auxilliari stumbled into a bunch of poison ivy when off to relieve themselves near dawn. The poor bastards are walking so stiff it's a wonder they don't fall down. Fobin II:I has returned for a cart to bring the Auxilliari home. Jamus the physician decides he'd best go with the legionnaires to try and alleviate the problem as soon as possible. Already soldiers have come up with a new nickname for the Auxillari - Plant Pissers. Others are being bandied about...
Event 5: 4th Watch [13:12 (Day)]
A free farmer rushed to the keep demanding protection from horse-mounted bandits. It seems he was threatened as he was tending his land at the outer northwestern edge of Fobin. Fobin IV:I is sent out to take a look, but finds no tracks worth following. They search around a bit to the relief of the free farmer (staying in range until he goes home for the night), but if the bandits are mounted chances are their hideout is a fair distance away.
6 |
Sunrise |
7:08 |
Sunset |
16:52 |
High: |
53 |
Low: |
41 |
Save - K'nor - Velere (lay mass) |
0:00 |
41'(Cold) |
Cloudy |
2 |
(Steady) |
NE->SW |
4:00 |
45'(Cold) |
Clear |
Fog |
1 |
(Light) |
SE->NW |
8:00 |
47'(Chilly) |
Cloudy |
2 |
(Steady) |
NE->SW |
Event 6 |
8:53 |
(Day) |
Wilderness/Any |
12:00 |
51'(Chilly) |
Cloudy |
1 |
(Light) |
NE->SW |
16:00 |
52'(Chilly) |
Cloudy |
3 |
(Gale) |
NE->SW |
20:00 |
50'(Chilly) |
Cloudy |
2 |
(Steady) |
NE->SW |
Event 6: 3rd Watch [8:53 (Day)]
"A small group of friendly, wild Hârnic Cow veteran are stalking"
There are very few cows in Fobin, so when one goes missing - a whole Tenaci is sent out to search for it. This very special job is given to Fobin III:I as a change of pace. They slog through fields and forest all day, returning at long last near dinnertime with the cow in tow. It seems the beast found a hole in the fence and just wandered out. The Cow Heros return victorious after spending 5 hours looking for a beast that was never more than 10' away from her home. Our heroes.
7 |
Sunrise |
7:09 |
Sunset |
16:51 |
High: |
54 |
Low: |
41 |
Halea - Shesneala Day (lay mass) |
0:00 |
41'(Cold) |
Overcast |
2 |
(Steady) |
N->S |
4:00 |
45'(Cold) |
Clear |
Fog |
2 |
(Steady) |
SE->NW |
8:00 |
46'(Chilly) |
Cloudy |
3 |
(Gale) |
NE->SW |
12:00 |
50'(Chilly) |
Cloudy |
1 |
(Light) |
NE->SW |
Event 7 13:15 (Day) Highway/U/R |
16:00 |
51'(Chilly) |
Cloudy |
2 |
(Steady) |
NE->SW |
20:00 |
53'(Cool) |
Clear |
Fog |
2 |
(Steady) |
SE->NW |
Event 7: 4th Watch [13:15 (Day)]
A group of mendicant priests of Peoni are traveling along the road. They are traveling on foot to Coranan from Golotha. They have a meeting with Sister Anna and Brother Timothy in the Church of Peoni in Coranan to discuss ongoing church matters in Rethem. With them they carry letters and statements of over 120 priests from throughout Rethem - information that has taken them three years to collect. The stories detail the plight of the Peonians under Agrikan rulership. Surprisingly the stories are not as dire as one might initially suspect. They will stop for a late lunch outside the keep, and chat with the local priest - who miraculously arrives late with bread for the keep.
8 |
Sunrise |
7:10 |
Sunset |
16:50 |
High: |
52 |
Low: |
43 |
Agrik - Low Ceremony of the Balefire (lay mass) |
0:00 |
50'(Chilly) |
Clear |
Fog |
0 |
(Calm) |
SE->NW |
4:00 |
44'(Cold) |
Cloudy |
Showers |
2 |
(Steady) |
S->N |
8:00 |
46'(Chilly) |
Cloudy |
Showers |
2 |
(Steady) |
S->N |
Event 8 10:27 (Day) Urban/Rural |
12:00 |
50'(Chilly) |
Cloudy |
Showers |
2 |
(Steady) |
S->N |
16:00 |
51'(Chilly) |
Cloudy |
Showers |
1 |
(Light) |
S->N |
20:00 |
49'(Chilly) |
Cloudy |
Showers |
2 |
(Steady) |
S->N |
Event 8: 3rd Watch [10:27 (Day)]
Five mendicant priests of Morgath are traveling along the road. They stop by for directions towards Themeson keep. They will not admit their business. They are shabbily dressed and seem to only be carrying a small amount of gear with them as well as all their own food. They deal with the legionnaires as little as possible. They are polite and brief. In fact they do everything they can to not be argumentative or even possibly considered rude. Most assume they are afraid of a confrontation, with good reason.
