Warriors of Mameka
The Terhani for the Orderof Mamaka, Master of Steel
The Warriors of Mameka are a Terhani order of the Reaper. It is sponsored by the Order of Mamaka, Master of Steel. The following document comes from a collection of written works by various Warriors throughout their history at the bequest of Klyrdes of Bisidril, Apalankh of Hârn and Viriahn of the Order of Mamaka, Master of Steel.
This write-up is based upon the Warriors, as presented by Columbia Games in
their works detailing HârnWorld. For more information on Columbia Games, and
the references used to create this document, please refer to the References
Index of Files Relating to the Warriors of Mameka
- History of the Warriros of Mameka[HTML 21kb]
- Community of the Warriors of Mameka [HTML 8kb]
- Ideals and Morals of the Warriors of Mameka [HTML 14kb]
- Myths and Legends of the Warriors of Mameka [HTML 12kb]
- Politics of the Warriors of Mameka [HTML 10kb]
- Adherents of the Warriors of Mameka [HTML 6kb]
- Service Features of the Warriors of Mameka [HTML 12kb]
- References for the Warriors of Mameka document [HTML 5kb]
This page was last updated on 30
July 2000
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