

Family Information

Birth Father: Erecford of Melderyn, Mercenary. Born in Melderyn, Chyreafir. 5'8", Heavy frame, 168lbs, handsom, born 24th Kelen (Feniri),684.   Specializes int he Crossbow, spear and hand axe. A wealthy nomad, he is called the "Warder of the West." He was orphaned when his mother remarried. Raised by a guardian who taught him hunting, slave trading, tracking and the evils of mankind. He's worked in the service of the Jeredoska clan frequently in the past few decades (since 696.) While in Melderyn on business for the Jeredoska clan (698) he met Vaynder of Husnar - who bore a remarkable resemblance. Erecford saved Vaynder from his own folly and met his wife in the process. Shortly after Vaynder left for Tharda, (699) Erecford was jailed for theft. Freed by Symella (another mercentary) he and she set off to find the man who framed him. On the way Symella gave birth to Fennelisa (700) - and they both decided to leave the child in Vaynder's care. Since then Erecford has never returned to visit his daughter - but recently (714) Vaynder received a cask from Erecford. Personality: Dependable, loyal and vengeful.

Birth Mother: Symella of Melderyn, Mercenary. Born in Tashal, Kaldor. 5'9", Average frame, 157 lbs. Fair complexion - white hair and blue eyes. Average appearance. Birth Date: 9th Nolus (Ahnu) 688. She met Erecford while on business with the Kaldorian ambassador (she was his bodyguard.) Erecford tried to stop an assasination and Symella thought him the assasin. After a short (yet confusing) adventure - Erecford rescued Symella and Vaynder from their captives. Symella was fired and left to fend for herself. After 5 years plying the mercenary trade she gathered enough money - and with the help of some "friends" rescued Erecford. Together they set off to find the man who framed him.On the way Symella gave birth to Fennelisa (700) - and they both decided to leave the child in Vaynder's care. Since then Symella has never returned to visit her daughter Personality: Vengeful, quiet, and patient.

Foster Father: Vaynder of Husnar, Astrolloger of the Guild of Arcane Lore. 5'10", average frame, 146lbs. Blond hair, brown eyes. The son of an outcast senator his mother remarried shortly after his birth. He is considered an Equestrian Bastard. He was part of a large family (2nd of 5) but the family was divided up among friendly Equestrian families and for their sakes he pretends not to recognize any of them. Birthdate: 24th Kelen (Feniri),684. He received a mysterious helmet at his birth - but has yet to understand what it is. He's had it cleaned and will give it to his foster-daughter "Fennelisa" when she joins the legion.

His family history (as well as adventures as a young lad) are long, exciting tales that he'd rather not tell. Other than Fennelisa, and his wife, none of his children believe him capable of adventure. He retired shortly after returning from Melderyn, and has comfortably relied on his savings since. He knows that he and Erecford are really only 1/2 brothers - but Erecford is positive they are twins. Personality: Creative, immaculate, depressive and dependable.

Foster Mother:Juwal of Uning, Metalsmith. Born in Edino, Kanday - she came to Tharda with her parents at a young age. Average frame, 149 lbs, 5'7" tall. Dark Complexion, brown hair, brown eyes, average appearance. Born 3rd of Ilvin (Tai-Skorus cusp.)  She is self-sufficient, unenthusiastic, and punctual. Currently she works as a journeyman to Aran of Grathalir (#102 in Coranan.) She met Vayander after he had finished his "adventures" and decided to settle down. She wanted a quiet man who could tend to the practicle things in life - and he wanted a dependable woman. While their romance was not something to excite a bard with its tale - they do love each other and their children in their quiet, practicle way.



Foster Sibling (1)

Born at the same time as Fennelisa - Erecford gave her to the Peonian church in Melderyn. No one knows much about her. Fennelisa does not know she has a twin, and her parents have never explained why they gave one away, and kept the other.

Birth Siblings (6)

1. Alix: [PDF 13KB] born Halane 13 (Tarael). 5’10", 130 lbs, scant Frame, brown hair, blue eyes, dark complexion. Comeliness: 13 (Attractive). Will follow Dada as an astrologer. He is as immaculate as Dada but not as focused.

2. Lerissa: [PDF 15KB] born Azura 4 (Nadai-Hirin). 4’10", 94 lbs, scant Frame, brown hair, blue eyes, dark complexion. Comeliness: 11 (Average). Little Nerissa, quiet and unassuming but awesomely intelligent.

4. Marcus: [PDF 16KB] born Ilvin 16 (Skorus). 5’6", 160 lbs, heavy Frame, brown hair, brown eyes, Medium complexion. Comeliness: 13 (Attractive). Large and tough, he is the scrapper and protected us when he got older.

5. Lucia: [PDF 16KB] born Kelen 14 (Feniri). 5’5", 141 lbs, average Frame, brown hair, brown eyes, dark complexion. Comeliness: 15 (Attractive). Darkly beautiful and alluring, Lucia is somewhat rough around the edges. She is interested in taking over Mama’s smithing franchise.

6. Silvia: [PDF 16KB] born Savor 26 (Tai). 5’3", 146 lbs, heavy Frame, blonde hair, brown eyes, medium complexion. Comeliness: 12 (Average). Devious and conniving, she nevertheless enjoys intellectual challenges. She easily gets bored.

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This page was last updated on January 23, 2002
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All works are Copyright their respective authors, 2002.