9 |
Sunrise |
7:11 |
Sunset |
16:49 |
High: |
52 |
Low: |
41 |
0:00 |
44'(Cold) |
Cloudy |
Showers |
0 |
(Calm) |
S->N |
4:00 |
43'(Cold) |
Cloudy |
Showers |
0 |
(Calm) |
S->N |
8:00 |
46'(Chilly) |
Cloudy |
Showers |
1 |
(Light) |
S->N |
Event 9 11:07 (Day) Highway/U/R |
12:00 |
50'(Chilly) |
Cloudy |
Showers |
1 |
(Light) |
S->N |
Event 10 12:18 (Day) Highway/U/R |
16:00 |
51'(Chilly) |
Cloudy |
Showers |
2 |
(Steady) |
S->N |
20:00 |
49'(Chilly) |
Cloudy |
Showers |
2 |
(Steady) |
S->N |
Event 9: 3rd Watch [11:07 (Day)]
A lone journeyman Salter stops into town on his way to Sitarny. He will have lunch at the Green gate after inquiring as to the legion's salt needs. He barters his way into the keep with practiced ease (paying 2d for the privilege of entering on official business). He delivers a package wrapped in leather and sealed with wax to Corin, Horik Baral's squire.
Event 10: 4th Watch [12:18 (Day)]
Seven foresters come into town for lunch at the Green Gate. They are met there by the District Legar. Together they discuss the future possibilities with Fobin's forests. It is a very expensive and long lunch.
10 |
Sunrise |
7:12 |
Sunset |
16:48 |
High: |
54 |
Low: |
41 |
0:00 |
44'(Cold) |
Cloudy |
Showers |
0 |
(Calm) |
S->N |
4:00 |
43'(Cold) |
Cloudy |
Showers |
1 |
(Light) |
S->N |
8:00 |
46'(Chilly) |
Cloudy |
Showers |
0 |
(Calm) |
S->N |
Event 11 10:45 (Day) Wilderness/Any |
Event 12 8:26 (Day) Rural |
12:00 |
50'(Chilly) |
Cloudy |
Showers |
2 |
(Steady) |
S->N |
15:37 |
(Day) |
Highway/U/R |
16:00 |
51'(Chilly) |
Cloudy |
Showers |
2 |
(Steady) |
S->N |
20:00 |
53'(Cool) |
Clear |
Fog |
0 |
(Calm) |
SE->NW |
Event 11: 10:45 (Day)
"A small group of friendly tame Hârnic Cow novice are stalking"
The cow got out again and the farmer's come back for help. He swears he and his lads have checked all around the fences and can find no break in them at all. Fobin III:I is ordered to attend. They spend the entire day searching, giving up at long last at nightfall. Unless the Cow learned to close the gate there is no visible way for her to have escaped.
And it's Pay Day!
Event 12: 8:26 (Day)
The local herdsman brings the goats and sheep down to the river's edge where they can drink from the shallows. He's too nervous to drive his flock far from town as there are rumors that bandits are on the prowl everywhere just out of site of the keep.
11 |
Sunrise |
7:13 |
Sunset |
16:47 |
High: |
54 |
Low: |
46 |
0:00 |
50'(Chilly) |
Clear |
Fog |
0 |
(Calm) |
SE->NW |
4:00 |
50'(Chilly) |
Clear |
Fog |
0 |
(Calm) |
SE->NW |
8:00 |
53'(Cool) |
Clear |
Fog |
1 |
(Light) |
SE->NW |
12:00 |
52'(Chilly) |
Cloudy |
Showers |
0 |
(Calm) |
S->N |
16:00 |
49'(Chilly) |
Overcast |
Showers Sleet 40% |
2 |
(Steady) |
NW->SE |
Event 13 16:20 (Day) Rural |
20:00 |
47'(Chilly) |
Overcast |
Showers Sleet 40% |
2 |
(Steady) |
NW->SE |
Event 13: 16:20 (Day)
Vusius of Neset (Fobin
FreeFarmer #36 ()) is fighting
with Racin (a slave of Lolcerus of Paranoal, Fobin
FreeFarmer #38 (
)). It seems
Vusius said something disrespectful of Racin and Racin heard it as
being disrespectful of his master. Neither quite remembers who
threw the first punch. It is quickly broken up by a legionnaire
(who had to leave the gate to do it) and Vusius pays the
legionnaire 2d to look the other way and not report the fight to
Lolcerus, who would then have to punish Racin. The two leave as
grudging friends.
