Background Information

Birth Father: Born 16 Azur, 5'6", Heavy frame 160lbs. Medum complexion, blond hair, brown eyes. Average appearance. Jerris is a travelling merchant who met Analisa when he travelling through Orbaal. Analisa came away with him, and he bought her a house in Coranan. Their marriage fell apart after Jerris last surviving relative (his father: Markus) died. Jerris travels still, but rarely returns to Coranan.

Birth Mother: Analisa is a Jarin native who fell madly in love with the foreign travelling merchant. She snuck away with him late one night leaving friends and family behind. Determined to make the marriage work she learned the ways of Coranan and quickly became as good as any native. Jerris was rarely home as his business kept him on the move for most of the year. As a dutiful wife, Analisa looked after Markus and the children without complaint. But a few years after Markus's death - the pair separated amicably. She met Vorkal of Narandir (#61) in his shop. They agreed to be married, and that was that. Shortly after separating from Jerris she took up the profession of mason's assistant. She specializes in mixing mortars and bookeeping.

Foster Father: Vorkal of Narandir. 5'5", 165 lbs, medium complexion, black hair, blue eyes. Vorkal is a quiet and unassuming man who married Analisa because he thought her beautiful. He proposed to look after her, and her family, but Analisa will not leave her job for him. Vorkal hopes Analisa will not have any more children - the last one died at birth and almost took Analisa with him.



1. Trissa. Female, Unpopular, 698, 3 Larane. 5'2", 100lbs, medium complexion, blond hair, blue eyes. She is a strong willed woman who is determined to be married to the most handsom man she can find. Her younger brothers are an annoyance to be tolerated - but she secretly cares very deeply for them. Her mother is working on apprenticing her to a local apothecary shop where Trissa will be able to learn a trade and build up a dowry.

5. Johnathan Male, Average - son of the foster father, 709. (age 1 at begining of pregame.)

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July 9, 2001

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