Introduction: Rizen (Overview) | Village | Legionnaires
Adventures: Raven in Ritzen | Howling at the Darkness

  1. Woodcrafter - David & Moria of Corset
  2. Salter - Tobias
  3. Peonian Shrine - Orilis
  4. Yeoman/Huntsman - Jack & Thelia of Fobin
  5. Farmer - Cyzor Devern
  6. Farmer - Mindrithar & Andis Devern
  7. Miller - Willom Cosele
  8. Metalsmith - Dysen Smenther & his wife Aebor
  9. Farmer  - Mejenes & Keryne Lumary
  10. Farmer - Narik & Vorakal Soavel
  11. Timberwright - Madib & Yigal Aethen
  12. Farmer  - Lounda & Parsevil Arkovel
  13. Farmer  - Olver & Shekedis Cadrune
  14. Farmer - Sorabain & Revekka Tharagor
  15. Farmer - Masane & Keliran Rylin
  16. Farmer - Crolan & Khael Kosawhyn
  17. Farmer - Urfin & Oshon Markaz
  1. Woodcrafter - David & Moria of Corset
    Size 4 Quality ****
    Structure Wood Condition Average
    Prices Average Roof Shingle
    Acres 3 Rent 20d/a
    Status Average Cottar Family 2+2.5
    License 0 Fees 50
    Labour 70 Surplus 200
  2. David is a slave to the legion. He has either helped build, or built himself the majority of the wood constructions and furniture at the Outpost. Neither David, nor his family, may leave the Outpost without Algilir of Wytel's permission. His contract specifies that, in return for a life time of dedicated service, the legion will free his children and bond them for 1000d or 25 years of service each. David is desperately trying to save the money so he can buy his children's bonds before they reach the age of 16. Because of all the extra work he's been doing this season, he's not been able to meet his obligations to the legion. Algilir has forgiven him his labor owed for the year 720, but he still must pay his yearly rent. Moria swore an oath before Algilir early in the spring of 720 that next year David would meet all his obligations. His two girls (Marlie 12, and Suzan 10) and his wife, Moria, currently take in laundry and do sewing for the legionnaires.

  3. Salter - Tobias
    Size 7 Quality ****
    Structure Wood Condition Average
    Prices Average Roof Thatch
    Acres 20 Rent 55
    Status Wealthy 1/2 Villain Family 1+6
    License 40 Fees 50
    Labour 140 Surplus 100

    Tobias is a skilled salter who, in return for 25 years of service to the legion was granted a small portion of land in Ritzen where he still controls the legion's portioning of salt. Instead of a living wage - Tobias is paid a portion of salt which he may sell for profit. His wife Elba, died 4 years ago of fever. He has 6 children, all of which serve as bonded slaves to the legion. Their freedom price is 2200d each, or 25 years of service. Tobias is not as concerned as David for his children's freedom. He feels his children will receive good careers through the legion. Horahnam (M: 17) and Kainel (M:15), work in the legion's kitchens. Aeb (F:13) and Madib (M:13) (twins) work in the stalls with the master Ostler, Ritthar. Paserak (F:10) and Soltis (F:8) act as general laborers for the Outpost. All the children spend their free days working their father's 20 acres of land.

  4. Peonian Shrine - Orilis
    Size 3 Quality n/a
    Structure Wood Condition Excellent
    Prices n/a Roof Thatch
    Acres 30 Rent 60
    Status Average Villain Family 1
    License 60 Fees 60
    Labour 180 Surplus 100

    Orilis was born a slave, but his natural affinity and incredible memory brought him to the attention of the Peonian church. His freedom was purchased by an unknown beneficiary. He was welcomed into the Peonian church at the age of 16. He helps the legionnaires and villagers alike, acting as both physician, herbalist and baker to the village. Currently what coins he does collect for his baking goes to David, especially now that Moria is pregnant with their third child. Most of Orilis's land is farmed by the locals as part of their tithe to the Peonian church. Orilis is not a farmer. Try as he might, he can never quite get the trick down of taking care of his lands. This year his crops were blighted, and returned only ½ their possible yield. Services are held at the shrine once each 10day. Peonian holy days and festivals are also observed.

