The Journals of Antonius
Hondash, my father, has given me this journal so that I may improve my writing skills. Ive decided to keep it as journal as Sir Matthew has suggested. He says I should write about the wondrous things I see everyday as well as my own adventures. I might as well start at the beginning by writing about who I am and who all the people around me are. Who knows perhaps one day my journal may have an audience larger than I wish for.
My name is Antonius and I am sixteen years of age. I am a freedman of Tharda. I am heavy of frame with red hair and grey eyes. I look nothing like my mother, Etalla. Which is to be expected seeing as she did not give birth to me. She possesses the hands that have comforted my childhood sorrows and I love her dearly. I must say however that she loves no other more dearly than my father, which may explain her acceptance of me within her family.
My true mother was Anatalla, a Coranan Courtesan. It is from her that I get my red hair. After my birth, she vanished from her position and I have never met her. All I know of her is what my father felt comfortable sharing with me. I must say that it is quite possible that Hondash is not my father. Ive never wanted to raise the question for I did not wish to trouble him but one can not help but notice that he is still much taller and slimmer of frame than I ever will be and that his eyes are brown.
I am an adopted bastard, but could I be more bastardly than I truly am? I must admit it is not a question I need to answer for Hondash could not have been a better father, even if I had looked like him.
My family would not be complete if I did not mention Dianna, my older sister. I love her truly, but letting her know would be a terrible mistake for I could no longer tease her. She apparently looks like Fathers first wife, yet the closeness between her and Etalla is strong.
I am currently working to help the family pay for Diannas dowry to Micheal. A fine fellow from the Red Guard to whom I introduced her. I can tell that they will live long together and will be happy with many children. At least that is what I wish for Dianna.
Last but not least in the family line is Lupedis, my younger brother. Hes very much a pest when he follows me around. However I believe those days will end when his true calling is revealed by the Guild of the Mangui. Meanwhile he dreams of the days when he will be an adventurer like his older brother or like Micheal or even like Sir Matthew. It all depends on who has told the latest adventure or the most exciting epic.
Despite the fact that I am blessed by a loving family, I would be lying if I did not mention my Other family as being crucial in my life. Perhaps I could even mention them as my spiritual family, for they are the ones who have made me realize that I crave more than material and substantial things.
The first person of this family is Sir Matthew, a knight of the Checkered Shield. I originally met him right outside my fathers door through events I will describe shortly. He is a protector of the Peonian church and is devoted to the Ways of Larani. A true hero, his demeanor is quite modest, yet his habits could drive even Sister Anna mad. He has shown me what it means to dedicate ones life to a cause.
I believe Sister Anna needs no introduction, for she is known throughout Tharda and is an honorary Citizen. She has never stopped working and is able to remember your name and the work you may do for Peoni in the blink of an eye. She possesses a gentle kindness which has made my stay as a squire within the church a privilege rather than a duty. Sister Anna has shown me what a single person is capable of doing against a sea of adversity.
Bestier. What can be said about Bestier? Hes smart enough to write this journal, which is pretty impressive, considering hes a horse. For fear of being called insane, I will not mention all his other accomplishments I have witnessed. Bestier has shown me trust.
Elder Markus is Sir Johanas squire. He has chosen this calling and is content to follow a Knight rather than be one. He has taught me everything I know about being a squire, hence my naming him Elder. With his contentment and knowledge, he has turned his work into a Peonian worship. Elder Marcus has shown me that spirituality is more than a prayer.
Alexandre is the horse Elder Markus tends. He is always good tempered and a pleasure to groom. A true brother to Bestier. His rider is as good humoured as he. Sir Johanas has always been willing to explain every detail of the church, or any other topic, to me as soon as I ask any question. Sir Johanas has shown me the virtue of silence.
Sir John is even more modest than Sir Matthew. Although he is quite proficient as a Knight, I can not help but think he would be more comfortable in the robes of a Peonian priest. It has always been a joy to work with and for him. Sir John has shown me what it is to be devoted.
Sir Robert must have the loudest voice within the Peonian church. His temper is fierce but always within the boundaries of Larani. His horse, Verdict, is also tempestuous. But he never seems to mind when I groom him. Both have shown me what it is to focus all of my emotions into each and every task I do.
