Clan Jeredosta
Crest: | |
Motto: | Conquer the Unconquerable |
Registry: | Palace of Gules, 662 |
Holdings: | 24, 140 aces in Shiran District |
Sources: | Thardic Republican Module, Jonathan M. Davidson's Alternate Army, Registry of Attendance of the Thardic Senate by Jerry Holland-Hibbert. |
Clan Jeredosta currently holds the most land held by any one clan in all of Tharda. The land they hold is relatively new and unsettled. The Jeredosta clan was founded around the year 658, during the reign of Colura of Coranan, the fifth Autarch (661-68) of the Thardic League. In return for mustering 500 men for Coluras armies, they were granted clan registry at the palace of Gules in 662.
Legend has it that long ago the Jeredosta family clan split into the Kynest, Cosele and Wytel clans when three brothers fought over a woman. A classic love story, the brothers strive to prove themselves worthy. Instead of choosing, legend says, the woman killed herself. The Jeredosta clan gave up land to each of its sons, but did not suffer from it. The Jeredosta clan dates this around the year 600, but there really is no proof to the legend. Wytel fervently denies the legend, but the Kynest and Cosele clans do not.
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Clan History
The Jeredostas were, initially, small landholders with large intentions. As settlers at the edge of the Thardic Leagues territory, they were laws unto themselves. The petty clan politics had no direct bearing on the Thardic League, and the clan was more concerned with internal matters (such as raising much needed crops) than to occupy itself with the Leagues politics. Aedusius changed all of that in 662, when he answered Colura of Coranans, the Fifth Autarch, and request for forces to join in the Five-Year war.
Aedusius was a popular young man in the Jeredosta clan and was able to convince his elders as to the benefits of the situation. The clan was able to muster approximately 500 (some reports say 5000, but this is highly unlikely) for Coluras army. The Jeredosta banner was proudly portrayed in the Battle of Teb Marsh. The banner hangs today in Caer Hediro. The survivors also fought in the Battle of Eidru under a new banner in the following year. In return for their service, Colura ordered the clan to be registered at the Palace of Gules in 662.
The Salt War (668-673) was an ordeal that was much closer to home. The clan mustered over 1000 footmen and 50 knights for the muster. While the clan claims it gathered the men for nationalistic values, Aglir (the sixth Autarch) was quick to inform Aedusius that there would be no benefits given for services rendered above the standard pay.
Banners from both the Battle of Chelna Gap (in 672), and the Ramala Gap (in 673) hang in the entrance to Hediro castle. Both banners are scared with fire and torn, but their colors are remarkably strong. When the treason trials began, the Jeredostas were quick to try and defend their clansmen and for that Aglir fined them over 1000 km of land and an equal amount of money. He even threatened to put Aedusius in prison. At the time Aedusius was clan elder, and he began a campaign against Aglirs treason trials. He argued (quite convincingly) that these trials were either an attempt to protect his frail ego, or a sign of madness. Neither, by his arguments, were traits an Autarch should have.
Aedusius was one of the three senators Aglir was determined to have arrested on the charge of Treason. He allied himself with the Nordakas, another of the Autarchs enemies. The exact details surrounding Aglir's assimilation are a mystery to this day. It has been blamed upon the members of the Autarch Guard, specifically the four who brought the warrants against the senators with Algir's signature and seal affixed to the two senates. Horlin Nordaka led the senate towards the vote that, the next day, abolished the Autarch and helped to establish a joint commission to establish a unified Republic. Aedusius Jeredosta seconded the motion, adding that the newly founded country could never again rely on the frailties of an individual to lead them.
The Thardic Republic was founded three months after Algir's death. The Jeredostas received their 1000km of land taken from them by Algir without animosity. In return the clan generously gave the 1000d to the newly founded republic.
