By R. Downey |
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The Village Residents
The Village Residents
The key numbers below correspond to the numbers on the GM Map and the Village Census Form .
(Clavence & Mannellet of Arlon)
Clavence helped rebuild most of the buildings in town, after a fire in `16TR.
Well liked by the locals, he tends to fix more wheels and barrels these days
than actually build with wood. He and his wife are childless, but tend to
act as grandparents and baby-sitters to most of the children of the village.
Clavence has eight chickens, a goat and six sheep.
( Balan & Yganone of Amain)
Balan was elected Reeve in `12. He and his wife have five children. Anains (M:6), Ulfinias (F:7), Leron (M:10), Bencubon (M:10), Ettadain (M:12) who all help tend their father's land. Yganone and her daughter Ulfinias are weavers who work with Naniane of Birkonia (#14), when she is in town. The family has six sheep and trades with locals for more wool as needed. Ulfinias has a natural talent for weaving, and most believe she will be a good bride. Her mother has already filled her bridal chest with home-woven blankets, cloaks and shirts. The oldest boy, Ettadain, is learning his father's trade while the twins, Leron and Bencubon work as sheep herders when there's no fields to plow or harvest. Yganone refuses to let any of her children talk of marriage until after they have served their four years in the legion. Yganone is a veteran legionnaire who serves her 90 days in Fobin each winter. Balan is exempt from service due to his position as Reeve. Yganone also looks after Naniane of Birkonia's four children when Naniane serves in the legion. The two families are close, with the children considering each other siblings.
(Brannes & Argodaine of Kail)
Brannes & Argodaine of Kail are locals who married at a young age. They have four young children, Ilian (M:2), Marrivis (M:3), Irgana (F:2), Argodaine and Brannes work their 20 acres together whenever they can. The children are left in Mannellet's care (Woodcrafter#1). The young couple have four chickens, and two goats. Brannes is responsible for seeing the wood is cut back from the farmland and houses yearly. While he would love to be hired to clear more woodland, he understand Sir Molorn's dilemma. The revenue from woodland cutting is direly needed by the manor, but they just don't have the labour required. Brannes will suggest using legionnaires as a labour force at the next Hallmoot, but he doesn't believe it will be well accepted.
(Tadain & Hevaine of Chebel)
Hevaine comes from Sitarny. She met her husband, Tadain, when he was learning his trade in the fields between the two manors. She visits her parents each winter. They have four children: Llyraphe (F:8), Gatteres (M:9), Bevalvain (M:10), Hanis (M:11) . Gatteres is smitten with Ufinias (#2. Villein/Reeve). The whole town knows of their young affair. Gatteres intends to return from his tour in the legion a hero - if only to better impress Ufinias. Hanis practices his father's trade, thinks Gatteres is a smitten fool and pray regularly he will fail the legion's test. His younger brother Bevalvain wants to join the legion, as does Llyraphe, if only so that Hanis has more to inherit. The family struggles to survive and work their 34 acres yearly. They have nine pigs, and two chickens.
(Antant & Gorrida of Harand)
Antant is from Onrein. He met Gorrida when she came to the village to trade wool for milk for her sick mother. They married last year and have one young son, Verdotan. Antant works regularly, repairing farm implements and pots and pans. Occasionally he helps Clavence fix barrels and wheels of visiting caravans, but the work is light and Antant enjoys farming more than metalworking. Neither he, nor his wife, served in the legion - but they both hope their son will succeed where they failed.
( Tasirian & Made of Quaridos)
Tasirian is brother to Antant. Tasirian, as the younger, looked after their ailing father until he died five years ago. Made is considerably younger than Tasirian, but married him because of his wealth and sees marriage as a simple duty. She is fond of Tasirian and hopes love will come over time. Tasirian loves his quiet and unassuming wife both for her weaving skills and her homemaking. Made works closely with Yganone as she does not have her own loom. Locals consider him to be a success story as his plot of land (some 55 acres) has always been plentiful. Made gave birth to a young boy last fall. Clelin is the apple of his father's eye.
( Liolfenan & Baurtun of Beda)
Liolfenan is a Longbow reservists who serves his 90 days in the fall at Sitarny. His family works 20 acres of land, mostly of flax and barley. His wife, Baurtun is Tadain's sister. Shortly after her mother passed away Liolfenan asked for her hand. Her father agreed. The old man, Clachew, lives with them still although he no longer works the fields. They have three children: Clacheu (M:2), Ines (F:3), Fallinian (F:5) , of whom Clachew takes care. Baurtun is an embroiderer who gets regular work from Yganone. Liolfenan has permission to hunt on manor lands, and trades meat for the milk, eggs and thread his family needs. Liolfenan is a loner who's marriage surprised the village. He seems more at home in the wilds stalking game than at home with children on his knee. Tall and lean he is a stark contrast to his plump wife. Clachew has mellowed from the visitors old curmudgeon to a loving granddad in just a few years. Is it any wonder locals consider Baurtun a miracle worker?