Just Markus is also a squire. He is Sir Johns younger brother. Always craving status and the upper hand, even in the stables. Needless to say Verdict does not like him very much, even if he does take care of him. Just Marcus has made me realize that it is possible to find something good in each person, even if I do not always like them.
Although many other people have surrounded my Fathers business and the Peonian church, I consider these to be the people in my large family. May others be so lucky.
If this journal is to contain the adventures I have lived, than I should begin with the first adventure I ever had which is worth mentioning. I call this one THE ATTACK OF THE DEADLY RABBITS. I was much more of a witness than a participant in this adventure, but it is how I met Micheal, Sir Matthew and those who have accepted me within the Peonian church.
It all started, when Father asked me to bring many hides and other small goods to a shop across Tharda. He had carefully packed everything so that the wealth of my burden would remain unnoticeable. He instructed me as to where I should bring it and that if I felt someone was following me or if I thought trouble was brewing I should ask a Legionnaire for his help. All the roads I was to take between Fathers shop and the delivery were main roads guarded by Thardas finest. I was sure no problem would arise if I remained cautious.
The way to the shoe store, for that was where I was delivering, went without any trouble. I walked with purpose yet without seeming hurried directly to the shop. The shoemaker had been a friend of the family for a long time and he was glad to see me and to get news of the family. His shop was small, but well organized. There was a small bench for his customers and all the measuring implements he required were hanging on the wall. He also had models that could be seen behind a counter at the back of the shop. The actual work shop was partially hidden by a simple curtain. Despite this barrier, the smell of glue and oil permeated the shop.
My Fathers goods were immediately brought to the workshop. The payment for the goods was neatly wrapped, with the money making no sound at all. The shoemaker had also included a pair of boots, two belts and a pair of work gloves he had repaired for Father. As I left the shop I adopted the same route.
As I made it closer to the market place, I could not help but feel as though a pair of eyes were taking special notice of my person. When I finally made it to the actual market place that feeling had intensified. It was my fortune that I then noticed some Legionnaires in the vicinity. Once I had introduced myself to them, they were quite willing to escort me back home.
As we made our way through the market place we chatted about what it was like to be a Legionnaire and the life of adventure they lead. It was quite a surprise when one of the legionnaires l disappeared into an alley. Before I could even ask what his intentions were, a commotion had erupted from the alley. When he returned. nothing in his image seemed ruffled, except for his sword which he was in the process of wiping. Micheal was that Legionnaire. He seemed quite happy to have prevented some nasty thief from ever reaching my Fathers hard earned payment.
It was as Micheal was resheathing his sword that we heard a blood curdling scream. The three Legionnaires all froze for a moment. their edginess was like a disease spreading through the market place in which we stood. They instructed me to go to the well and direct the next band of legionnaires to they alley in which they were headed, located between a seamstress shop and a pottery maker.
After waiting a few minutes, other Legionnaires appeared and so I directed them in the appropriate direction. While I waited for the legionnaires to return, I could see tension in the people who are walking by and are hearing the battle. The market place was slowly becoming empty of people. I hardly noticed, for my concentration was devoted to hearing what was happening in the alley. So concentrated was I, that I barely notice another man had joined me by the well. I was guarded, for I did not wish to alert this stranger to what I was carrying. The stranger was tall with brown hair and eyes. He seemed foreign to me. I could also see he wore no ring marking him as either a freedman or a slave. His plain clothes were well made and durable. He was also well fed and clean. I decided he was a freedmen.
He tried asking me a few questions which I answered evasively. He soon tired of our conversation for he became content of simply sit by the well.
After what seems like hours, the Legionnaires came out. Two of them were seriously injured, Micheal was okay but he was covered in blood. He looked quite frightful. I could not help but feel that something more than a simple thief was at the source of this skirmish, but the Legionnaires didnt seem to be in a talkative mood. They simply answered that it was a deadly rabbit.
Micheal was the only one capable of accompanying me the rest of the way home, due to his lack of major injuries. The stranger at the well had left without my notice and I still had Fathers payment. My worries were slowly fading.
