Letter from Home

15th Ilven, 718

To our dearest son
Fobin I I II
Fobin, Gerium Province


            As always it is delightful to hear from you. Our prayers are answered in your continued well being. Your father and brother act strong but neither your sister nor I am afraid to admit we fear our prayers may not always be answered. Sister Anna says such thoughts are not impious; although she also says your fate is in the hands of another. Hopefully, someday, you can better explain this to us.

            The plans for your sister’s wedding go well. Michael is of clan Weijik and both his patron and ours have agreed to the match. The price of the match however was not so easy to set and is still in negotiation. It should be settled by the end of the month, which means we can post the banners by the first of spring, which means she can be married in the summer – which should bring about a fortuitous marriage and a bounty to the newlyweds. Your father worries on grand fatherness more than what I think is normal.

            You will always have a claim on your father’s and my future endeavors, if only as a silent partner. It gives us great joy to know there will be something for you after the legion. At least it gives you a choice, although if you choose otherwise you still could not disappoint us.

            Your paramours are numerous – we hope this daughter is more of a friend than Kalinae. Perhaps this will be far more gentle on your young and tender heart than the last. Your request for a present has indeed sparked my curiosity. I shall have something for you in the coming months, although your father has already picked out the leather to use. It is a golden brown in color and very soft. Perfect for a pillow.

            Lepidus spends many weeks away from home. His tales rival only those we hear of you. He keeps all your letters and has them all memorized. He is doing very well according to his instructors. It appears Lepidus has an assured career – although both his instructors and his father insist he learns the arts of tannery and leather craft as well. Admittedly I understand only a little of what the lad tells me. While his handwriting is already better than mine – he insists I practice. I had best end this letter and rescue my embroidery from his clumsy stitching.

Be well and take care of yourself.

We know you are blessed. We’ve known since we met you. It’s just taken a while for everyone else to realize it.

Your loving Family.

A Letter from Home

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July 16, 2001

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