(Bline & Rutera of Chela)
Bline was born in a prison cell in Geishtei and has worked hard to raise himself above that all his life. He refuses to speak of his mother, whom most believe to be dead. He has no father he can remember. Rutera is a local girl who's parents recently passed away. She met Bline, who was working as a pedlar, and invited him home for dinner. The story goes that he never left, giving up his peddling ways for her love. Now his wanderlust is constrained by his herding the manor's goats. For a small fee he also looks after the villager's goats. Rutera is a petite woman who manages the family's 36 acres of land. The younger children are sent to Clavence & Mannellet of Arlon (#1) during the day while the older tend the house and help with the field work. Lisitia (F:3), Cassia (F:4), Straso, (M:6), Donunius (M:7), Larrius (M:9)
(Leascalius & Vabennia of Mailobel)
Leascalius is a legion brat, who's father dumped him off with old Timyr of Mailobel. Timyr adopted the orphan and raised him as his own. Still Leascalius has a hatred for the legion. Leascalius is an argumentative, sour young man who seems happiest when arguing. His wife, Vabennia, is similar in attitude - at least with him. With her children she is protective and gentile. Their children are quiet, preferring anyone's company to that of their parents. The oldest boy, Angius, wishes to join the legion in two years and is thinking of running away. The boys all help their father manage their land. Gritian (M:13), Ventus (M:13), Angius (M:14).
(Menare & Galontilian of Evimë)
Menare is a natural leader of men. While not in the legion, he tends to head up any village complaints in the HallMoot. In addition, he is well liked by everyone - including Sir Molorn and his family. Galontilian is a brewer, often working with the manor staff to produce apple brandy - the true money maker of the manor. The couple is deeply in love after 12 years of marriage. They have four children: Prelus (M:4), Tisirian(M:5), Baenia(F:6), Lunstalion(M:8), Melius(M:12)
( Brec Anesen)
Brec's wife died two years ago when their hut went up in flames. The man has since drunk heavily. His four boys look after their father's land and their father with equal care. They try to hide his drunkenness, but it's a well known secret. Mineles (M:9) is an extrovert who loves to see people smile and laugh, Abrius(M:10) is a pessimist who scoffs at his younger brother. Vunius (M:11) and Caro (M:12) are both quiet and hard working. Both worry what will happen when they turn 16. They hope to find their father either a wife or a keeper - as they fear if they leave the man will suffer a bout of depression and kill himself and possibly the younger boys; as he has tried to do in the past.
(Godis & Axena of Garphilon)
Godis is a picky man, many find him impossible to deal with. His form is near perfect, and he's never missed a target in all the years he's been in the legion. His wife, Axena is shy, never contradicting her husband in public. When they get home, however, it's another story entirely. Their fights are commonly heard two and three houses down the street. Their sons seem embarrassed by their parents fighting, but are very polite and reserved with the other townsfolk. They work their father's land. The sons are: Lattullius (M:6), Eptian (M:7), and Malian (M:9). Godis often jokes that he always wanted a daughter - so his sons will just have to marry early.
(Thelodis & Lena of Trunsen)
Thelodis was a Milities Auxilliari when he met Lena. Their five children have exempted him from military duties these past three years. He hopes the exemption will remain as Lena cannot look after their brood alone. With the help of their two oldest they manage to farm their 34 acre plot of land with good results yearly. Their neighbors describe them as quiet and energetic. Thelodis never seems to mind helping a neighbor, and never asks for recompense. Lena is reserved and quiet but good natured. She likes to help when she can, but is fairly busy herself. Still she always manages to make something nice (a shawl, a blanket, or food) when a new baby is born or when someone falls ill. Her children are often drafted into her good deeds. Peroniusus (M:3), Mucirdius (M:4), Crania (F:5), Lena (F:7), Mister (M:9)
(Naniane of Birkonia)
Naniane is a widow of good standing. Her husband died three years ago, serving in the legion. Since then she's survived on her own legion pay and what income she gains working as a weaver with Yganone of Amain. When she is on duty with the legion, her children are left in Yganone's care. Naniane has four children: Vonnas (M:4) is the youngest but struggles hard to keep up with his brothers. Many say he looks identical to his father. Peroniusus (M:6) and Mucirdius (M:8) are inseparable. They regularly bother Ircel (#15) for stories, or stroll through the village greens searching for adventure. Both boys hope to become full time legionnaires when they grow up. They tend their mother's plot of land and work only 1/3 of their allotment of the Manor's lands. This still gives them a surprising amount of time to get into trouble. If a legionnaire comes into town, it is certain these three boys will be there and take in every moment, just waiting for something to happen.