When we got back, Father was quite relieved to see that all was well. To thank Micheal, Mother invited him to dinner. I could see, even then that he and Dianna were smitten with one another. Surely I was right, for months later, they would still be seeing one another.
It was precisely during one of those casually contrived meetings, weeks later, between my sister and Micheal that another terrible scream occurred. It was early morning, Micheals company was on duty by the gates of the city. Micheal had arranged to march past Fathers shop to see Dianna. The scream occurred during their brief conversation, The Legionnaires went without hesitation while Dianna looked mortified as she realized Micheal could be harmed.
As they turned the corner, I came out and saw that the stranger from the well was coming down the street. He was, to my surprise, in full armor. I point out the location of Micheals company, although any fool can hear them fighting in desperation. The knight dismounted and left his horse in front of Fathers shop. He casually walked over to the fight as though he was reaching for a cup of tea. As he joined the battle, there seemed to be a new hope in the battle cries of the Legionnaires. As I was just about to return into my Fathers shop, the corner of my eye caught bright lights coming from the fight. Father was calling me back inside so I could not verify whether this was my imagination or otherwise.
As the battle slowly dwindled down, I knew the victory would be Micheals and the stranger knight.. At fourteen, I could not imagine any other outcome, to a fight which involved people I knew. The only way I knew the battle would soon finish was due to the diminishing number of blows I could hear, as two opponents become too tired to lift their swords with any kind of swiftness.
Sure enough, a few moments later the Legionnaires emerged but there was no sign of the Stranger Knight. My concern doubled when I realized his horse will be left here if he is dead.
I went to the alley to find the Stranger Knight. He was busy burning some black slime which was covering most of the battle area. Never did it crossed my mind to look at how the knight was burning the slime, but needless to say, it was not with a torch. He was quite absorbed in his task when I told him he should not forget his horse. he thanked me, but insisted that his horse could fend for himself. Surely he could, for the horse was a brown destrier of massive proportions, yet he seemed to have gentle manners.
As we left the alley, I felt a presence and I was about to turn around when Stranger Knight pushed me out of the alley. As I turned back to see what happened, all I could see was that Stranger Knight was fighting a deeper than natural shadow in a darkness that was unnatural, at least for a clear morning. As I stood mesmerized by this sight, something nudged my arm. It was the Knights horse. He seemed to be encouraging me to take the shield and give it to Stranger Knight. As I took it off the horse and turned to the battle, the shadow seemed to prevent me from throwing the shield to Stranger Knight.
As blow after blow were, Stranger Knights sword matched every attack from the shadow in a bizarre dance. Despite my attempts to circle the shadow safely, all I could do was wait for an opportunity to throw the Knights shield. I know now that it was the element which enabled the Knight to wait for reinforcement. The battle seemed to go on for ages which made me believe that it would end with the starvation of either opponent. But Stranger Knight with a combination of excellent skills and fabulous luck created the opportunity needed for him to get his shield. The gods must have been with me when I threw it for he caught it effortlessly, as though I had thrown it to land in his hands ready to be used.
Once again, I stood entranced by a battle beyond my understanding, and again the horse nudged me. Actually, he more or less pulled and pushed me forcibly in the general direction Stranger Knight had come from. Not knowing what else to do, I followed him until I realized the horse was probably going back to safety. I believed that there could possibly be reinforcement there too. At that point I ran as fast as I could. The horse guided me directly to the Peonian church.
The church itself gives the impression of being sturdy and simple. Its grey stones were stacked in a subtle pattern that showed the craftsmanship of the bricklayer. The windows were also simple but seemed to blend into the building in such a way as to create a sense of openness. From the entire church emanated a sense of home and belonging.
When I entered the grounds, the largest man I had ever laid my eyes on recognized the horse and named him Bestier. I told him of the on going battle Stranger Knight was involved in. Before I finished my tale, he had donned his shield and sword and was guiding me back to the scene, along with Bestier and his own horse.
Stranger knight looked tired but when his friend arrived, hope of winning the battle was renewed. The large man asked me to get Legionnaires involved once again. I headed for the gates where I knew Micheal to be. When I reached him, he immediately issued orders and instructed me to return home.