12 |
Sunrise |
7:14 |
Sunset |
16:46 |
High: |
54 |
Low: |
38 |
Peoni - Lesser Sapelah (lay mass) |
0:00 |
41'(Cold) |
Overcast |
Rain Sleet 40% |
2 |
(Steady) |
SW->NE |
Event 14: 0:57 (Night) Wilderness/Any |
Event 15: 2:34(Night) Wilderness/Any |
4:00 |
39'(Very Cold) |
Overcast |
Rain Snow 60% |
3 |
(Gale) |
SW->NE |
8:00 |
42'(Cold) |
Overcast |
Rain Sleet 40% |
2 |
(Steady) |
SW->NE |
Event 16: 10:53 (Day) Urban/Rural |
12:00 |
46'(Chilly) |
Overcast |
Showers Sleet 40% |
1 |
(Light) |
NW->SE |
16:00 |
53'(Cool) |
Overcast |
Showers |
3 |
(Gale) |
SW->NE |
Event 17: 16:45(Day) Rural |
20:00 |
52'(Chilly) |
Overcast |
Showers |
2 |
(Steady) |
SW->NE |
Event 14: 0:57 (Night)
The warders encountered a group of local tribesmen who came south to warn the legionnaires of increased banditry in their area. The warders gladly pass on the message to the officer of the watch, but the tribesmen do not wish to stay even until daylight. Traveling at night has become much safer.
Event 15: 2:34(Night)
The dogs scared a black bear out of hiding. While the fight was loud, it was also short. Legionnaires will be eating bear meat for the next ten-day.
Event 16: 10:53 (Day)
3 traveling artists are seeking supplies. They stop in town briefly to discover Fobin no longer has a chandler. After receiving permission, they hunt in the local wood for the herbs, plants and other goods they require to make their face paint. They are very willing to trade herbs and other such goods with interested legionnaires.
Event 17: 16:45 (Day)
2 farmers have stopped just outside the keep for a quick game of knuckles. They welcome the competition...
13 |
Sunrise |
7:15 |
Sunset |
16:45 |
High: |
48 |
Low: |
38 |
Morgath - Degrees of Nyardath (high mass) |
0:00 |
42'(Cold) |
Overcast |
Showers/Sleet 40% |
1 |
(Light) |
NW->SE |
4:00 |
39'(Very Cold) |
Overcast |
Showers/Snow 60% |
2 |
(Steady) |
NW->SE |
8:00 |
42'(Cold) |
Overcast |
Showers/Sleet 40% |
2 |
(Steady) |
NW->SE |
12:00 |
46'(Chilly) |
Overcast |
Showers/Sleet 40% |
1 |
(Light) |
NW->SE |
Event 18: 14:53 (Day) Rural |
16:00 |
47'(Chilly) |
Overcast |
Showers/Sleet 40% |
1 |
(Light) |
NW->SE |
20:00 |
45'(Cold) |
Overcast |
Rain/Sleet 40% |
2 |
(Steady) |
SW->NE |
Event 19: 22:40 (Night) Highway/Rural |
Event 18: 14:53 (Day)
There's a fair bit of traffic in the town today. There are lots of people passing through and quite a few merchants visiting the keep. Coincidence? Or perhaps it is an evil Morgathian plot? During the Degrees of Nyardath, so rumor says, wealthy members have to give up goods or money to the church.
Event 19: 22:40 (Night)
A group of mounted men ride through town, nearly knocking a woman over. They race by the keep in utter silence. The guy at the door said later he saw red armour and horned face masks, but can offer no better description. He believes what he saw were brigands, but they had no interest in stopping, and nothing seemed to be chasing them. Weird.
