Clan Weijik

Crest: Per Bend Sinister Azure and Barry Sable and Gules
Motto: Audaces fortuna juvat
Registry: Palace of Gules 680TR
Holdings: Coranan, Kuseme and Noru
Sources: Thardic Republican Module, Jonathan M. Davidson's Alternate Army, Registry of Attendance of the Thardic Senate by Jerry Holland-Hibbert.

Clan Weijik is a relative new comer to the political scene of Tharda; many believe they have Kaldoric roots. A wealthy, young merchant founded the clan two generations ago when, in return for his services to the country of Tharda, he received both land and title. Since then his progeny have tripled his initial land holdings. While the clan's name is not well known currently things have begun to change.

Clan Weijik has more adventurers and spirited wanders in its number than any other clan in all of Tharda. Even their motto lends itself to adventuring. Weijik legionnaires are currently less common than statesmen but many believe that cannot be true for long. The clan is growing at an incredible rate through large families and the adoption of smaller landholders. Already with two senate seats, many wonder if the clan will be able to gain a third seat. The third seat will, no doubt, cost the clan more than the first two put together if not in the purchasing of more land, then certainly in the campaigning.

Clan History | Current Events | Clan Holdings | Clan Religion | Clan Politics | Clan Personalities

Clan History

Weijik clan is closely tied to the Wytels and the province of Coranan. The clan has tied its fortunes to the city by being the major supporter of various non-Nordaka trade caravans and barges.

"Coranan is the lifeblood of Clan Weijik. Should the city fall, so too will the clan."

Weijik Saying

Epenaeus and Orivus were brothers who, together, formed the only caravan group willing to risk the Salt Route in the latter days of 670TR. The brothers had a knack of knowing when it would be safe to travel and when the caravan should sleep in. Any caravan they led was attacked less and made more money than others that tried to travel the same route. Many claimed the brothers had a deal with the tribesmen, but most could not believe that was possible. It took the brothers only a decade to gain enough money to be able to purchase their own coat of arms in Coranan. But before they could do that, the Salt War occurred, seriously impinging on their business. Their caravan was pressed into service for the Thardic League and they became purveyors of medicine, arms and even the wounded (as an ambulance service).

The Weijik brothers are two of the few heroes that came from the Battle of Ramala gap. They are credited in saving the lives of 200 legionnaires. Risking everything, the brothers would dash into the battlefield and separate the living from the dead, even paying the scavengers to help them. Legend says the brothers managed to save the legionnaires as well as their arms, armour and personal effects.

Algir's last days got the brothers a small tract of land in Coranan province. With the new trade embargoes with Kaldor, the brothers found themselves working twice as hard to make even half the amount of money they made before. The elder Weijik, Epenaeus, retired to their Coranan holding when he was injured in a trip in 675TR. He married the woman of a neighboring district. As part of her dowry, their first son would inherit his mother's lands. There are more tales of daring and adventure from Orivus, who is suppose to be among the first of the sailors to ever circle all of the island of Hârn. His maps are reputed to be the only good maps for locating the mysterious island of Rideau to the south and the chain of islands to the north of Hârn. He is also credited for creating the market for Shorkein wines on the island, and Hârnic crafts in Shorkein. Eventually he settled down and married a woman whose dowry included the manor to the north of her own.

The brothers had seven children in all. The Weijik boys each inherited land, creating divisions in the lands given to them and their fathers. Meanwhile, when the League turned into the Republic, Orivus campaigned to become a senator. When many objected, claiming he gained from Algir and had no right to now be part of the government formed from his fall, Orivus replied so eloquently that his speech is still quoted to this day.

The combination of his eloquence and his money got him a seat on the senate for 15 years. During that time he devoted himself to the plight of the mercantyler, denying the need for more import or export taxes and calming any claim that Kaldor was the Republic's enemy.

"We are but men, who make merry and claim wealth from whatever the goddess does choose to give us."


Orvius died in 682TR and the city of Coranan had a two day long festival that included plays and feasting. He is buried beneath the temple of Halea as one of the goddess's most prominent followers. Epenaeus followed quietly a few years later, leaving his own lands to his second eldest son, Vertorius. Surprisingly it was Vertorius, and not Orvius's oldest son, Caclius, that won the senatorial seat in 684TR. The two cousins had campaigned against each other, but when Vertorius won, Caclius was the first to salute and celebrate the victory.

In 692TR a caravan, sponsored and led by the Weijik clan, was ambushed on the Salt Route and destroyed. Only a search party a month later was able to confirm the lack of survivors or goods. The clan was surprisingly unperturbed. Vertorius quoted his uncle Orvius, when answering the senate's concerns about his personal wealth.

"Eventually bad luck comes to us all. Be it punishment or simple fate - that is for the gods to decide. Neither shall stop us for fortune favors the bold."

The loss of the major caravan did set the clan back considerably. The clan invested in a few different risky ventures, like explorations up into Kom province, and the search for the Beast of Benath. Stories say they even went in search of the Riddle Masters in the hopes of recovering their fortune. During this time the clan made several special deals with various guilds, offering to ferry various guild masters to the Mangai meetings for a set fee paid for by the Mangai, instead of the various members. This promised the Weijik fleet a steady set of customers every few months.