When the Legionnaires arrived, the shadow had escaped and a manhunt(?) was on. I unfortunately could no longer follow the battle, but I did see that the two horses were accompanying Stranger Knight back to the church. He stopped to thank me for my help and threw a coin in my direction. It was a whole Denarius. I thanked him and ran into the shop to tell Father about the events that had just occurred.
When I got home I realized that my tunic was quite filthy, so I went to change. That was when I realized there was a tremendous bruise on my chest. Mother was worried enough to send for the herbalist who looked me over and gave a tea to drink and a salve for my injury. They were quite effective for I only woke up the next morning.
Mother and Father were quite concerned about me, but nonetheless, they wished to thank Stranger Knight for keeping me out of harms way. To do so they gave me quite an expensive package to deliver to him. I remember it being filled with fruit tarts Dianna had made, as well as fine soft leather, the kind only used for fancy gloves. There were even a few kerchiefs embroidered by Mother
It was only once I delivered the package to Stranger Knight that I discovered that his name was Sir Matthew of Fobin, Knight of the Peonian church. To thank me for the help I gave him the day before and for the package of today, Sir Matthew offered me a job as his squire. This offer, at the time, completely overwhelmed me. Being only fourteen, I was too young to join the Legion or be apprenticed. I also knew my sister would soon require a dowry and Father seemed to give his best hides and Mother her best embroideries to strangers who did not even pay them. This opportunity was unreal, a blessing from the Gods. I told Sir Matthew that I was interested in working for him, but that I would need to ask my parents for their approval. At least that was what I hoped I had said.
I remember running home and bursting into Fathers shop trying to explain everything as fast as I could. Mother laughed for the words seemed to pour out of my mouth, like a windmill, but Father could not understand a single one of them. She told me, later, that she had never seen me so excited.
After they had calmed me down, at least enough to be understandable, Father agreed to let take Sir Matthews offer. Off running I went, to announce my acceptance to Sir Matthew. He asked me if I could start the next day. I dont believe he knew what type of eternity he was damning me to, for I was ready to start right then and there.
I returned home, wondering what I would do for a whole day, waiting for my life to begin. At that point Mother took over and brought me to find appropriate garments to work in. I remember getting a tunic and leggings for the summer and another set for the winter, Mother also bought me a pair of travel boots, my very first pair.
That night around the dinner table, Dianna and Micheal announced their engagement and we also celebrated my new job. Mother, despite having gone shopping with me, was able to make the best meal we have had together since the last New Year. The celebrations were great, Dianna was radiant while Father and Micheal discussed the possibility of him joining our family business.
As the night dragged on, Micheal returned to the Legion, while the family settled into their beds. I, of course, was too excited to lie still. The night dragged on interminably. Even Dianna could not stay awake the whole night, apparently being engaged was not as exciting as being a squire. When morning came, finally, I was up bright and early, despite or because of my lack of sleep. I quickly gobbled some leftovers and said my good-byes to everyone.
Dianna gave me a grey cloak as a farewell present. Lepidus would verify at the church later during the day to see if I was coming home to sleep or if I would only return during my rest day. As I walked, ran, to the Peonian church, I remember a great sense of pride at finally being able to help my family, with my job. Little did I know then what the consequences of it would be.
As I arrived at the Peonian church, the yard was empty, so I went through the main door. Unfortunately, they lead directly and noisily into the chapel. A ceremony was being held. Of course the door creaked in the loudest way possible and EVERYBODY heard me enter the chapel. The chapel was as simple and straight forward as the exterior of the building; sturdy wooden benches, simple decorations and lots of candles. As casually as I could I joined those attending the ceremony, sitting on the nearest empty seat I could find. I remember thinking that I did not wish to be in any other place in the world.
Once the ceremony was over, Sir Matthew brought me to the room which I would be sharing with him, for the duration of my employment. It was located a short distance the chapel, in hall filled with similar doors leading to similar rooms. The actual room contained a small fireplace with a cold container of sib on the mantelpiece, Sir Matthews bed was next to it. At the foot of his bed was a dummy wearing all of the Knights armor. Nearby was a small window under which was to be my bed. Just like Sir Matthew, I also had a small chest at the foot of my bed in which I was able to put my belongings. What luxury! I remember feeling very lucky and needing very much to do the best work I could.