14 |
Sunrise |
7:16 |
Sunset |
16:44 |
High: |
49 |
Low: |
38 |
Peoni - Greater Sapelah (purification ritual) |
0:00 |
40'(Cold) |
Overcast |
Rain/Sleet 40% |
3 |
(Gale) |
SW->NE |
4:00 |
41'(Cold) |
Cloudy |
Showers |
1 |
(Light) |
S->N |
8:00 |
43'(Cold) |
Overcast |
Rain/Sleet 40% |
1 |
(Light) |
SW->NE |
12:00 |
47'(Chilly) |
Overcast |
Rain/Sleet 40% |
2 |
(Steady) |
SW->NE |
16:00 |
48'(Chilly) |
Overcast |
Rain/Sleet 40% |
1 |
(Light) |
SW->NE |
20:00 |
46'(Chilly) |
Overcast |
Rain/Sleet 40% |
1 |
(Light) |
SW->NE |
It's another quiet day. Gee we haven't had one of those for a while. Pity it's raining.
15 |
Sunrise |
7:17 |
Sunset |
16:43 |
High: |
52 |
Low: |
37 |
Peoni - Greater Sapelah Larani - Soratir (lay mass) Siem - Night of High Perspective (lay mass) |
0:00 |
40'(Cold) |
Overcast |
Rain/Sleet 40% |
3 |
(Gale) |
SW->NE |
4:00 |
38'(Very Cold) |
Overcast |
Rain/Snow 60% |
3 |
(Gale) |
SW->NE |
8:00 |
41'(Cold) |
Overcast |
Rain/Sleet 40% |
3 |
(Gale) |
SW->NE |
Event 20: 8:34 (Day) Highway/U/R |
12:00 |
45'(Cold) |
Overcast |
Rain/Sleet 40% |
1 |
(Light) |
SW->NE |
Event 21: 15:33 (Day) Urban/Rural |
16:00 |
52'(Chilly) |
Overcast |
Showers |
3 |
(Gale) |
SW->NE |
20:00 |
48'(Chilly) |
Overcast |
2 |
(Steady) |
NW->SE |
Event 20: 8:34 (Day)
Fobin IV:II came across 2 mendicant Morgathians trying to forcibly convert two local lads. The legionnaires were able to drive off the Morgathians. The local lads (__ and __) said that they were ambushed and then trussed up. The Morgathians had threatened that if they didn't convert they'd have their throats slit right there and then. Of course this could just be a Navehian plot to churn up the legion's hatred against the Morgathians. The big question is why were they doing this? There are lots of reasons being bantered about.
Event 21: 15:33 (Day)
Jamus leaves in the afternoon to begin his local rounds. He'll gladly take any willing legionnaire with him to hold local's hands. He has four houses to visit in the outlying areas, so if he's going alone he'll go by mule.
16 |
Sunrise |
7:18 |
Sunset |
16:42 |
High: |
53 |
Low: |
39 |
Peoni - Greater Sapelah Ilvir - The Araksin Festival |
0:00 |
40'(Cold) |
Overcast |
1 |
(Light) |
NW->SE |
4:00 |
42'(Cold) |
Overcast |
Showers |
2 |
(Steady) |
SW->NE |
Event 22: 4:07 (Night) Wilderness/Any |
8:00 |
48'(Chilly) |
Overcast |
Showers |
2 |
(Steady) |
SW->NE |
12:00 |
53'(Cool) |
Overcast |
Showers |
1 |
(Light) |
SW->NE |
Event 23: 14:51 (Day) Wilderness/Any |
16:00 |
48'(Chilly) |
Overcast |
Hail 10% |
4 |
(Storm) |
N->S |
Event 24: 17:42 (Night) Highway/Rural |
20:00 |
46'(Chilly) |
Overcast |
Hail 10% |
2 |
(Steady) |
N->S |
Event 22: 4:07 (Night)
Three wild boars scare the children out of the orchard. The three Fabrica get together and decide, since the bear has yet to run out (but the best bits are gone), now would be a good time for a boar hunt. Anyone off duty is welcome to join them later in the day (See Event 23).
Event 23: 14:51 (Day)
It's the day of the wild boar hunt.
Event 24: 17:42 (Night)
A late caravan with its experienced escort pulls into town for the night. They are rushing cargo from Themeson to Coranan to sell. They hoped to avoid trying to ship it up river and so far the roads have not been that bad for the season (but everyone is covered in frozen mud, and the wheels of the caravan are hard to find for the mud). They have barrels of apples, strong drink and woven goods for sale.
