Totwin Weijik, Master Merchant (689TR -)

  STR 14 TCH 12 COM 12 STA 14
  END 12 EYE 12 INT 15 MOB 60
  DEX 14 HRG 12 AUR 06 DGE 60
  AGL 12 SMT 12 WIL 16 INIT 66
  SPD 12 VCE 15 MOR Corruptible FAT 1
  Physical:Climbing/68, Jumping/64, Stealth/79, Throwing/60, Riding/59
  Communication:Awareness/79, Intrigue/79, Oratory/79, Rhetoric/79, Singing/14
  Craft/Lore:Law/30, Tactics/18, History (Tharda)/27, Mathematics/57,
  Combat:Unarmed/78, Dagger/93, Broadsword/75, Short Sword/63, Knight's Shield/80, Lance/72
  Languages: Harnic-Thardic/90, Harnic/80 Lakeese/89
Armour and Clothing
  Toga (Cloth), Sandals (Leather), Tunic (Cloth)
  Owns a hauberk of chain mail (long) and knee high leather boots.

Totwin is the youngest son of Musicallia and Veterius Weijik. He shares his cousin Clalius's pale blue eyes, but otherwise has the Weijik's dark and rugged complexion. He did his four years of legion service, then retired to Shiran to apprentice to the Weijik merchant empire. He quickly mastered the basics of mercantilism. The most important lesson he learned was how to pick a good ship's captain. Totwin's main concern has always been the cargo, he leaves the ship and its crew in the care of his captains.

After 5 years of apprenticing, Totwin became the Merchant Fleet's Lead Mercantyler, becoming responsible for all Weijik cargoes that crossed Lake Benath or otherwise docked in Shiran. He set up regular trade routes across Lake Benath with the Orbaaleese for furs in trade for luxury foods and goods.

Totwin never married, claiming he never had time for such trivialities. If he were not such a good master merchant many believe Rutera would force him to marry. Totwin is now training his replacement (Markus M:12, Clalius's son) and enjoying his time with the lad.

Totwin is gregarious and loud. He enjoys the company of people and his parties in Shiran are infamous for their amount of food, drink and entertainment. Rumor has it he is helping a cousin prepare to run for a senatorial seat. Jokingly Totwin has promised to throw any Weijik who runs a party to beat all parties ever thrown in the city of sin. Many locals are already looking forward to such an event.

Totwin stays out of politics, both clan based and local. He intends to long, happy life outside of the political arena at all costs. Among a family of adventurers and politicians he is considered to be a black sheep.

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