"Were it not for the Weijiks there would be no "standardization" of ferry prices."

Disgruntled Ferryman

That fall Vertorius was assassinated. His son, Torbir Weijik, was immediately found a defender. A slave and her giant of a child son were told that Torbir's life was in their hands. If Torbir died, so would they. The child, named Thor, grew up with Torbir as both his friend, assistant and body guard. His size deterred many attacks and he was trained in the arts of combat by the best in the business. He and Torbir served in the Legion for four years, Torbir as an officer, Thor as a linari who, after six months of training, joined his friend and master as a bodyguard on the field. Thor's remarkable ability to keep up with Torbir's horse (while on foot) and his silent strength are still talked about in the legion to this day.

In 697TR Shenlaw Weijik gained the senatorial seat for Noru/Kuseme. He was welcomed warmly by Caclius who was elected shorlty after his cousin's assassination. Together the two seemed able to finish each other's sentences. Their support for each other seemed unwavering. After only a season in the senate they were known as the Weijik twins. While Caclius was almost twice Shenlaw's age, they acted so similarly the senate joked they only ever needed to cast one vote for two people.

In 703TR, when the Thard River flooded, the Weijiks organized the largest search and rescue ever seen around Coranan. Numerous houses were damaged in Kuseme, a poorer district of the city, and the Weijik's fleet went out and gave everyone they could find a free ride to dryer and safer ground. When the legion was called into Shiran to help repair damage, the clan donated the use of its boats and its pilots for the effort. When the senate squawked at the cost, Caclius raised his hand and dismissed their worry. The clan made many friends that summer. In return for their good works more and more craftsmen and entire guilds began working with them. The Nordaka heraldry may stop a fight, but the Weijik's meant help was on the way.

The Weijik's were prominent in convincing the senate to allow the Order of the Red Shadows of Herpa to seize Themeson keep without direct response. Instead, they recommended the town of Sitarny be upgraded into a legion fort. The motion passed by a remarkable margin so great that the city was awash with rumors of bribery and senators swimming in money thanks to clan Weijik.

The clan refused to deny or accept the rumors and no mention was ever made of where such a fortune could come from. While the clan is rich, it was never so rich it could buy 66 senators with ease. Rumors soon after began circulating that the clan had discovered a new source a wealth, perhaps a gold or silver mine, or maybe something even greater. Such legends persist to this day.

Sitarny fort was completed about the same time as the legion moved from Geishtei to Fobin and the Weijik's began supporting clan Wytel. Both clans ignored the cries of collusion from the Nordakas and the Mariam Clans.

When the Earl of Kuseme invaded Ramala province the Weijik's supported the Wytel's cry for immediate vengeance. The house sat for five months, until the peace was decreed between the two countries. Clan Weijik's current hero is General Kronos both for his ability to save the Thardic Republic from another humiliating defeat as much as for his adventurous spirit. Although a few spectators believe Weijik supports him simply because the Nordakas do not.

Caclius retired at the age of 58. The opening for his seat caused a flurry of campaigning and spending in the city of Coranan. Torbir presented himself to the senate as a candidate. The man was gruff and inconsistent. Many saw him as older than his years without the wisdom. Still he won the election and was further appointed to the seat of Prefect of Coranan. The Nordakas declared it intolerable that a man with such an adventurous background could ever hold such a seat. The retort, that only an adventurer should ever try to manage the most unmanageable city on the Misty isle, brought forth laughter from of the house.

Clan History | Current Events | Clan Holdings | Clan Religion | Clan Politics | Clan Personalities

Current Events

The Weijiks continue to support trade through the region, but after Orvius's death they centered on shipping. The clan has a fleet of 22 riverboats that bring supplies from Shiran to Golotha. The fleet is mastered by Totwin, who in 718TR has only begun training his replacement.

Torbir is often seen around Coranan, with his giant bodyguard shortly behind. The clan has been politically quiet these past few months, making most spectators nervous. There is much debating and discussing in the back rooms of the senate. Weijik caravans continue to travel through Ramala to Kaldor, as well as west to Golotha and Aleath. Their success at returning with money and precious goods is seen as proof of their motto. Torbir is all for allowing the Pilot's guild petition in the senate, but knows that the Guild of the Mangai strictly opposes it.

The clan intends to send another caravan out in late summer towards Kaldor with a heavy load of apple brandy, foodstuffs and fine crafts to trade both at Trobridge and Tashal. They are currently recruiting.

Politically the clan supports General Kronos completely. If he wants Ramala, they believe he should be assigned Ramala. But the support of Clan Weijik is a double bladed sword. If Kronos fails they will lead the hue and cry against him.

"Nothing worth gaining was ever found without risk."