Ircel lives alone and cares for the two oldest men in the village. Vunian (M:53) was a man-at-arms for Sir Larrius of Molorn's father. He chose to retire within the village and pays Ircel for his keep. The man is a veritable font of local lore, gossip and knowledge. Ircel often diverts children his way to hear his stories. Tolpius (M:52) is arguably the second-oldest in the village. He claims to be the oldest and often argues that Vunian's memory failed long ago, thus he forgot the year of his birth. It's an old argument. Tolpius was a local farmer. After his wife passed away two seasons ago, he moved in with Ircel and gave his home over to Martason and Quara of Frael (#17). Quara is his only child. Ircel also looks after a mute woman who seems to be in her late twenties. Locals call her Maria, but since she was found at the roadside some three years ago, no one is sure of her name. She was originally rather skittish around men, but has since calmed down some. He receives a total of 3760d a year from tithing (Glebe).
(Guinencalla & Cucennius of Frinary)
Cucennius (M:4), Encrunis (M:5) Cost: 7,200d Guinencalla and Cucennius use to work in the manor house. When their love for each other became apparent with Guinencalla's pregnancy, Sir Larrius granted them land and a house. Cucennius is working hard to earn his children's freedom. The two boys are quiet and tend to hide behind their father as often as possible when out in public. Together the four of them are most regularly out in the fields, working land either out of duty or for money. They are occasionally hired by Bline & Rutera of Chela (#8) and Tadain & Hevaine of Chebel (#4).
(Martason & Quara of Frael)
Quara is a quiet, unassuming house wife that cooks well and seems to live for her family. Her husband, a farmer from Onrein seems equally dedicated. They visit Tolpius regularly, often bringing him food. Martason has big plans for his land, and works hard to feed his ever-growing family. Quara does some needlework, but is usually busy trying to keep her brood clothed. The children seem to be everywhere, and always underfoot. Cantienius (M:1) can already walk, and while he does teeter some still, he now moves fast enough that Quara has a hard time keeping up. Maro (M:2) is considered a little angle by everyone but his mother - who always has to deal with the trouble he gets into. If there's a place he shouldn't be or something he shouldn't be doing - chances are that's exactly where he is and what he's doing. Sylanis (M:2) is quiet and seems unwilling to partake in Maro's trouble. But his looks are less and he seems less charismatic for a 2 year old. His mother loves him no less, but people tend not to notice him. Classius (M:4) and Immius (M:6) both help their father in the field. Classius works for a few hours each morning, and again after breakfast, where as Immius is expected to work all day long. The brothers fight as siblings often do, but they are staunch defenders of each other and their father's honor.
(Tonare & Verigia of Khond)
Tonare is a rich man by local standards. While he owns his own mill, he rents the millrights yearly from Sir Larrius. He inherited the mill from his father when he fled Themeson and was forced to give up his land there. His then pregnant wife, Verigia, only barely survived the trip. She is since considered "delicate" although such a term belies both her physical appearance and her attitude towards hard work. She has four children. Andrew (M:4), Mathius (M:6), Araenapus (M:7), and Hitelabius (M:9) all help their father with the land and the mill. The boys are close and often form a team against all comers in the village. They are friends with Cucennius, Encrunise (Slave's children #16), and the Yeomen's boyd (#8, 12). The other children in the village find this group too rough to accept as close companions, but the boys always do try to present their nicest side to the ladies (whether they like them or not). In their minds no woman is a "lady" until she's at least 20.
(Tarise & Sirtidus of Shebelis)
Tarise and Sirtidus both server 9 ten-days in the legion, she in the winter and he in the summer. The twins, Antonius (M:16), Maria (F:16) are both in Fobin serving their first four years of legion duty. In return for serving as part of the land duty, they receive 102 acres. The twins were close to Gritian, Ventus, and Angius (#9) and their parents hope that, when Maria returns she might consider marrying Angius. While Angius seems willing, Maria has yet to be informed. Tarise is a respected huntsman and his wife sometimes cooks for the manor.