As I was putting my things away, there was a knock at the door. A small woman entered and introduced herself as Sister Anna. She was older than most, with most of her hair grey. I remember seeing her and thinking that she had probably never spent an hour without working or organizing something. Her clothes reflected the Peonian church style, simple and practical. It was only on closer inspection that one could see the craftsmanship and care that were taken to make her clothes. I remember thinking that her hands gave off strength in the way they were callused and scrubbed clean. Sister Anna was and still is a woman to reckon with. Her accomplishments are all impressive; honorary Citizen, provider for the poor and defender of the weak. I could easily imagine seeing her in armor, but it would somehow get in the way of her inner strength.
She remembered my name and my whole family, telling me that they had been regular visitors of the church. She wondered why she hadnt seen them in such a long time. After having chatted a short while, she brought me to the stables where I met Elder Marcus, squire to Sir Johanas rider of Alexander. Elder Marcus could be considered Sister Annas male counterpart. He was also short, at least for a man, with his greying hair and work-worn clothing, he belonged in the stables as much as the horses. Work was where he seemed most content, For him every action he took had purpose and every secret of being a squire was known to him.
It was also during this same occasion that I met Just Marcus, who tried to pull rank on me. Even then he did not do his job appropriately. He was squire to Sir Robert rider of Verdict. Just Marcus was a lanky sort of fellow who could puff up his chest larger than life. Our relationship was never very amiable, but it always remained polite.
Elder Marcus was the one who taught me everything I know about tending horses, while Bestier taught me how to make it an enjoyable experience for both the horse and the squire. They were both the best teachers a squire could hope for. Elder Marcus began to share his wealth of knowledge with me on that very day.
That afternoon, when Lepidus arrived, I remember showing him the stables and introducing him to Bestier and Elder Marcus. I also told him that I would return home on my rest day, nine days from now. After a short while he returned home and I continued with my tasks. The day passed without my notice, for soon Elder Marcus told me it we were done and that it was time for sleep. I returned to my room where some kind soul had made my bed. Sir Matthew was already asleep so I crept into bed as quietly as I could. Sleep took over me, even before I could realize what a great job I had.
The next day, I woke up to a soft tap on the door. I got up quickly and answered the door, before they woke Sir Matthew. It was Elder Marcus telling me to join him in the kitchen. I asked him to give me a few moments to get ready. As I turned to do just that I realized there was a warm jug of sib sitting on the mantelpiece, next to two mugs. As I dressed, I helped myself to some of it. It had been flavored with molasses hmmm.
After breakfast in the kitchen, Elder Marcus started to teach me how to spar, with the knights as well as with squires and other Peonians. It was the beginning of my training in the ways of Larani, the Red Goddess of Peoni. I remember starting with basic exercises; flexibility, simple maneuvers and balance exercises.
Despite having seen Sir Matthew when I first arrived, he spent most of his time recovering from his injuries from the battle against the shadow thing. His time was spent either near the practice ground, observing the fighters, by the well reading or in his room. Sister Anna was quite mindful of him not wanting him to overexert himself and prolong his injuries. The heroism he demonstrated in that fight made me quite proud to be his squire.
After ten days of work, which I found more enjoyable than anything I had ever done in my life, it was time for my day of rest. I decided to return home and spend time with my family. Fathers business was doing very well, I believe it was Sister Anna who made it possible for them to receive the Peonian blessing. Despite this business advantage, I was dismayed to find out that Father gives larger packages to the gentlemen who did not pay for anything. Father did not really want to talk about it, but I figured it was protection payments, but I did not know for what or to whom.
To this day, I cant help but feel responsible for the hardships my parents have had to deal with, because I had become a squire. All I wanted was to better my familys situation and no matter how hard I tried, it seemed I could not.
Mother and Father were so pleased at seeing me return after my first week of work that they put on a great display of food and entertainment. I still tried to help around the shop but Father was more interested in boasting about his son. This did nothing to alleviate the guilt I felt.