  5. Yeoman/Huntsman - Jack & Thelia of Fobin
    Size 6 Quality ****
    Structure Wood Condition Average
    Prices High Roof Shingle
    Acres 113 Rent 58
    Status Yeoman Family 2+4
    License 300 Fees 300
    Labour 158 Surplus 200

    Jack of Fobin is a legionnaire trained huntsman. He hunts and traps over half the meat requirements for the settlements and makes a fine profit adding to the legionnaire's common fare. He serves 3 months with the Ritzen legion (90 of his 158 days of labor) in the summer of every year. He pays heavy fees for the right to trap and hunt for the legion in the surrounding lands. Jacks wife, Thelia, is a quiet woman well versed in the arts of tanning. She and her four young children, Methor (M), Mika (F), Shelu (M) and Mela (F) (ages 2, 3, 5 and 7 respectively) live quietly next door to Orilis. Thelia leaves the children in Orilis's care for a few days each year before the trip to Imrum - so she can finish preparing her husband's hides the hides. Jack & Thelia had a good year in 720, they hired David and Tobias's sons to help manage their lands. Jack is debating the benefit of trading in some acreage for a reduction on his fees in the coming year. Algilir has yet to decide on the matter.

  6. Farmer - Cyzor Devern
    Size 3 LS 4 goats (3 ewes, 1 ram) 2 pigs, 8 chickens, 2 cats
    Structure Wood Condition Average
    Prices Average Roof Shingle
    Acres 20 Rent 62
    Status Freehold Farmer Family 1
    License n/a Fees 0
    Labour 15 Surplus 250

    Cyzor (called Devern in town to avoid confusion) is a 22 year old farmer who inherited the land from his uncle some four years ago. He was to be married last year, but the right was denied because he could not afford the fees. His rent has been increased by 30d this year, so that he can acquire an additional 5 acres of uncleared land. If he can plant and reap a full crop from his 10 acres, the additional harvest may just be enough for him to earn the 200d he needs to bring his bride into his tenantship. Taris, his betrothed, is from a nearby village. He visits her once a 10day.Cyzor serves in the Ritzen legion as a Milities Linari (reservist militia) in the summer of each year.

  7. Farmer - Mindrithar & Andis Devern
    Size 8 LS 2 ewes, 2 chickens, 1 cat
    Structure Wood Condition Average
    Prices n/a Roof Thatch
    Acres 8 Rent 18
    Status Freehold Farmer Family 2
    License n/a Fees 0
    Labour 73 Surplus 200

    Mindrithar and Andis Devern are Cyzor's (#5) parents. When Cyzor turned 16, his father gifted him with 5 acres of his own. Often Cyzor eats meals with his parents. As their only child, Cyzor will inherit Mindrithar's lands after his death. All the Deverns are in excellent health.Mindrithar is a Milities Linari, and severs in the fall of each year. Andis had four other children, 3 died to disease and the fourth was killed while serving in the legion.

  8. Miller - Willom Cosele
    Size 4 Quality ****
    Structure Wood Condition Average
    Prices Low Roof Shingle
    Acres 27 Rent 100
    Status Miller Family 1
    License 160 Fees 107
    Labour 107 Surplus 150

    It has been a very hard year for Willom. He's been working with Dysen and Obyne (from #8) to try and get the crop of 719 planted, and then later pulled in; but it was struck by pestilence and blight. Then Willom's mill wheel cracked on the 14 of Morgat, 719. This horrible omen was followed quickly by the death of his old donkey. Algilir agreed that the gods had not favored him last year. With the help of the legionnaires in the area they surprised Willom with a new miller's wheel a month later. One of the donkeys in the Outpost gave birth to twins, and so now the mother is running the wheel until her daughters are old enough to manage on their own.

  9. Metalsmith - Dysen Smenther & his wife Aebor
    Size 8 Quality ****
    Structure Stone & Wood Condition Excellent
    Prices Average Roof Shingle
    Acres 3 Rent 11
    Status Bonded Family 2+6
    License 0 Fees 0
    Labour 46 Surplus 0

    Dysen and Aebor died this year while returning from Geishtei. Their six children Klodel (M:4), Obyne (M:6), Dysen (M: 7), Bashar (F:10), Tharain (M:12) and Cyzor (F:14) are now all wards of the legion. Their license and fees for the shop have been removed. In the fall a journeyman Metalsmith (and a retiring legionnaire) will take over the property. Cyzor and Tharain have agreed to Algilir 's idea that this journeyman Metalsmith be promoted to master. That way he could finish teaching Tharain the craft. Tharain will inherit the property at the age of 16. He will inherit the position of Metalsmith only after his master agrees he is ready. In return for the deal, Cyzor is receiving a dowry of 200d. The children fulfill their labor requirement to the legion by helping during the harvest and working in the fields. Klodel and Bashar are both already proclaiming (to anyone who will stand still long enough) that they are going to be great legionnaires like Algilir. Wanita, a slave from Algilir 's household, is staying with the Smenther household until Tharain is 16.