17 |
Sunrise |
7:18 |
Sunset |
16:42 |
High: |
51 |
Low: |
40 |
Peoni - Greater Sapelah Ilvir - The Araksin Festival |
0:00 |
42'(Cold) |
Clear |
4 |
(Storm) |
NE->SW |
4:00 |
42'(Cold) |
Clear |
2 |
(Steady) |
NE->SW |
8:00 |
45'(Cold) |
Clear |
3 |
(Gale) |
NE->SW |
12:00 |
49'(Chilly) |
Clear |
2 |
(Steady) |
NE->SW |
16:00 |
50'(Chilly) |
Cloudy |
2 |
(Steady) |
SE->NW |
20:00 |
48'(Chilly) |
Cloudy |
3 |
(Gale) |
SE->NW |
Another quiet day - and look it's not raining!
18 |
Sunrise |
7:19 |
Sunset |
16:41 |
High: |
51 |
Low: |
40 |
Ilvir - The Araksin Festival |
0:00 |
43'(Cold) |
Cloudy |
1 |
(Light) |
SE->NW |
4:00 |
42'(Cold) |
Cloudy |
3 |
(Gale) |
SE->NW |
8:00 |
45'(Cold) |
Cloudy |
2 |
(Steady) |
SE->NW |
12:00 |
49'(Chilly) |
Clear |
4 |
(Storm) |
NE->SW |
16:00 |
50'(Chilly) |
Clear |
3 |
(Gale) |
NE->SW |
Event 25: 16:46 (Night) Highway/Rural |
20:00 |
48'(Chilly) |
Clear |
2 |
(Steady) |
S->N |
Event 26: 20:58 (Night) Wilderness/Any |
Event 25: 16:46 (Night)
Fobin IV:II, on a regular patrol, encounters bandits. Of the eight they fight, five get away. The rest died during the fight. Their bodies and goods are brought back to the fort. Three suits of scale with red under padding, and horned helmets plus the three horses and their gear makes for a nice haul. Rumors abound that maybe Fobin IV:II has begun to steal Fobin I:I's luck.
Event 26: 20:58 (Night)
The warders encounter three Lions sleeping at the edge of Fobin. They raise the alarm only to learn there are a small circus troop and its animals sleeping not 3' away from the Lions. The circus promises to come into town tomorrow and practice if the warders will let them get back to sleep. The warders feel that's a good trade, and do so.
19 |
Sunrise |
7:20 |
Sunset |
16:40 |
High: |
51 |
Low: |
38 |
Ilvir - The Araksin Festival |
0:00 |
43'(Cold) |
Clear |
1 |
(Light) |
S->N |
4:00 |
42'(Cold) |
Clear |
3 |
(Gale) |
S->N |
8:00 |
38'(Very Cold) |
Cold) |
Overcast Rain/Snow 60% |
2 |
(Steady) |
NW->SE |
Event 27: 11:41 (Day) Rural |
12:00 |
48'(Chilly) |
Cloudy |
Showers |
4 |
(Storm) |
SW->NE |
16:00 |
50'(Chilly) |
Cloudy |
Showers |
4 |
(Storm) |
SW->NE |
20:00 |
48'(Chilly) |
Cloudy |
Showers |
2 |
(Steady) |
SW->NE |
Event 27: 11:41 (Day)
Circus comes to town. Three animal trainers, 2 lions and six acrobatic dogs converge on the town's square. They put on a show and then return to the Wooden Tankard Inn as guests of the Legion for the night. Even the more jaded legionnaires seem to agree that the performance was good. Most can't figure out a conspiracy for this one - but many are curious why the trainers are traveling. They say they want to get to the coast before winter settles in and the Lions do not like traveling by boat without heavy sedation.
The performers intend to leave in the dawn of the next day.
20 |
Sunrise |
7:21 |
Sunset |
16:39 |
High: |
51 |
Low: |
38 |
Peoni - Lesser Sapelah (lay mass) Ilvir - The Araksin Festival |
0:00 |
43'(Cold) |
Cloudy |
Showers |
4 |
(Storm) |
SW->NE |
4:00 |
42'(Cold) |
Cloudy |
Showers |
2 |
(Steady) |
SW->NE |
8:00 |
38'(Very Cold) |
Cold) |
Overcast Rain/Snow 60% |
1 |
(Light) |
NW->SE |
12:00 |
48'(Chilly) |
Cloudy |
Showers |
3 |
(Gale) |
SW->NE |
16:00 |
50'(Chilly) |
Clear |
3 |
(Gale) |
S->N |
20:00 |
48'(Chilly) |
Clear |
1 |
(Light) |
S->N |
Another quiet day - and hey it only rained for half the day! Besides it's Pay Day!