That night, it was with a heavy heart that I returned to the church. It was also then that I first met Sir John and his horse Andrea. Sir John is a dark man of mood, which suited me fine at the time. His soul was and still is in turmoil, for he questions all of his feelings. I also found out that he was the older entitled brother of Just Marcus. He offered to spar with me, which we did. I remember feeling that I had learned more than I thought, for I was able to defend myself with unexpected skill, despite Sir Johns unquestionable skill and his accommodation to my own.
When we made it to the kitchen, people were talking about the rumors of another rabbit, in the north of the city. The knights were planning on searching for it on the next day.
Before turning in to bed, I checked in with the horses. Just Marcus had not done his job. The stalls were not clean and all of them needed fresh water and hay. It was only much later that I was able to finally crawl into bed. Sir Matthew was sound asleep, I made sure he was well covered and tucked myself in for the night. The next morning, Sir John softly rapped on my door and invited me to go sparring again. On my way out of our room I grabbed a cup of warm sib and headed to the sparring ground.
After a couple of hours of exercises, I return to the kitchen for breakfast. I then got to the stables to take care of the horses and the stables. When I get there, the place was a mess. I could not believe the horses produced that much manure in one night! Just Marcus glared at me and accused me of not doing my job. As he yelled and yelled, I just went about my duties. Verdict was the one who intervened on my behalf. As Just Marcus walked by his stall, Verdict pushed him directly into a pile of manure. Once my chores had been taken care of I returned to my room.
When I checked up on Sir Matthew, I overheard a conversation he was having with Sister Anna about the thieves guild, protection money and the need for the people to take care of it on their own. Sir Matthew disagreed and felt it was his duty to protect the people against such evil. Sister Anna even warned Sir Matthew not to interfere. At that point, I made noise and entered the room. Sister Anna promptly changed the conversation and gave Sir Matthew a clean bill of health before greeting me and leaving.
I then told Sir Matthew that Verdict was quite happy today. He was taken by surprise and decides to call for Sir Robert. When the second knight arrived, they asked me to repeat what I had seen in the stables, which I did. Sir Robert was quite concerned, he called for Just Marcus to be ready to go and in full gear. I then found out that if Just Marcus was not taking care of his knights horse, or if the horse harmed the squire in any way, it was the responsibility of the Knight to strike the killing blow. Despite this rule, no harm came to either Verdict or Just Marcus, seeing as no serious or lasting harm was done to either of them.
That afternoon, there was an official ceremony during which I was expected to hold up Sir Matthews shield. Elder Marcus showed me how to lean the heavy thing on a stick. He also shared with me his water and food. The basic rule was that we could do anything as long as it did not disturb the ceremony. Just Marcus was there too, but he refused to put the shield down. I wondered if it was due to the events of the morning, or if he needed to show he was more of a squire than both me and Elder Marcus.. As time passed, his arms began to fail him and he rested the foot of the shield on the ground.
From in between shields, I could observe Sir Matthew, and all the other knights, in full armor with swords held up and deep within their prayers. All I could think of was that I hoped the armor was in some way stiff enough to help them support their swords more easily. As I pondered the physics of their armor, I was caught off guard when Elder Marcus leapt to grabbed the shield out of a fainting Just Marcus and held it up while I pulled him up against the wall and splashed water on him.
After allowing Just Marcus to rest and drink, I went back to observing the ceremony. It soon came to an end without any other incident. The Knights then went to the stables for their horses and everyone else prepared to distribute baskets of food to the poorer families Tharda.
It was during this task that I discovered my family was receiving a basket, because the Peonian blessing had increased the money they were expected to give the thieves guild. From that they on, all I could hope for was to reduce the burden that I created for my family. My guilt was endless.
While I still planned and schemed to help my parents, we continued throughout the city. As we were distributing the food, we heard another soul tearing scream. As Elder Marcus instructed me when we are faced with danger, I whispered "face forward", which is something most people yell out when they are facing down a charging foe. The Knights and squires were slightly confused, simply because the command had come from the latest recruit and no potential foe was to be seen. Even thgough I could understand their hesitation, I remember feeling quite relieved when Sir Matthew came to my rescue by repeating my warning.