The following 30 years (678-702) were of peaceful growth. The Jeredostas became powerful patrons in and around Hediro. They improved their fortifications as well as increased their clans holdings by marriage and purchase. The Jeredosta clan married into the matriarchal clans of Nemirina and Horla. Combined the matrons of these three clans now dictate the political affiliation and direction their future will take. Aedusius, and the matrons from Nemirina and Horla met seasonally to decide on the marriages and business dealings of their clans for that year. Combined, they decided the fate for all of Hediro province.
In the senate, a Jeredosta has always held the Hediro seat. When Aedusius died in his late 70s, Quarli Jeredosta replaced him in 697TR. Three years later, Polan Jeredosta gained his senate seat. Rumors say that, after Aedusiuss death, the Jeredosta clan became a matriarchy but no one outside the clan knows for sure. Certainly his wife gained importance as the oldest member of the Jeredosta clan.
The Jeredosta did not found the Expansionist faction, but they did quickly dominate it when they became members in 710TR, shortly after its founding. Prior to that the Jeredostas were a faction unto themselves, with policies similar to the Expansionist faction, but more focused against Kaldor specifically. They blame Algir personally for the losses Tharda suffered. To this day they demand a new war with Kaldor or at least a better settling of accounts. The Jeredostas lost heavily when Algir was forced to accept trade concessions in peace negotiations with Kaldor.
The flood of 703TR damaged Shiran, but did little to Hediro. The waters receded later that summer and provided fertile soil for Hediro farmers. Storms on Lake Benath that year reeked havoc with the Hediro fishing fleet and cost the clan a lot of money to repair and replace. Meanwhile, in the senate, the Jeredostas were aligning themselves with the Nordakas to further their political might. Also, since the Nordakas have a vested interest in the province of Ramala, they seemed favorable to the idea of a war with Kaldor.
In 718TR the Nordaka clans put forth a petition for a new keep to hold the various legionnaires currently stationed at the very crowded Hediro. The new fortification, Cestor, would be built upon the Fobin model. It would house the marshal and his forces while Hediro would remain the magistrates seats of power.
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Current Events
The Jeredostas are proud of their military history. Many generals come from this clan. Even the poorer relations of the Jeredosta clan are well off. The lands held by the Jeredostas contain 2 large quarries that are the most likely sources of stone for the reconstruction projects along the river Thard. If the Jeredosta clan can get Cestor built it will save them a fortune in shipping fees. Cestor would make a perfect port for stone barges going down the river Thard. Cestor is also directly between the two quarries.
But there are problems at Cestor that first must be overcome. Ever since the legion began building at Cestor, people have begun disappearing in the night. They are found in bits and pieces scattered over the landscape over the next few days. To date none have discovered what beast lurks in the night to perform these foul deeds.
In the senate the Jeredostas are being stalemated. Even though they have a strong alliance with the Nordakas, it is not helping. Most of the senate is strongly against a war with Kaldor, primarily due to the amount of trade that flows down the salt route. In order to assure trade was not disrupted, Kaldor would have to be completely conquered, and even the most expansionistic of the senators do not believe Tharda could perform such an act without leaving some part undefended.
Polane Jeredosta is an aging man. Peterius is one of several possible apprentices. Currently Polane has three sons and two nephews that he seems to be grooming for the senate. Most believe that not even these boys know which of them will gain the senate seat, but everyone is looking forward to an election in 722TR.
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Clan Holdings
All the land owned by the clan falls within the Hediro district in Shiran province. The Jeredosta clan is closely linked to the Nemirina and Horla clans, mostly by marriage and political affiliation. Combined, these three clans hold three-quarters of the land in the district. Clan Jeredosta has small family holdings in both Shiran and Coranan. When the senate is in session, the Jeredosta senators, their family and servants all occupy the house in Coranan. The Shiran house is occupied year round.
The primary industry in Hediro district is agriculture. The lands are fertile and provide bountiful crops of grains, green apples and nuts. In addition there are two large stone quarries in this district that employ two towns each. Hediro is renowned for its master masons and sculptors.
