[Thard River]
[Thard River Valley]
[Thardic League]
[Thardic Republic]
[Themeson River]
[Themeson Keep]
[Theocracy of Tekos]
[Travels of Odilos the Humble]
[Trobridge Inn]

Incopetent sun of Aglir, the sixth Autarch. He was also the deputy commander of the Autarch’s guards, and was not charged in Aglir’s courts-martials after the loss of the Salt War. Most historians believe he was more responsible than any other for the debacle at Ramala Gap.
City on the eastern edge of the Thardic Republic. [Tharda 1]
The smallest unit of the legion. It is comprised of four milities linari and led by a milities primus. All are footmen of either light or medium armourment.
The knight of a religious order. The name is god-generic.
The Thardic Republic is bordered to the south by the feudal Kingdom of Kanday and to the west by the Kingdom of Rethem. The Republic has won a war with Kanday within the last decade, and relations with Rethem are tense, but the present state of affairs is a watchful peace. Two tribal nations also border the Republic; wary and often violent Gozyda, and the ruthless Tulwyn. [Tharda 1]
Founded only three months after the death of Aglir. Since then the real history of the Republic has been largely a matter of the ins and outs of power politics, most of which are unknown or obscure to the general public. However two events stand out. [Tharda 3]
Most of the Rebublic's problems are domestic. The Tulwyn and Gozda and the Hefiosa brigands pose some threat to security. There is a trend towards lessening of the traditional religious tolerances in Tharda, particularly in the settlements near the Rethem and Kanday borders. Primary targets of such persecution are followers of Larani or Agrik, who some folk see as anti-republican, or as consorts of the enemy. The most serious trend din Thardic politics is the Senate's increasing inability to compromise on important issues. The intrigue over the appointment of a new Warden for Coranan is reaching a crisis point. The city has been without a Warden for three months, and the Red Guard can presently be described as capriciously surly. The Senate has managed to reduce the field of candidates to two. Both of whom are supporters of the Consolidations faction.
Unfortunately, both candidates are supported by half the senators, and nether can gain the two thirds vote necessary for appointment. It is possible that a compromise candidate will be proposed in the near future. There are also several persons who desire that the number of Senators to be expanded beyond 68 to allow themselves to be elected. So far, none of them has managed to influence enough Senators to get such a matter passed. Observers fear that the Senate will still be deadlocked by the time that the next tri-annual appointments must be made in 722. [Tharda 4]
Thard, River
The river that bisects the island from Lake Benath, flowing west to the coast. It runs through the Thardic Republic, Kanday and Rethem. [Tharda 1]
Thard River Valley
The upper and middle Thard Rivery valley has been ocupied since at least 1100BT, and perhaps even earlier. The orignial Jarin settlers were sweled by immigrants after the end of the Atani Wars, and by the first century TR there were over a hundred small tribes making their home in the region. [Tharda 1]
Thardic League
Founded by the Coranan and Shirian Republics in 636. The Republics retained complete control of internal policies and taxation. The League had responsibility for the defense of the Republics and foreign relations. The post of Autarch was created, each officeholder elected to sere one seven year term. The League was defended by the Autarch’s Guard, and by tradition the commander of the Guard became the next Autarch. All officers of the guard were appointed by the Autarch. Since only the Senate could appropriate taxes for the league’s use, they had considerable theoretical and practical influence on the policies of the Autarch. [Tharda 2]
Thardic Republic
The Thardic Republic is bordered to the south by the feudal Kingdom of Kanday and to the west by the Kingdom of Rethem. The Republic has won a war with Kanday within the last decade, and relations with Rethem are tense, but the present state of affairs is a watchful peace. Two tribal nations also border the Republic; wary and often violent Gozyda, and the ruthless Tulwyn. [Tharda 1]
Founded only three months after the death of Aglir. Since then the real history of the Republic has been largely a matter of the ins and outs of power politics, most of which are unknown or obscure to the general public. However two events stand out. [Tharda 3]