At that point the Knights came to a halt and joined together. Holding on to one another they began creating a vision which to this day comforts me through my darkest of nights and my loneliest fears. Their illusion was one of pure sunlight emanating from, through and around them. The illusion not only looked like the sun bursting from within us but it also sounded like sunshine on ones shoulder. As my senses were flooded by this light, everything else was being drowned out, yet never did I feel like I was being blinded. I suddenly had the sensation of being on a plain filled with light. It was within this vision of liquid light that the Knights were able to find the creature of pure blackness and, if not kill it, at least harm it. To this day I still dont know how they actually attacked it, I just know that they did.
As the sunlight illusion dimmed, the distribution of food became more of a celebration, a parade throughout the streets of the city. Women brought their babies to be blessed, musicians played and sang while a blind man asked to see the Light again. Matthew obliged him. This completely exhausted him, which is why Sister Anna instructed him to return to the church and to rest for day.
On our way back to the church, Sir Matthew and I still had a few baskets to deliver, but nothing that would weigh Sir Matthew down. Our last one was in a small alley, in which Bestier could not even fit. After we had delivered the food, a band of thieves tried to get Sir Matthews purse as well as mine. They even threatened to sell me as a slave. In his true nature, Sir Matthew challenged them to earn their money by coming forth and winning in battle against him. Intimidated by his confidence, none of the thieves came out. As a final challenge, Sir Matthew used his light illusion once more, turning a once dark alley into a bright and sunny area. As the light radiated from Sir Matthew, I remember noticing the light bouncing off his shield which I was holding. The thieves fled from the scene, despite not being outnumbered or facing a more powerful foe. With the fatigue he had been showing just a few minutes earlier, I was surprised that he could use his powers at all, it thus came to me as no surprise that he collapsed into my arms after the danger had gone.
It was all I could do to get him on top of Bestier and lead them both back to my new home. Despite his fatigue, Sir Matthew never let the crowd know of his state, he held himself as straight as board, and with Bestiers help remained that way till we arrived at the stables, sweaty and tired.
Once I had removed Sir Matthews armor and padding, Cook and I then proceeded in washing him and getting him tucked into bed for a well deserved sleep. I still remember his last words before sleep took over, "Tend Bestier, wash the armor and padding."
Needless to say, I did a lot of washing, scrubbing and polishing that day. To Bestiers delight, I even washed him. As I was finishing up with Bestier, those that had gone into town had finally returned. I offered to tend to the horses but my offer was turned down. Once I was all done with Bestier, I headed for the kitchen where I hoped to receive a slice of bread and some sib. However, as soon as I was in Cooks vicinity I was ordered to go and wash myself and my clothes. As I was relaxing and drying myself in the last remaining rays of the sun, Cook brought out some dry clothes for me to wear while I wait for mine to dry. She then insisted that I have some stew until I thought I would burst. I soon became sleepy and let myself be herded off to bed.
The next morning, I woke up to a burning sensation on my arm. Sir Matthew was still sleeping, so I headed to the kitchen for the morning meal. I figured the sunburn came from Sir Matthews attack upon the thieves in the alley, when he radiated light, my arm remained unprotected. Sir John was in the kitchen and provided some liniment for my arm, which he was kind enough to apply on my arm. He then mentioned that the sun helped heal injuries caused by Larani.
After taking another look at me Sir John offered to spar with me, if I felt up to the challenge, which I did. I remember my arm bothering me somewhat, but I was enjoying myself too much to stop for a simple sunburn.
Afterwards, I headed for the stables, where Elder Marcus was. All the horses had been thoroughly cleaned and lacquered. Just Marcus had done most of the work after a stern warning from Sir Robert, which, I found out, was none too gentle. The next few days fell into a comfortable routine of sparring, horse tending and general help around the Temple. Through even the worst of it I could not help think that I had the coolest job in Tharda.