The Shiran Legion
The Shiran Legion is the equal third largest within the republic, consisting of twenty cohorts and three Compari Urbani, divided in to five districts. It is based in Caer Shiran, and is commanded by Legatus Quarlid Jeredosta. The province is the second of the wealthiest and populous within the republic. It excess resources are used to support the border legions based in Kom and Ramala.
Currently, other than the Legatus Qurlid Jeredosta, there are no other Jeredostas in high-ranking positions in the Shiran Legion. Sidiulus hopes to be appointed to Firis Keep in 719TR as its Triberties. The Triberties Primus, Noalrn Seriss, second in command is Aelimius Jeredosta; a man many say will replace the Triberties Primus in the next few years. Hediros forces (basted at Cestor keep after 718) are filled with Jeredostas, but Kalarn Horla leads them.
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Clan Religion
The Jeredostas are officially Haleans. They accept the worship of Peoni and Larani on their lands, and will even turn a blind eye to the worship of Agrik and Naveh. But they will not allow Morgathians any more than a token presence. While officially tolerant, the Jeredostas share the Thardic disgust with the Morgathians.
Any member of the Morgathian religion runs the risk of being mugged on Jeredosta land. The muggers will almost always get away, and a polite inquiry as to the Morgathians health will follow a day or two after the attack. Morgathians living outside their temples tend to have their homes vandalized. Few Morgathians have been able to fight against the constant (and unseen) force that destroys their homes, steals their goods and attacks them when they travel.
Halea is worshipped openly and prominently. Aedusius is credited as being one of the first men to openly accept Haleas blessings and to council his family to live according to her tenants. Plays are hosted monthly at Hediro in Haleas honor. Each play deals with one of the seven princesses and how they strive to become like Halea. The moral lesson is learned through their failures at imitating such greatness. Most all locals know each of the plays by heart, but still enjoy the plays due to the vast amount of audience interaction. At the end of each play gifts are given to the audience. Usually this is a small piece of cake rapped in a small square of cloth, or some candy packaged in string. Occasionally such packages include a coin, or two.
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Unofficially, clan Jeredosta and clan Nordaka are allies. At least they are part of the same faction. But Quaril Jeredosta is sure that the Nordakas will make a move to take over the faction as soon as he retires. And for that reason alone he is trying to keep his seat despite slowly failing health. His children are trying to get him to retire early. Fortunately he is not so paranoid as to think them in league with the Nordakas.
Although expansionist, the Jeredosta clan is the most verbally against Marshal/Magistrate Kronos. In 720 they intend to put forth the motion that no man has the right to be both Marshal and Magistrate. The senate should, therefore, demand Kronos choose between his two positions. If Kronos chooses Marshal - Quarli will propose he act as their Imperiator in a war against a neighboring country. His assistants are currently studying the question as to which country the war should be against. If Kronos chooses Magistrate, he will be assigned to Cestor to clean it up. Cestor is a town in Jeredosta territory, which is all the better to keep an eye on the over-talented and over-lucky Kronos.
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Clan Personalities
The Jeredosta name is not well known south of west of Coranan. Even in Coranan the name does not conjure up the images of wealth and power as it does in the city of Shiran. There are dozens of Jeredostas in the legion and an equal number seem to serve as assistants, legates and legars in and around the legion. The most important Jeredostas are either stationed in Shiran, Hediro or are in the legion.
The five most important Jeredostas are:
- Mani Petrius Jeredosta
- Legatus Quarlid Jeredosta, at Shiran
- Sidiulus is one of several men hoping to be appointed to the position of Triberties at Firis Keep.
- Senator Quarli Jeredosta
- Senator Polan Jeredosta
The Jeredostas are interested in gaining a third seat and have two possible candidates for the seats #13 and 31. Their applicant for the Seat #68 failed in his bid and has since retired to his country house.
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