(Evanes & Flaccunia of Hordirin)
Cevarus (M:8) plays with the other children of his age in the village, and is a close friend to Immius (#17). His mother, Flaccunia is the daughter of a dye merchant from Coranan. She works with the local women to help bleach and dye the wool each spring. Evanes is a quiet and hard working farmer. He and his son work their 26 acres alone. It is a source of great pride. Cevarus is a good farmer, although a bit young, his father intends him to receive everything when he turns 16. Cevarus is currently uncertain if this is a blessing or a curse. Like most young boys in Tharda, Cevarus wants to be a Legionnaire. Evanes hopes he will soon outgrow the notion. Evanes is a local lad who's father passed away when Cevarus was born. His mother died in giving birth to him. Many believe that was why Evanes insisted Flaccunia only have one child. He still tends to get nervous when around pregnant women.
(Baleins & Poncrolia of Urd)
Baleins is s stout man who's career always catches strangers by surprise. His girth hides great strength and an agility few believe until they see it. His wife, Poncrolia, came from Themeson where she lost her parents and her brother. She is exempt from legion service until all her boys reach the age of 16. It is most likely she will ask that one of her boys replace her. Sir Larrius knows her intentions, but has --as yet, said nothing. The boys, Cargedianus (M:10), Ciccus (M:11), Esdranus (M:13), all intend to be legionnaires. Cargedianus, however, has a knack for looking after the land. He started working the land with his father and older brothers when he was 6. His father serves over the winter at Sitarny.
(Menstias of Anesen)
Menstias and Agustus (M:37) live together. Neither of them are married, although some believe Agustus to be Menstias's father or uncle due to their close looks. Together they help the village reeve (Balan #2) look after the lord's lands. Balan relies on them to oversee Guinencalla, Cucennius and their children (slaves #16) and Brovan's family (#25). While Balan organizes the work of the villeins and half-villeins, Menstias organizes the slave labour. Menstias is a tall and quiet man that always has a gaunt look about him. Agustus is a learned man who is as tall as Menstias but always seems to be better filled out. Both have straight brown hair, brown eyes and square jaws. Agustus was purchased three years ago by Sir Larrius when he returned from Onrein. Rumor says Agustus was causing problems in Onrein by sleeping with free and unfree women. While no one has accused him of rape, it has been speculated by the women of the village.
(Liline & Vellus of Trunsen )
Liline was a young bride of a farmer's son. She hails from Fobin, but her family has since left that legion town for another. Vellus is a strong man of light build and blond hair. Most consider him quarrelsome and to be a curmudgeon. Still Liline's love for her husband is obvious in the lunches he brings to the field, the mending of his clothes and the smiles she bestows him. If he loves her it is not obvious. Many just assume he is a private man - for he has never spoken ill of his wife, or his five boys. The boys work the land with their father and spend their spare time getting in trouble in the village. They are known for their rough and tumble way of having fun. While they never mean to cause trouble, they somehow always do. The boys are: Fustian (M:13), Pontircus (M:14), Crinitius (M:15), Plaulannius (M:15), Sipsius (M:16).
(Cleuns & Durtius of Trunsen)
Cleuns' boys tend to mix well with those of Liline (#23), but both mothers worry as to their marriage prospects in town. They have asked Ircel (#16) to act as match maker. To date he's found possible matches for the three oldest in the nearby towns. Durtius is a short man of great stature. While he barely stands 5' tall, few locals are willing to risk fighting him for the right to comment on his short stature. The man is almost unbeatable in any form of unarmed combat. He appears very muscular and seems to almost have no neck. He is as proud of his wife as he is of his sons. Macro (M:8), Jalludius (M:10), Olus (M:12) all help their father in the fields as often as they can. When not working they tend to get in trouble with the Trunsen boys (#23). Virtes (M:18) and Celius (M:19) are currently both serving in Sitarny as full time legionnaires.
(Brovan & Murbia of Beda)
Brovan and Murbia are elderly but still hard workers. Both are in their late 30s and have grey hair and bent backs. Murbia has tried to get her girls positions in the manor house, but to no avail. The family tends to keep to itself, even among the other slave families. Marriage between the free and the slaves is ... socially unacceptable, and so the girls are very shy. The villagers find the family to be nice enough. Balan worries about the girls, especially since they work closely with Agustus (#22), but to date he's not seen or heard of anything to increase his suspicions. The children are: Flecia (F:14), Vullian (M:15), Dacellian (M:16), Velva (F:18).
(Clescard & Clonia of Aim)
Clescard is the son of a salter in Sitarny. He has a small shop in his house and sells a variety of goods. Clonia specializes in making herb-salts. Clescard is gone half the year in organizing and buying salts from Rethem and the north. They do a fine business. Their children, Maspius (M:4), Trinius (M:6), and Tecanian (M:9) help their mother work the land. The family appears self-sufficient, although Clonia seems to never have anything good to say about her husband. They fight loudly when he is in town.
This page was last updated on
June 8, 2002
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