Most of the Rebublic’s problems are domestic. The Tulwyn and Gozda and the Hefiosa brigands pose some threat to security. There is a trend towards lessening of the traditional religious tolerances in Tharda, particularly in the settlements near the Rethem and Kanday borders. Primary targets of such persecution are followers of Larani or Agrik, who some folk see as anti-republican, or as consorts of the enemy. The most serious trend din Thardic politics is the Senate’s increasing inability to compromise on important issues. The intrigue over the appointment of a new Warden for Coranan is reaching a crisis point. The city has been without a Warden for three months, and the Red Guard can presently be described as capriciously surly. The Senate has managed to reduce the field of candidates to two. Both of whom are supporters of the Consolidations faction. Unfortunately, both candidates are supported by half the senators, and nether can gain the two thirds vote necessary for appointment. It is possible that a compromise candidate will be proposed in the near future. There are also several persons who desire that the number of Senators to be expanded beyond 68 to allow themselves to be elected. So far, none of them has managed to influence enough Senators to get such a matter passed. Observers fear that the Senate will still be deadlocked by the time that the next tri-annual appointments must be made in 722. [Tharda 4]
Themeson River
A river that runs from the River Thard north, beside Themeson. It was the traditional boundary between Rethem and Tharda, until 704TR.
Themeson Keep
Location Themeson, Rethem
Holder: The Cohorts of Gashang
Liege: Crasel of Merbed (Akrata)
Population 85 families
There has been tension between toe Republic and Rethem since 708, when the Red Shadows of Herpa seized Themeson. The situation was further confused by the schism of 714, which resulted in the holders of Temeson splitting from their parent order and founding the order of the Cohorts of Gashang. The order of Eight Demons, the clerical order that sponsors the Cohorts of Gashang is headquarters in Shiran, with other temples in Coranan and Golotha. They also hold several manors near Themeson. Neither order has been enthusiastic in its support of Chafin II of Rethem. Chafin's response to periodic demands for the return of Themeson from the Thardic Senate has been that the events took place during the reign of his predecessor, and that he has no control over the matter. The Senate properly regards these claims as "the veriest nonsense", but has yet to take firm action on the matter. The situation is said to be giving Chafin ulcers.
In fact, the demands are made only to conceal secret negotiations between the Senate and the Cohorts of Gashang for the return of the land to the Republic. The fighting order is well aware of its tenuous position with the Rethiem throne, and with its powerful parent order based across the river at Menekai. The grandmaster of the sponsoring order of the Eight Demons, Merele of Kantar, supports the return of Themeson to the Republic. Her influence, combined with the persuasion of the Senate, will probably ensure this result. Merele is forty two, an alluring if sinister figure in Shiran society.
The lands owing feudal obligation and fealty to Themeson.
Also known as the Theocracy of Tekos.
Theocracy of Tekos
In 568 after 2 years of intrigue and assassination emerged as sole leader and founder of the Theocracy of Tekhos. Lasted 20 years. The Theocracy had a permanent effect on the character of north eastern Tharda where its hold was the strongest. The Theocrats attempted to eliminate the nobility for the Corani Empire. They were most successful in northern Tharda, where thousands were exterminated. In the cities of Golotha, Coranan and Shiran the populace was exposed to perverse Morgathian Spectacles and rituals in which "opponents" to the new order were butchered. When Horahnam was assassinated in 588, his Theocracy collapsed. In the north, the few noble families that had survived were so closely identified with the Theocracy that they were hunted down along with the clan Tekhos and the priests of Morgath.
Travels of Odilos the Humble
The book is one of the many in the common library of the temple of Save-K'nor in Geishtei. Its tales cannot be traced to the history of a single person, but rather seem to be the tales of several lifetimes accredited to one man - who is not the least bit humble about his exploits.
Trobridge Inn
Town. Kaldoric edge of the Ramala Gap.
Tribal nation bordering the Thardic Republic [Tharda 1]

This page was last updated on June 8, 2002
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