21 |
Sunrise |
7:21 |
Sunset |
16:39 |
High: |
51 |
Low: |
40 |
Ilvir - The Araksin Festival |
0:00 |
43'(Cold) |
Clear |
2 |
(Steady) |
S->N |
4:00 |
42'(Cold) |
Clear |
2 |
(Steady) |
S->N |
8:00 |
45'(Cold) |
Cloudy |
Showers |
4 |
(Storm) |
SW->NE |
12:00 |
49'(Chilly) |
Cloudy |
Showers |
2 |
(Steady) |
SW->NE |
16:00 |
50'(Chilly) |
Cloudy |
Showers |
4 |
(Storm) |
SW->NE |
20:00 |
48'(Chilly) |
Cloudy |
Showers |
2 |
(Steady) |
SW->NE |
It's a quiet, but rainy day. Many games of knuckles, lots of chores and one surprise inspection fill the day.
22 |
Sunrise |
7:22 |
Sunset |
16:38 |
High: |
47 |
Low: |
35 |
Ilvir - The Araksin Festival |
0:00 |
43'(Cold) |
Cloudy |
Showers |
4 |
(Storm) |
SW->NE |
4:00 |
36'(Very Cold) |
Overcast |
Rain/Snow 60% |
2 |
(Steady) |
NW->SE |
8:00 |
38'(Very Cold) |
Overcast |
Rain/Snow 60% |
2 |
(Steady) |
NW->SE |
12:00 |
45'(Cold) |
Overcast |
Hail 10% |
2 |
(Steady) |
SW->NE |
16:00 |
46'(Chilly) |
Overcast |
Showers/Sleet 40% |
2 |
(Steady) |
SW->NE |
20:00 |
45'(Cold) |
Overcast |
Showers/Sleet 40% |
2 |
(Steady) |
SW->NE |
The kitchen is totally out of both wild boar and bear so it's back to sheep. Ba.
23 |
Sunrise |
7:23 |
Sunset |
16:37 |
High: |
46 |
Low: |
36 |
Ilvir - The Araksin Festival |
0:00 |
39'(Very Cold) |
Cold) |
Overcast |
3 |
(Gale) |
NW->SE |
4:00 |
38'(Very Cold) |
Cold) |
Overcast |
3 |
(Gale) |
NW->SE |
8:00 |
41'(Cold) |
Overcast |
2 |
(Steady) |
NW->SE |
Event 28: 11:45 (Day) Highway/U/R |
12:00 |
45'(Cold) |
Overcast |
3 |
(Gale) |
NW->SE |
16:00 |
44'(Cold) |
Overcast |
Showers |
2 |
(Steady) |
N->S |
20:00 |
42'(Cold) |
Overcast |
Showers |
1 |
(Light) |
N->S |
Event 28: 11:45 (Day)
Traces (M:11), Olcenolius (M:6) (Miller's
lads, Fobin #25 ()) get into a
scuffle within sight of the Keep's wall patrol. Those one the
wall calls out to the guard at the gate who walks over to break up
the fight. The kids refuse to say what it was about, but swear that
the other lad started it. With no other solution at hand, the guard
drags the Miller's sons back to the miller for him to deal with
24 |
Sunrise |
7:23 |
Sunset |
16:37 |
High: |
54 |
Low: |
35 |
Ilvir - The Araksin Festival |
0:00 |
38'(Very Cold) |
Cold) |
Overcast |
3 |
(Gale) |
N->S |
4:00 |
37'(Very Cold) |
Cold) |
Overcast |
4 |
(Storm) |
N->S |
8:00 |
40'(Cold) |
Overcast |
2 |
(Steady) |
N->S |
Event 29: 11:59 (Day) Highway/U/R |
12:00 |
45'(Cold) |
Overcast |
2 |
(Steady) |
N->S |
16:00 |
54'(Cool) |
Clear |
Fog |
0 |
(Calm) |
SE->NW |
20:00 |
50'(Chilly) |
Cloudy |
Showers |
0 |
(Calm) |
S->N |
Event 29: 11:59 (Day)
A wandering local comes across two people skinning a cat behind the bathhouse. The cat is surprisingly silent (but alive). He screams "Navehians!" and runs away. Naturally the two boys get away, equally naturally he can't identify the boys clearly. The living cat is currently in Jamus' tender care and will probably survive the encounter. And before you ask the cat doesn't want to remember her tormentors and refuses to cooperate with questioning.