  10. Farmer  - Mejenes & Keryne Lumary
    Size 3 LS 18 chickens, 1 cat
    Structure Wood Condition Average
    Prices n/a Roof Thatch
    Acres 1 Rent 0
    Status Freehold Farmer Family 1
    License n/a Fees 0
    Labour 0 Surplus 0

    The Lumarys died in the winter of 719 from some strange disease that Orilis has yet to decipher. He suspects it was caused by either foul vapors from spoiled food. They had no children, and thus their land, and home, are back in the legion's care. The house will be burned in the early spring of 720 TR and the land awarded to either Dysen Smenther or Narik Soavel (the Lumary's neighbors.) The chickens and cat have moved permanently into the Outpost. While the chickens have settled quietly down into their new home, the cat had been nothing but trouble. The cooks swear if they find the cat in the kitchen again there will be a new meat on the menu!

  11. Farmer - Narik & Vorakal Soavel
    Size 3 LS 5 chickens, 4 ewes, 1 cat
    Structure Wood Condition Average
    Prices n/a Roof Thatch
    Acres 8 Rent 24
    Status Freehold Farmer Family 2+6
    License n/a Fees 50
    Labour 19 Surplus 200

    Narik and Vorakal have six children. Merwas (F:2), Nolarn (M:4), Zuanna (F:5), Horahnam (M:6), Umen (M:10), and Hala (F:12). Narik is working to get Umen betrothed to Tharain (#8) in the year 720. His oldest daughter has a dowry of 150d, 2 chickens and 1 ewe. The cat and Vorakal refuse to be separated. Narik serves in the legion in the spring as a Milities Auxilliari Archer, and Vorakal serves in the Autumn as a Milities Linari. They take turns managing their children and their land. The year 719 was so good they have petitioned Algilir for an additional 5 acres of land. Algilir has promised them 3 cleared acres, and a dowry of 2 uncleared acres for Umen instead. They have yet to accept the offer, but must return a reply before the first of Ilvin.

  12. Timberwright - Madib & Yigal Aethen
    Size 5 Quailty ***
    Structure Wood Condition Excellent
    Prices Average Roof Thatch
    Acres 1 Rent 30
    Status Freehold Farmer Family 2+4
    License 0 Fees 0
    Labour 7 Surplus 250

    Madib is a bonded Timberwright. He works with David to find the needed wood. His wife, Yigal, is a Fletcher, who sells her arrows to both Jack (#4) and the legionnaires. They have four children - Crolan (F:8), Alorand (F:10), Hundarl (F:12), and Basran (F:16). Madib is trying to arrange the marriage of Basran to Farmer Devern's oldest - but so far the arrangements have not gone well. His seven days of labor yearly are spent picking out the tress, and the methods, the legion should use to clear the land around the Outpost each summer.Madib is a large, silent man who gets along perfectly with David. Madib would do anything for David. He and his wife are secretly storing their extra coins to present to David at the end of the year. So far they have managed to amass 182d.

  13. Farmer  - Lounda & Parsevil Arkovel
    Size 4 LS 4 chickens, 2 ewes, 2 dogs
    Structure Wood Condition Average
    Prices n/a Roof Thatch
    Acres 6 Rent 20
    Status Freehold Farmer Family 2+2
    License n/a Fees 0
    Labour 79 Surplus 180

    Lounda and Parsevil are new settlers in Ritzen. They moved into their land in 718; and are finally beginning to reap the rewards from their newly cleared land. In the year 720 they should have all 6 of their acres cleared and planted. They came from a village to the south that had been burned to the ground by bandits. With the landowner not willing to rebuild they were forced to find tenure elsewhere. Their previous Lord paid them well for their losses, but they miss their previous home by the river.Frant (M:8) and Jethris (M:5) are both trying to be betrothed to Crolan (#11) and Zuanna (#10) respectively. This childhood romance has yet to be officiated by either set of parents, but it's beginning to look like a good thing. Parsevil is a hard worker, who's performed wonders with his lands. Good money says that he'll increase his lands quickly over the years and have more than enough land to give to each of his boys.The dogs are not well liked by the various cats in the neighborhood, but Frant has managed to train them to help herd the goats. Since they earn their keep with Frant and the other children, tending the goats - no parent has yet complained.