One morning I awoke late, Sir Matthew no longer in our room and the sib was only lukewarm. I frantically dressed and began searching for him through out the Temple, the kitchens and the stables. It was when I finally reach the sparring ground that I found him with the other Knight. They are all leaning over a parchment. Sir Matthew tried to explain that it was a map which represented the city. As he described things to me, it became quite clear that I knew neither how to read nor write, something Sir Matthew wanted to correct as soon as possible.
Soon their discussion resumed. It was centered around the screaming rabbits as people had begun calling them. The Knight were laying out a plan to ambush the creature. Sir Matthew laid out stones on the map. Their shape evoked the picture of a hand for me. The stones represented the known areas where the creature had attacked and the ambush would take place in the area of the missing thumb.
Sir Matthew invited me to join them in their plan, an offer a fourteen year old could never turn down. I was then outfitted in a quilted armor but I was given no weapon as they fear I will be unable to use it appropriately.
As we headed out to the designated area, Sir Robert seemed to write in the air, leaving signs that people avoided crossing. Instead they simply diverted their path to accommodate the wards. They were preparing the area to avoid as many casualties as possible. As we moved forward, I realize the knights are headed in various directions leaving only Sir Matthew and myself. It was this moment which he chose to inform me that we were selected as the creatures bait. Needless to say, I was not happy. This was far from the images I had of glorious and valiant battle in an open field, brandishing a sword and rescuing a damsel in distress.
When Sir Matthew and I arrived at an open area, a small piazza, he proceeded in creating a spell which would hide him in the noon sun, leaving me as the main visible bait for the creature. Needless to say, I was still not happy.
Well before I could express some kind of hesitation concerning this plan, the creature yelled out its hunger. My entire body shook with fear, I felt as though the wind could topple me over. Despite the fact that I knew the others were hidden close by watching and waiting, despite my complete trust of Sir Matthew, I have never felt so all alone standing there waiting to stare a fate worse than death square in the jaw. I was riveted to the spot in which I stood and all I could do was wait
Before I could actually stare at this evil creature, I could hear it being chased by the Knights on their horses, their hooves pounding on the dirt road creating a rumble not unlike an earthquake. As the creature appeared in the piazza where I was, my first reaction was to take a step back but I came up against Bestier who helped me stay where I was. If it were not for both Sir Matthew and Bestier, I could not write the rest of this tale today.
The beast came charging at me, seeing me as a defenseless meal. As its claws extended towards me, reaching for me, a silver arc came out of the sky. It was Sir Matthews sword which was able to reach over me to defend me from breathing my last breath. The flashes seemed to attack the beast at every movement it initiated. But then something rose from the creature, it was akin to a black smog or a filthy cloud drifting effortlessly towards the sewer grate. I remember feeling as though I would scream for none of the Knights seemed to notice it, they were still concentrating their efforts on the body, letting the essence of the evil escape. Nothing I could do would make the Knights notice the new turn of events, so I did the only thing I could do, which was prevent that living filth from escaping. Without more thought to this plan, I leapt onto the sewer grate, blocking the creatures only means of escape. As the creature oozed over me, I let out a scream while my entire body felt like it was being frozen. Bestier was the first to come to my rescue. He was able to pull the creature from around me and he whipped it around where the Knights could finally take care of it.
As I got up from the sewer grate I looked as Sir Matthew and he seemed to wear a silver helmet and cape, but when I looked again they were gone. The world soon began to sway and swirl until I simply passed out.
The next two days are pass in a blur of dreams and fantasies. I once vaguely became aware of being in Sir Matthews bed and with an effort becoming a minor deity I crawled into my own cot. It was there that Sir Matthew found me and hastily returned me to his bed, muttering that Sister Anna would be cross with him to find me in my own bed, when his was available.
Finally, I wake up enough to sit up and I see Sir Matthew at the foot of his own bed watching over me and telling me that Sister Anna will soon arrive with a tray bearing too much food for one single person. It was only once the food arrived that I realized how famished I really was. The next few days were passed in the dull routine of resting according to the strict orders of Sister Anna. When I finally convinced her to let me out of bed I headed for the stables where Bestier and the other horses greeted me.
I remember walking around the temple with an unusual sense of belonging. The squires and Knights all acknowledged my presence. I distinctly remember feeling like I was one of the boys now
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