25 |
Sunrise |
7:24 |
Sunset |
16:36 |
High: |
47 |
Low: |
37 |
Larani - Soratir (lay mass) Ilvir - The Araksin Festival |
0:00 |
40'(Cold) |
Overcast |
Showers/Sleet 40% |
1 |
(Light) |
NW->SE |
4:00 |
38'(Very Cold) |
Cold) |
Overcast Showers/Snow 60% |
2 |
(Steady) |
NW->SE |
8:00 |
41'(Cold) |
Overcast |
Showers/Sleet 40% |
0 |
(Calm) |
NW->SE |
12:00 |
45'(Cold) |
Overcast |
Showers/Sleet 40% |
2 |
(Steady) |
NW->SE |
16:00 |
46'(Chilly) |
Overcast |
Showers/Sleet 40% |
0 |
(Calm) |
NW->SE |
20:00 |
44'(Cold) |
Overcast |
3 |
(Gale) |
NW->SE |
It's a quiet, cold and wet day.
26 |
Sunrise |
7:25 |
Sunset |
16:35 |
High: |
50 |
Low: |
31 |
Morgat - Shadryn Vars (lay mass) Ilvir - The Araksin Festival |
0:00 |
39'(Very Cold) |
Overcast |
3 |
(Gale) |
NW->SE |
4:00 |
32'(Freezing) |
Overcast |
Fog |
3 |
(Gale) |
N->S |
8:00 |
34'(Very Cold) |
Overcast |
Fog |
3 |
(Gale) |
N->S |
12:00 |
46'(Chilly) |
Clear |
4 |
(Storm) |
NE->SW |
16:00 |
49'(Chilly) |
Clear |
4 |
(Storm) |
NE->SW |
20:00 |
47'(Chilly) |
Clear |
2 |
(Steady) |
NE->SW |
Yet another quiet day - but look! No rain!
27 |
Sunrise |
7:25 |
Sunset |
16:35 |
High: |
44 |
Low: |
37 |
Ilvir - The Araksin Festival |
0:00 |
42'(Cold) |
Clear |
2 |
(Steady) |
NE->SW |
4:00 |
41'(Cold) |
Clear |
1 |
(Light) |
S->N |
8:00 |
37'(Very Cold) |
Overcast |
Rain/Snow 60% |
1 |
(Light) |
NW->SE |
Event 30: 9:15 (Day) Wilderness/Any |
Event 31: 9:11 (Day) Wilderness/Any |
Event 32: 11:02 (Day) Highway/U/R |
12:00 |
41'(Cold) |
Overcast |
Rain/Sleet 40% |
2 |
(Steady) |
NW->SE |
16:00 |
42'(Cold) |
Overcast |
Rain/Sleet 40% |
2 |
(Steady) |
NW->SE |
20:00 |
42'(Cold) |
Overcast |
Showers/Sleet 40% |
4 |
(Storm) |
SW->NE |
Event 30: 9:15 (Day)
"A small group of unfriendly young Elk are stalking" and they scare off two Fabrica who decided to leave early that morning for hunting. The young Elk are described as great ferocious beasts by the Fabricas. One of the Fabrica has antler-holes in his jerkin. He suffered minor damage to his right arm in a confrontation. The great hunters intend to go out again sometime later, when the weather is better.
Event 31: 9:11 (Day) Wilderness/Any
A bobtail is spotted along the roadway, but it quickly disappears into the brush to get away from the curious and hungry legionnaires.
Event 32: 11:02 (Day) Highway/U/R
The sheep are everywhere! Something drove the whole herd into town and the herdsmen are nowhere to be found. Fobin II:II is sent out to investigate. They find the bodies of the herdsmen and horse tracks as well as lots of blood. They return at sunset with two dead bandits and their gear. These two were the only ones they found at camp. Fobin IV:II heads out to the encampment in the hopes of finding the other bandits, but they return at dawn the next day with nothing to report. It was just a quiet, wet night with no signs of the bandits returning.
