[Ezar’s war]

Eight Demons
The Order of the Eight Demons is an all female-clerical order of the Hierarchy of the Eternal Flame. It sponsors the all-male fighting order, the Cohorts of Gashang.

The Order of the Eight Demons is limited to western Hârn. It is active in both the Thardic Republic and the Kingdom of Rethem, but its main power base is in Tharda. The order's headquarters is in Shiran (Tharda). The order also operates temples in Coranan (Tharda), Geshtei (Tharda), Themeson (on the contested Tharda-Rethem border), and Golotha (Rethem). It also maintains a number of small chapels and shrines in and around Themeson.

The Senesharil of the order is Merele of Kantar, who is considered extremely sadistic, cruel, and ruthless even by other Agrikans. She is also the Viriahn of the order's Shiran temple. The order's Markitha is Karel of Delvanau. She resides at Gerdel, near Themeson and oversees the Rethemi branch of the order.
Everchanging Book of Names - a great little utility that randomly creates names in a wide variety of styles and flavors. It is available for download at: http://ebon.uni.cc/
Earl of Kuseme
712 - Kandian Earl sent some knights to enforce his claims on villages to the east and north of Eidru. Two of these were within the borders of Ramala province. The senate ordered the Marshal of Ramala, Kronas Elernin, to attack and take Kuseme. He invested Kuseme and left a small force to maintain the siege. After a few months of counter-marching, the Ramala Legion and the Kandian army finally met outside of Eidru. The Kandian forces were routed and the Eirdu Keep taken. Before hostilities could resume, Kanday and the Republic concluded a peace treaty ceding Kuseme, Eidru and their territories to the Thardic Republic. Andasin IV hadn’t wanted war to start with, and the senate did not want to see Kronas cover himself with glory. His supporters in the Senate were able to arrange for him to be appointed both Marshal and Magistrate of the new Eidel province. [Tharda 3]
Eidel Province
In 712 the Kandian Earl of Kuseme sent some knights to enforce his claims on villages to the east and north of Eidru. Two of these were within the borders of Ramala province. The Senate ordered the Marshal of Ramala, Kronas Elernin, to attack and take Kuseme. He invested Kuseme and left a small force to maintain the siege. After a few months of forced marching, the Ramala Legion and the Kandian army finally met outside of Eidru. The Kandian force was routed and Eirdu keep taken. Before hostilities could resume, Kanday and the Republic concluded a peace treaty ceding Kesume, Eidru, and the territories to the Thardic Republic. Andasin IV hadn't wanted war to start with, and the Senate did not want to see Kronas cover himself with glory. His supporters in the Senate were able to arrange for him to be appointed both Marshal and Magistrate of the new Eidel Province.
A city from which Jalien (fourth Autarch) attacked Moleryn in 661. [Tharda 3] Land succeeded to the Republic by Kanday in 712. [Tharda 4]
Place to the north where Mejenes died in 465 [Tharda 1]
An elven town in Evael. It is believed by most to be a mythical city where all the buildings are living trees and masters of every craft reside.

Eryn River

[Tharda 1]
A large fife of 89 families, and a fortified manor in Themesonshire in the kingdom of Rethem. The fife is the last before the Thardic border, and as such acts as a buffer between the irate Thardians who lost all of Themesonshire in 704TR, and the current holders - the Cohorts of Gashang. Of the townsfolk, only about 1/4 remain of the inhabitants before the Agrikan invasion.
Ezar’s war
A war between Kanday and Rethem begun by the leader of the Order of the Copper Hook and bearing his name. Rethem, and the order list which eventually lead to Ezar’s assassination by order of the King of Rethem.

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