  14. Farmer  - Olver & Shekedis Cadrune
    Size 3 LS 2 chickens, 1 rooster
    Structure Wood Condition Average
    Prices n/a Roof Thatch
    Acres 7 Rent 45
    Status Freehold Farmer Family 2+1/2
    License n/a Fees 0
    Labour 11 Surplus 200

    Olver and Shekedis will have their first child in the spring of 720. They were married just last autumn. Olver serves in the Ritzen legion every winter as a Milities Linari. Shekedis serves each summer, but has been exempted from service in the year 720. Their land is new and still requires clearing before it can be fully planted. Their rooster, a wedding gift from Lounda & Parsevil Arkovel (#12) is the local wake-up call. He sounds each morning about ½ a mark before dawn.

  15. Farmer - Sorabain & Revekka Tharagor
    Size 2 LS 2 ewes
    Structure Wood Condition Average
    Prices n/a Roof Thatch
    Acres 9 Rent 55
    Status Freehold Farmer Family 2+8
    License n/a Fees 0
    Labour 14 Surplus 200

    Sorabain and Revekka have 8 children: Harth (M:15), Nobis (F:10), Mokryne (M: 9), Uro (F: 5), Jalien (M: 5), Urbain (M: 3), Randai (F:3), and Madib (M:2). Sorabain and Revekka are hard working farmers. Occasionally they sell their labor to Jack of Fobin (#4) to help with his fields. Sorabin serves each winter in the legion as a Milities Linari. Revekka takes in sewing and laundry from the legionnaires. Currently she gives ½ of her coins to David (#1) to help him buy off his children's bonds.

  16. Farmer - Masane & Keliran Rylin
    Size 4 LS 2 ewes, 1 ram
    Structure Wood Condition Average
    Prices Average Roof Thatch
    Acres 5 Rent 81
    Status Freehold Farmer Family 2+2
    License n/a Fees 0
    Labour 20 Surplus 200

    Masane and Keliran have two children, Kirion (F:7) and Cyillor (M:2).The Rylins once owned over 50 acres of land, but tragedy has regularly struck this tennantship. Masane broke his leg last fall and now cannot even serve his time in the legion. His wife Keliran will have to work hard to get their five acres of land ploughed and ready for planting all by herself. They do not have enough money to hire labor, and are ashamed to ask for help.Masane and Keliran are both thankful that their ill luck has never yet struck their children. Only Orilis knows of their plight and he has been sworn to secrecy.

  17. Farmer - Crolan & Khael Kosawhyn
    Size 2 LS 8 ewes, 10 chickens
    Structure Wood Condition Average
    Prices n/a Roof Thatch
    Acres 20 Rent 83
    Status Freehold Farmer Family 3
    License n/a Fees 0
    Labour 16 Surplus 200

    Crolan and Khael live with Khael's mother Mistir. Their tiny plot grows just enough to feed them. Mistir is in her last years (62), and expects to die in the coming year. Khael is a full time nursemaid to her mother. Crolan spends as much time out of the house as he can - trying to gain enough money to keep his mother-in-law comfortable. Rumor has it that Mistir hates Crolan and is making Khael's life horrible because of it. Crolan serves in the legion each summer as a Milities Auxilliari - Archer.

  18. Farmer - Urfin & Oshon Markaz
    Size 3 LS 2 ewes,  2 chickens
    Structure Wood Condition Average
    Prices n/a Roof Thatch
    Acres 8 Rent 60
    Status Freehold Farmer Family 4
    License n/a Fees 0
    Labour 15 Surplus 200
  19. Urfin and Oshon Markaz are twins. They live in the same house with their parents, Melthra and Kevek (45 and 52 respectively.) Oshorn works in the legion each spring, and Urfin works in the legion each summer ; both are Milities Auxilliari - Archers. Melthra is bed ridden, but Kevek can be seen out in a chair near the front of the house each warm, sunny day. Both boys are large and strong; but very gentle with their parents. The last time someone called Oshorn a "Mommy's boy” Algilir nearly had to prosecute Oshorn for murder. Urfin is only slightly less emotional. Urfin is currently courting Barasan(#11), while Oshorn is courting Cyzor (#8). They have very little money - and have both petitioned Algilir for separate tennantship. Algilir has not yet ruled on their requests. Most likely Urfin will get his land grant just east of his parents place - and get 3 acres as a wedding gift. Oshon may have to wait until Cyzor is 16.

    Introduction: Rizen (Overview) | Village | Legionnaires
    Adventures: Raven in Ritzen | Howling at the Darkness

This page was last updated on August 28, 2002
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All works are Copyright their respective authors, 2002.