RitzenRitzen Overview, Ritzen Village, Ritzen Outpost, Raven in Ritzen, Howling in the Darkness

The outpost is a collection of three buildings surrounded by an 8' tall square stone wall. The outpost sits atop a 6' mound of hard packed earth. Atop the wall is a wooden palisade, with manchions to protect those on duty. Beyond the walls are two ditches (one 8' out from the wall, the next 10' out from the wall.) Each ditch is 8' deep, and covered with well cropped sod.
The road leads directly to the double - iron bound doors of the Outpost. The doors are 10' tall, And are capped by a stone archway that connects to the wall. The road cuts directly through both ditches, going over a loosely connected set of rope bridges. The two bridges can be destroyed by well placed fire-arrows - to cut the main rope which keeps the bridges taught.

Currently David (#1) is planting 8' wooden spikes (2' deep) in the center of the nearest ditch. He should be done sometime in late 721TR. The wood is from a pile kept near David's house of the timbers that once made up the outer wall of the Outpost.

  1. The Stables
    Size 13 Quality ****
    Structure Wood Condition Excellent
    Prices Average Roof Shingle
    Acres n/a Rent 0
    Status Bonded Ostler Family 1
    License 150 Fees 25
    Labour 150 Surplus 50

    This building holds 4 horses and 8 donkeys as well as a cart. Ritthar, the Master Ostler, has several helpers throughout the 10day. He pays each one with a free meal from the Legion kitchens and a ½ d. He insists that all tack be hung to dry in the tack room, and appear sparkling clean. All the horses are groomed and exercised regularly. Grass Hay is stored in the loft above, and forked down into the stalls as needed. Four bins in the east side of the building hold Oats, Barley and apples. Buckets, pitchforks and shovels are kept in the tack room beside the bins. There are overhead racks for 8 saddles and bridles above the tack room.Ritthar sleeps in a spare stall that has been converted into a small bedroom. His “door” is an old piece of muslin that hangs shakily from a beam installed at about the 7' level. Inside his room is a bed, a stool and a small writing table. A brazier often sits atop the table along with a lantern, and a few pieces of paper.

  2. The Mash House
    Size 4 Quality ***
    Structure Wood Condition Excellent
    Prices Average Roof Shingle
    Acres 0 Rent 0
    Status Bonded Family 2
    License 145 Fees 25
    Labour 150 Surplus 50

    The mash house holds the kitchen, brewing facilitates and a dinning area for 25-30 people. Maliktha and Johnus live in small rooms in the second level above the dining area.Maliktha assures there are three hot meals each day for up to 40 people. Extra food is shared amongst the other workers, and some of the families of Ritzen.Johnus has to give each man 1pt small ale and ½pint strong ale each day. His barrels and casks are hidden down in the basement. He brings only small barrels up from the cellar as needed. Upstairs, in the half floor - are four pallets. Each one is surrounded by a curtain for privacy. There are two small stools near the larger beds - upon which sit candles. Trunks against the far wall contain all of Maliktha's and Johnus's belongings. The two extra pallets are often used by locals when weather is bad, or they have to stay late cleaning.The Outpost's well is directly in front of the Mash house.

  3. Quarters
    Size 10 Quality ***
    Structure Wood Condition Excellent
    Prices n/a Roof Shingle
    Acres 0 Rent 0
    Status Bonded Family 2
    License 145 Fees 25
    Labour 150 Surplus 50

    The Quarters take up most of the room in the Outpost. There are 4 rooms of five beds. These each house the tenaci (4 soldiers 1 officer). Each bed has a chest at its foot. The room also contains an armor closet and a storage area - in which each soldier has two shelves and room for an additional, lockable trunk.There are 2 rooms of eight beds. These each house the Auxilliari (7 soldiers, 1 officer). Each bed has a chest at its foot. There is a storage room off each of these rooms to hold the arms, armor, and equipment of the men sleeping in the room.

    One private room is kept empty, and ready for guests. The other is used by Algilir. His squires sleep on pallets on the floor either in his room, or in his office next door. The private room contains a double bed and a brazier on a low table. The floor is covered by a woven carpet. He has a stand for his armor and weapons, and a lockable trunk at the foot of his bed. The office, like his room, is spartan - containing only a desk and a chair. Behind the desk is the legion flag for Gerium. The squires pallets can be moved easily from one room to the other. Their trunks are not lockable, and are stored in the office.

    Note: If you are using Jonathan M. Davidson's Alternate army rules - the rankings of each soldier is given in ( ). If you are not, please ignore the items in ( ). In the Alternate army - a maniple resides at Ritzen comprised of 2 tenaci, and one Comparts of either archers or skirmishers, depending on the season.

    There is a 75% chance that all Milities Linari, Fabrica, and Primi are freedmen. There is a 95% chance that all Milities Auxilliari are freedmen. The Compartes (c.) and Manus Legatus are all citizens. Only Algilir and his squires are equestrian. In my legion, 1/4 of all forces are female. YCMD (Your Campaign May Differ.)


Names with a # reference beside them refer to a building in the Village Map.
Abbr Titles in the Alternate Army Titles in the
Hârnic Army
ML Milities Lianri Reservist Soldier
mf Milities Fabirca Reservist Soldier/Engineer-Sapper
maa Milities Auxiliari - Archer Militia -Archer
mas Milities Auxiliari - Skirmisher Militia - Skirmisher
c. Compartes Militia Leader
mp Milities Primus Reservist Leader
le Manus Legatus Officer Clerk
p Milities Primus Reservist leader
le Manus Legatus Officer/Clerk
mes Milities Linari - Messenger Soldier-Messenger

Introduction: Rizen (Overview) | Village | Legionnaires
Adventures: Raven in Ritzen | Howling at the Darkness

T77: [Ritzen] [A Raven in Ritzen]

This page was last updated on August 28, 2002
Questions/Comments should be directed to the Webmaster.
All works are Copyright their respective authors, 2002.