28 |
Sunrise |
7:26 |
Sunset |
16:34 |
High: |
47 |
Low: |
35 |
Peoni - Lesser Sapelah (lay mass) Ilvir - The Araksin Festival |
0:00 |
38'(Very Cold) |
Overcast |
Showers/Snow 60% |
3 |
(Gale) |
SW->NE |
4:00 |
37'(Very Cold) |
Overcast |
Hail 10% |
3 |
(Gale) |
SW->NE |
8:00 |
40'(Cold) |
Overcast |
Showers/Sleet 40% |
2 |
(Steady) |
SW->NE |
Event 33: 9:52 (Day) Highway/U/R |
12:00 |
45'(Cold) |
Overcast |
Showers/Sleet 40% |
3 |
(Gale) |
SW->NE |
16:00 |
46'(Chilly) |
Overcast |
3 |
(Gale) |
NW->SE |
20:00 |
42'(Cold) |
Overcast |
Showers |
2 |
(Steady) |
N->S |
Event 33: 9:52 (Day) Highway/U/R
A cart was stopped by mounted bandits just outside of Fobin. The leader of the rogues was well spoken, well dressed and very polite as he robbed the cart's occupants of over 300d of metal goods: mostly legion swords, javelins and shields destined for Caer Fobin. The teamster, bringing the goods from Geishtei, was unhurt. He regularly travels this route but this was the first time all year he was carrying actual goods and not just ore for Nevill. The legion can do without the spares for a time, although it will mean Nevil will be busy for a while. All legionnaires are asked to mark their equipment and spares with the Fobin shield symbol. Meriam will teach all who are willing how to work the metal stamp to make things go quicker. Riders are sent out to the other forts, asking them to do similar.
29 |
Sunrise |
7:26 |
Sunset |
16:34 |
High: |
48 |
Low: |
30 |
Ilvir - The Araksin Festival |
0:00 |
35'(Very Cold) |
Overcast |
Showers |
1 |
(Light) |
N->S |
4:00 |
31'(Freezing) |
Overcast |
Showers/Snow 75% |
1 |
(Light) |
NW->SE |
7:52 |
(Day) |
Highway/U/R |
8:00 |
33'(Very Cold) |
Overcast |
Showers/Snow 60% |
1 |
(Light) |
NW->SE |
12:00 |
37'(Very Cold) |
Overcast |
Showers/Snow 60% |
3 |
(Gale) |
NW->SE |
Event 34: 13:23 (Day) Urban/Rural |
16:00 |
47'(Chilly) |
Cloudy |
3 |
(Gale) |
NE->SW |
20:00 |
46'(Chilly) |
Cloudy |
Showers |
1 |
(Light) |
S->N |
Event 34: 13:23 (Day) Urban/Rural
Only Fobin I remains in the caer as the other three cohorts go out to scower the landscape to find the bandits who so brazenly stole their weapons. They're out the entire day, and return with about half of the weapons and equipment. They couldn't find the bandits. Something's definitely brewing. It must be a ...
30 |
Sunrise |
7:27 |
Sunset |
16:33 |
High: |
54 |
Low: |
39 |
Siem - Night of Silent Renewal (lay mass) Naveh - Dezenaka (high mass) Ilvir - The Araksin Festival |
0:00 |
39'(Very Cold) |
Overcast |
Rain/Snow 60% |
2 |
(Steady) |
SW->NE |
4:00 |
42'(Cold) |
Overcast |
Showers |
2 |
(Steady) |
SW->NE |
8:00 |
47'(Chilly) |
Overcast |
Showers |
2 |
(Steady) |
SW->NE |
Event 35: 11:22 (Day) Rural |
12:00 |
52'(Chilly) |
Overcast |
Showers |
3 |
(Gale) |
SW->NE |
16:00 |
53'(Cool) |
Overcast |
Showers |
1 |
(Light) |
SW->NE |
20:00 |
48'(Chilly) |
Overcast |
1 |
(Light) |
NW->SE |
Event 35: 11:22 (Day) Rural
Pay day! The priests and the clerks come into the courtyard at the same time and make their way to the temporary hospital. Today all the sick have been moved to either more permanent quarters or back to their bunks. The room is empty but for the accountants and the priests - one ready to give out money the others ready to take it.
This page was last updated on
January 23, 2002
Questions/Comments should be directed to the Webmaster.
All works are Copyright their respective
authors, 2002.