Clan Witticism

Torbir is secure in his position, having made just enough friends to assure he will keep it. However his cousin, Shenlaw, is not. He currently defends against the senate's constant demands for more money through taxation of the poor. Shenlaw is a defender of the poor and the weak, and while those are causes highly praised by the Peonian church, they have not gained him much friendship in the senate. He has become known as a Peonain lap dog, or the mouth of Sister Anna. Neither insult seems to have affected Shenlaw. His eloquence reminds many of the stories of Orvius. Still Shenlaw does not have many enemies, and those he knows and keeps close.

Clan Weijik and clan Wytel appear to be partners in some upcoming venture. Clan leaders have been seen together more than would be socially acceptable. Many believe the clan elders are working towards marrying their firstborns to each other. Such a merger would probably mean the eventual disappearance of Weijik into Wytel but the adventurous image does not suit the clan Wytel nearly as well as clan Weijik.

Clan History | Current Events | Clan Holdings | Clan Religion | Clan Politics | Clan Personalities

Clan Holdings

Settlement District Province Acres LQ H/
Net d
Dolir Coranan Coranan 1230 1.07 27 1316
Kinnos Coranan Coranan 1230 1.07 26 1316
Linij/td> Coranan Coranan 1190 1.07 23 1273
Milon Coranan Coranan 1330 1.09 27 1450
Mol Coranan Coranan 1050 1.08 22 1134
Nigens Coranan Coranan 1120 1.09 24 1221
Nohroz Coranan Coranan 1070 1.07 22 1145
Oepus Coranan Coranan 1190 1.08 23 1285
Zuwik Coranan Coranan 1210 1.07 24 1295
Clainne Eidru Eidel 1230 1.05 21 1292
Onun Eidru Eidel 1280 1.06 20 1357
Rompil Noru Gerium 1470 1.08 28 1588
Coranan [T] Coranan City Coranan City 0 1.00 2500 0

Weijik land is divided between Coranan, Eidel, and Gerium provinces. In total they hold 48110 acres of high quality land. The clan is still looking to expand. A Weijik who lives in residence masters most all of the settlements under their care. This young clan is blessed them not only with luck but also with large broods of children.

Their presence in the legion is fleeting at best. The Weijiks have never been much for settling down in their youth. While present in numbers when needed, they otherwise avoid long military service; preferring instead the mercantile trade. The clan owes approximately 12 knights, 3 light horsemen, 12 medium foot and 37 light foot to the legion. All of the horsemen come from the Weijik clan directly; the footmen are from the freedmen and citizen classes that live on Weijik land. In return for their service, their rent is greatly reduced.

Clan History | Current Events | Clan Holdings | Clan Religion | Clan Politics | Clan Personalities

Clan Religion

The Weijiks are devout Peonians. They worship Halea only for show. Were it not for Senator Shenlaw, Sister Anna of the Peonian church would not have near enough clout to do the things she does in Coranan. The elderly statesman has made it politically acceptable to be viewed as both a senator and a religious man. He has been seen wearing his holy symbol openly and even praying in the Peonian temple in town instead of within the private shrine in his home.

None could doubt their patronage of the Halean worship however, if only because of the large sums of money given to the temple each year. Individual Weijiks seem to choose a personal religion. So long as it does not directly deny the clan's religion, there seems to be no preference.

Halea is a favorite religion in Coranan so much so that all politicians at least give lip service to the goddess of opulence, pleasure and luck. Other religions appear to be equally tolerated, including Morgath and Naveh, but they are not openly displayed or discussed. On the Weijik lands there are temples only to Halea and Peoni.

Clan History | Current Events | Clan Holdings | Clan Religion | Clan Politics | Clan Personalities

Clan Politics

The Weijiks are the very vocal allies of Clan Wytel and therefore the enemies of Clan Nordaka and Jeredosta. The Weijiks are all for changes within the Republic and are only Consolidationalists in name. They believe free and open trade can only help Tharda grow stronger.

"Protected trade is like assuring your child will never learn how to use a dagger for protection because Tharda has a legion!"

Weijik Whittism

The clan supports the idea of giving the Ramala region to General Kronos, for they believe he can lean the area of all its tribal problems. More importantly to the Weijiks, Kronos can free up the trade routes between Kaldor and Tharda as well as protect Weijik caravans from Nordaka raids.

The clan believes that with the largest standing army on the island, it should not be this difficult to wipe out the tribal factions that disturb trade and public peace. One of their most radical proposals was to give tribesmen freedman status within the republic if they helped wipe out their brethren. If successful the eldest child of each tribal family would be made a citizen, with all the rights and honors that contains.

The Weijiks are determined to see if the tribesmen would be interested. In the summer of 718TR they intend to send out emissaries to the various tribal factions to negotiate a peace. While they don't expect it to be 100% effective, if they can lure scouts and trackers away from the tribes, or find new allies in this guerilla war, it may be enough to tip the balance.

Clan History | Current Events | Clan Holdings | Clan Religion | Clan Politics | Clan Personalities

Clan Personalities

There are dozens of "important" Weijiks both in the city of Coranan (as merchants, usurers and mercenaries) as well as several dozen more scattered throughout the province. The five most important Weijiks are:

T-72: Index : [Scribe's Gripes][Clan Weijik][Faith][Sitarny][Warriors of Mameka] July 9, 2001

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