Antonius Character Background



Family Information

Mother (Birth): Anatalla - a Coranan Courtesan. Supposedly very beautiful she disappeared from Coranan's red light district shortly after Hondash adopted his bastard son. Anatalla had curely red hair and piercing blue eyes. A petite woman - rumor has it hte birth left her sickly. She claimed the child was sired by Hondash - although she had at least two other clients at the time.

Father (Adoptive): Hondash of Amysn (#48, Hideworker) his wife died of hte box shortly after her seventh child's birth. Hondsah frequented courtesans regualrly but he also claimed to use contraceptives. He's reasonably shure the child is not his - but both he, and his new wife - thought it best to adopt the child in case they required an heir. 5'9", 210 lbs, brown hair, brown eyes, medium complexion. Age 38 (in 718.) He married Etalla, 2 years after his wife, and three of his children died. Eight months after their marriage - Antonius was born to Anatalla.

He is a hideworker with 4 freedmen assistants and two male slaves who work in the tannery proper (#48A.) His money is always tied up in his business. Considered a fmily man by most he has little or no time for his surviving children. He'll help them if they ask. He is considered fair and forthright by most who meet him.

Currently Hondash is being pressured by the Lia-K'avir to pay protection money. The fee has grown since his adopted son became a Laranian squire and the Tannery received the Peonian blessing. The family now receives a pot of stew fromt he local Peonian church each day. While money is tight Hondash does nto want Antonius to worry.

Mother (Second wife) Etalla is a petie woman. She loves Hondash's children as if they were her own (she is barren.) She tries hard not to treat Antonius better than the rest but fails often.She stiches most of the fine embridery for the local clothiers who buy her husband's hides.

Dianna (Eldest daughter - last surviving daugther of Susanna - first wife to Honash) A comely woman she's almost 16 and she's engaged to be married to Micheal of Fobin (Manus in the Red Guard's 2nd cohort.) She was introduced to Micheal by her adopted brother Antonius and can almost forgive his teasing and taunting for that fact alone. A good hearted woman, she's inerhited her mothers talents for embroidery and her father's emboldened tongue. She always speaks her mind and be damned the politics.

Lupedis (supposidly Etalla's son - actually adopted. Parents unknown.) He looks up to Antonius and tires to mock his behavior towards the world. Lupedis is quite special - having already been approached by a member of hte Guild of hte Mangui (718) he may become a mage. To his family he wioll inherit the tannery and is already learnign the business and helping the family with day to day tasks.



Sir Matthew of Fobin A night of the Checkered Shield, he currently serves in Coranan (hvaing been born in Fobin) as a protector of hte Peonian church. Quiet and forthright by nature - his way of removing evil is to ride in and slay it. Unfortunately, in Tharda, that doesn't always work. Devoted and powerful he is a true paladin and believes int eh goodness of all Thardians. When he met Antonius Sir Matthew knew he should offer the lad something for his bravery. But the best he could think of would be 2 years of training.

Sir Johnas of Guisep A night of the Chekcered Shield, he was born in Melderyn. He came to Tharda for the cultural experience. He has a way of explaining things so that everyone understands - words or fistsl both are weapons to him. Quiet by education, he'd much rather be chatty and gossipy. Unfortuantely the church likes neither quality.

Elder Markus (Squire to Sir Johnas) A man in his late 30s (718) he's been a squire since he was 18. He was a servant in Sir Johanas's house who came with him into the churhc. An ordained lay borther of Larani, he tends to keep his priestliness to himself. He likes to think of himself as a big brother to the squires.

Alexandre (Horse of Sir Johnas) Quick to laugh. A good tempered beast.

Sir John de Olivier Quet and contemplative he hates the official trappings that his brother so greatly desires. Hard working and ever honest Sir John has the bset temperment of all the knights.

Bestier (Horse of Sir Matthew) Really likes Antonius and is quite expressive. If horses can talk - this one certainly talks to Antonius.

Sister Anna The Pelana of the Church of Peoni in Coranan. She is quiet and spry for a 60 year old woman. She began her priestship on the various crusades against Rethem with the Order of the Checkered Shield. Now in "retirement" she has the Peonian church talking care of all those who need it in Coranan. While most Corananians give a dram to the Halean temple, they're more often to give ccrops, cloth and goods to the Peonians. That way the Peonian temple cannot be taxed - and everyone knows that Sister Anna will find someway of doing good with the things she gathers. Her assistant, Brother Martin, is a shadow in her wake. He is content to remain thus - so long as no one tries to stop Sister Anna.

Sir Robert of Coranan Tall - he is the tallest of the knights serving in Coranan (6'11", Heavy frame!) He has a loud, booming, voice that carries over a btattlefield just as well through a croweded room. Quick to anger and very physical, he tries to temper his jgement and reamin true to the Laranian ways.

Sir Markus de Olivier (Squire to Sir Robert of Coranan.) Not yet a "Sir" he is Sir Johns' borther. Pushy, loud and obnoxius he's willing to tell everyone he's so much better than anyone. Sir John hates this show in inpropriety and ignores his brother whenever possible.


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July 16, 2001

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